Solidarjetà Malta

Solidarjetà Malta

Solidarjetà is a Maltese non-partisan Trade and Tenant union dedicated to ending worker exploitation by organizing and uniting all workers regardless of gender, race, ethnic origin, religion, class, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, disability, or caring responsibilities. The organization envisions a society with a strong political voice for working people, influencing political agendas at all levels, and creating a more equal distribution of wealth through progressive taxation and regulations. Solidarjetà advocates for a collective society where public services are provided based on public need rather than private profit, with fair welfare systems supporting those in need, public ownership of economic activity, and decent, affordable living conditions for all.

The union aims to fight for higher wages, shorter hours, improved working conditions, and workplace control for its members. It promotes and safeguards members’ economic interests, assists with employment, and educates workers about trade union principles. Solidarjetà works to unite and empower workers for social and economic justice, advance civil liberties and rights, eliminate discrimination and racism to build working-class solidarity, and support legislation benefiting its members and workers generally.

Democracy is central to Solidarjetà’s organizational structure. Their campaigns are member-led with collectively developed strategies. The branches lead campaigns for better pay and working conditions. The union encourages people to get involved by becoming members, making donations, or volunteering their time.


WhatsApp: +35699810787

Phone: +35699810787

  • Workers’ rights
  • Fair housing
  • Economic justice
  • Anti-discrimination
  • Malta

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