Category Archive : Updates from the Field

Cheers to The OnEstEnsemble Citizen Alliance Safe Water Victory

The OnEstEnsemble Citizen Alliance had an incredible win in January! After several years without easy access to safe drinking water, construction has begun to connect the residents of Douala to the drinking water network!

ACORN India and SOSVA are making a difference in Dharavi by educating and providing resources.

ACORN India and SOSVA continued their important program to provide education and resources about menstruation to teen girls in Dharavi. Since the program began, they have worked with over 600 adolescents, providing three months worth of free sanitary products.

Solidarity Wins! Living Rent Glasgow secures a major victory.

Living Rent Glasgow had a major victory when they successfully resisted an unjust eviction for a family who needed wheelchair access. When the city council issued an eviction notice, the family feared moving into a hotel or the streets. Living Rent sprang into action, and in partnership with the ASH Project, put pressure on the city council until the family was allowed to stay. When we stand together, we win!

A Community Voice in Action!

A Community Voice continued to organize local residents in the 9th Ward of New Orleans against construction of a massive new port that would displace and disrupt historically Black neighborhoods in the city. United Labor Unions Local 100 has a tentative agreement with ABM for janitors and groundskeepers at UNO and Inspire Charter Schools. If member decide to ratify the agreement, it will increase pay, improve working conditions, and provide transparency to workers!  

ACORN Manchester Celebrates ‘Boot the Bailiffs’ Victory and Spreads the Word on Organizing Power

ACORN Manchester capitalized on their major “Boot the Bailiffs” win by using it to spread the word about the power of organizing with  successful organizing campaign. ACORN Leeds continued their fight against Gloriavd HealthCare on behalf of immigrant workers.

Major Victory for ACORN Hamilton: First Ontario City to Restrict Renovictions

After five years of tireless organizing, ACORN Hamilton had a MAJOR win in January, when the city became the first in Ontario to pass a bylaw to restrict renoviction! ACORN Canada is keeping this incredible momentum going to pass similar legislation in Waterloo and London!

Agro-Industry Dwellers Unite:

When the French government suspended the Ecophyto plan to reduce the use of harmful chemicals in farming, The Alliance Citoyenne and the Riverains Ensemble union co-wrote a tribune signed by eight associations representing hundreds of agro-industry dwellers who are standing up to protect their health and the earth!

2024 is here and we are kicking it off with a fund raising campaign

2024 is shaping up to be ACORN International’s biggest year ever, but we need your support to make it happen. Chip in 5 or 10 bucks, pounds, or rupees to keep us fighting and winning.

Visit our Instagram: Acorn International Instagram

or Donate Here and watch our recap video

ACORN members rally outside City Hall for $40 million for Affordable Housing amid 2024 City Budget Vote!!

Today, December 6th, over 30 ACORN members braved the frigid cold and rallied outside city hall right before the 2024 Ottawa City Budget vote to demand a significant allocation of $40 million for affordable housing! Co-Chair of the Central Ottawa ACORN Chapter Pascal Kakule was a dynamic force at the forefront of this rally and advocated for the crucial need for city councillors to act now and increase the affordable housing fund in the city budget to finally create some meaningful impact on the lives of Ottawa tenants. Read more here!

Acorn Kenya Training Session

ACORN Kenya hosted a successful training session on the basics of community organizing for unions and NGOs at the Kariobangi Social Justice Center in Nairobi, and are planning the 2024 African Organizers Forum, slated for early next year. Members are also generating a report to ask the governor to include all the community schools in the urban settlement of Korogocho in their school food program, which would be a major win!
