Report from Bangalore December 2011

Weekly meetings at lingarajapuram, Mahadevapura and Ambedkar Nagar were held.

In Hebbal 6 meetings were held. The street vendors met the local Police Inspector to urge him to look in to the police constables harassing them for Haftha. The vendors got registered as Akhila Karnataka raithara mathu vyaparigala sahnga – Hebbal. The vendors also decided that they will contribute money to open a office in Hebbal. It was also decided that there will be some demonstration to urge the government to implement the National Hawkers policy.

In Yelahanka New town I had 1 meeting with the traders in yelahanka New town traders association.

Two meeting with the shivajinagar vendors was held. The vendors discussed about pressurizing the government to implement the National Hawkers policy in the state.

In K.R. Puram 8 meetings was held. On 17th Dec, the vendors took a protest march from the market to the State BJP unit to submit a memorandum to Mr. K.S. Eshwarappa the BJP State president. The vendors wore the gunny bags (bags used to packaging the vegetables and food grains for the purpose of transportation) as the dress and participated in the march. The memorandum was submitted to Mr. Nirmal Kumar Surana, Vice president BJP State unit and Subbaniah, President BJP BBMP unit received the memorandum and assured to look into the issue and get back to us with in a weeks time. The vendors walked a distance of 30 KM from the market at 9.00 Am to reach the party office at around 2.00 PM. On 18th and 19th of Dec, we had a meeting at the Local MLA’s house which the MAL had called and assured the vendors that the market will not be demolished and the commercial complex will not be built. Along with this he convened a press meet and clarified the press about the action taken in response of the protest. The thashildar along with officials of the BBMP, and other officials were present. He also assured the vendors that the facilities at the market place like toilet, drinking water will be provided. In the following meetings it was decided that the vendors will protest to get the National Hawkers policy implemented at the earliest.

I had a meeting with the farmers and the vendors in Hoskote. Here also the discussion was on putting pressure on the government to implement the National hawker’s policy.


Photos from the BJP Protest December 17th, 2011







