Tag Archive : Updates from the Field

Justicitiz-ACORN Liberia: Unstoppable in Campaign Against Socfin Group for Civil Rights and Environmental Oversight

Justicitiz-ACORN Liberia continued their incredible campaign against palm oil and rubber giant Socfin Group, after forcing the corporation to fix a draining ditch that was flooding a village last year, and the demands of their open letter demanding increased civil rights and environmental oversight from Socfin Group’s shady activities. When the people stand together, we are unstoppable!

Riverains Ensemble: Championing Health and Truth Against Political Misinformation on Pesticides

The Riverains Ensemble continues to organize tirelessly for victims of pesticides near industrial farming operations. They are a major source of advocacy and information countering the misinformation campaign of politicians like Jordan Bordella, who claim to be on the side of the people, while actually attempting to relax regulations on pesticides, causing major health concerns for working people.

2024 is here and we are kicking it off with a fund raising campaign

2024 is shaping up to be ACORN International’s biggest year ever, but we need your support to make it happen. Chip in 5 or 10 bucks, pounds, or rupees to keep us fighting and winning.

Visit our Instagram: Acorn International Instagram

or Donate Here and watch our recap video

ACORN Canada: Organizing Works! Manor Village ACORN Tenant Union Wins Fight Against Renoviction!

A MASSIVE victory was won by ACORN members living in Manor Village, an affordable rental townhouse community in Nepean. After over two and a half years of tenant meetings, rallies, demonstrations, reports, press coverage, deputations, petitions, and lot’s of direct action, the Manor Village ACORN Tenants Union was able to force Smart Living Properties to withdraw their N13 evictions, allowing tenants to rightfully stay put within their affordable homes!

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ACORN Canada: ‘Rally for Herongate’ challenges local property development

Timbercreek (also called Hazelview), a well-known property developer in Ottawa, has applied for an Official Plan Amendment (OPA) with the city’s government, proposing to redevelop the Herongate area for the next 20 years.

That’s right: two-zero. As in, two decades of one company having free reign over an area’s development.

ACORN Ottawa sprang into action by submitting a list of tenant’s demands to city officials, which must include the following, among other demands, if the OPA is to be granted:

  • 25-35% affordable housing with an emphasis on DEEP affordability 
  • Affordable childcare space 
  • Local job hiring pre and post construction
  • Affordable retail space for small businesses
  • Continued maintenance of units and proactive inspections by the City 
  • Quarterly reports on progress presented to tenants and community organizations in the neighborhood

Local ACORN members followed this list of demands with a Rally for Herongate to push for affordable housing, no demovictions, and no displacement of the local community. Check out highlights from their action below:
