Swindon ACORN continue fight for Oasis virtually with a day of Twitter action

From Swindon Advertiser:

Campaigners have held a virtual day of action to express their desire to save the Oasis and bring it back into public ownership.

The Swindon branch of the community union ACORN has held the latest in a series of public events online last Saturday.

Photos of supporters with ‘Save the Oasis’ signs were tweeted to Swindon Borough Council, Seven Capital and members of the Oasis Task Force.

Member Jon Timbrell said: “It would be an absolute tragedy to lose the Oasis and that’s why we’re going to do everything we can to keep it.https://56e910633adaa60ea8b3e2d18018ff2f.safeframe.googlesyndication.com/safeframe/1-0-37/html/container.html

“ACORN is not here to just protest or signal our discontent that it’s closing down. We’re here to fight to keep it open.

“We’re serious about keeping it open and about organising a community to win this fight,” he added.
