Wuune Belgium

Wuune Belgium

Wuune is a self-organized union in Brussels, Belgium that operates completely independently from public authorities. The organization ensures members are represented in all decision-making areas, making the union truly belong to its members. At the core of Wuune’s structure is its sovereign members’ assembly, which determines action priorities, campaign strategies, and operating methods. The assembly also appoints representatives for roles essential to the union’s functioning. Wuune’s operational approach evolves with the union and adapts to its changing needs.

The union draws inspiration from “Community Organizing” principles, which involve engaging with neighborhood residents through door-to-door outreach or maintaining a presence in public spaces. This approach helps form groups and lead action campaigns at local scales, which can then expand to regional, federal, European, or even global levels.

Email: wuune@nubo.coop

  • Affordable housing
  • Tenant rights
  • Housing quality and standards
  • Anti-eviction advocacy
  • Community organizing
  • 20% rent increases every decade for 40 years
  • Housing costs consuming 40% of household income
  • Healthcare postponement due to financial constraints
  • 40% of Brussels children living in unsanitary housing
  • Daily eviction decisions affecting 11 tenant households
  • Door-to-door community organizing
  • Local action campaigns
  • Direct tenant support
  • Field surveys and research
  • Public demonstrations and advocacy

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