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Pictures from Disaster Zone in Japan

The Japanese Workers Cooperative Union in Sendai. They are involved in the hard work of recovery from the disaster on March 11th, 2011.
Nagato Yuzo (President JWCU), Takako Tsuchiya (translator), Wade, Toru Fujita (JWCU Vice-preisdent), and Ken Yamazki (Japan Labor Institute)
Manager at a nearby cafe that is part of JWCU
Yoko, manager of recovery for JWCU from Sendai
recovery office in Sendai
These are the images from Ishinomaki, an area hit hard by the disaster.
Memorial for lives that were lost.
Paper mill at the edge of where the tsunami hit.
the high water mark
Japanese disaster numbering system
another memorial
more of the numbering system
Looks like the Lower 9th Ward in New Orleans after Katrina
a memorial for a child lost
debris and abandonment
Editor of the Ishinomaki paper
school water fountains twisted by tsunami and cemetery still standing
temporary housing for 100 families
more temporary housing
These are pictures from Onagawa, another area hard hit.
buildings still turned over on the beach
large temporary housing on a former baseball field
beach being cleared
overturned building
another view of the temporary housing
more of the housing
Meal Prepared by the Power of Gaga
Eating with the cooks.
Wade and Ken with the people from Power of Gaga.
Wade with Bihoro key leaders.
Maps of the big plans of big development plans of Worker Co-op Bihoro in Onagawa
Bihoro’s very efficient small office