ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now) is a membership organization of low-and-moderate income tenants, workers, residents. We are fighting for a better life for ourselves and our communities. We know that the economic and political set-up doesn’t work for people like us.
The idea is simple – a community organization that’s like a labor union. That means organizing people in our communities into members of an organization where we fight together for a better quality of life. We don’t wait and hope that politicians, charities, or companies will make things better for us.
ACORN uses direct action to defend and improve our communities and neighborhoods. We use direct action to fight back against the structures and economic policies that use us to make a few people rich at our expense. And our approach works.
New affiliates are starting in countries around the world. Over the past 50+ years, ACORN has also formed sister organizations, including: the labor union United Labor Unions, Social Policy magazine, and a network of radio stations.
Our Vision: A society built, led, and organized by and for the people.
Our Mission: To organize a mass member-led working-class organization that fights to build power and win.
Learn more about our recent wins, organizing model, values, and history.