ACORN Honduras ACORN Tegucigalpa: LAS PALMAS Children’s Dining Hall – A Commitment to Free School Snacks and Healthy Nutrition in Honduras August 1, 2023
ACORN France Alliance Citoyenne: Séverine and Other Tenants Find Support in their Fight against Negligent Landlords and Energy-Inefficient Housing
ACORN Canada ACORN Canada: Nationwide Actions Call on Federal Government to Promote Community-Owned Housing
ACORN Cameroon OnEstEnsemble, Cameroon: Community Collaboration Ensures Safe Replacement of Defective Electrical Infrastructure in Douala
Updates from the Field Alliance Citoyenne: Ignored by the Social Landlord, Grenoble Residents on Avenue de la Bruyère Take Action!
Updates from the Field ACORN Canada: Organizing Works! Manor Village ACORN Tenant Union Wins Fight Against Renoviction!
ACORN Cameroon OnEstEnsemble, Cameroon: Farmers from the SOSUCAM Plantations Pour Out Their Destroyed Crops in Protest at the Company’s Headquarters in Yaoundé