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People Building Better Cities: Participation and Inclusive Urbanization
People Building Better Cities: Participation and Inclusive Urbanization – is an exhibition and exchange platform for communities, urban professionals, universities, non-governmental organizations, and policy makers on the challenges of inclusive urbanization and climate change.
In Delhi, the exhibition will be shown in English and Hindi from October 4 – 18, 2013. The English exhibition will open at School of Planning & Architecture (SPA), with a panel discussion themed “Rethinking Urban Informality: Ideas for an Inclusive City”. The Hindi exhibition will be mobile and is being hosted in six different locations across Delhi by members of the Forum of Informal Urban Poor Workers (FIUPW) with community-led local programs at each venue.
October 4, Friday: EXHIBITION OPENING in English
School of Planning & ArchitectureSPA, New Committee Room, 4-Block-B, Indraprastha Estate, New Delhi
9:30-10:00 Doors open
10:00-10:30 Exhibition opening & interactive walkthrough
10:30-11:00 Tea Break
11:00-13:00 Panel Discussion with Q&A
‘People Building Better Cities: Rethinking Urban Informality – Ideas for an Inclusive City’
13:00 onwards Lunch and exhibition displayModerator
Prof. Chetan Vaidya, Director, SPAPanelists
Prof. Neelima Risbud, Head, Housing, SPA
Prof. Jagan Shah, Director, NIUA (TBC)
Mr. Manoj Rai, Director, PRIA
Mr. Dharmendra Kumar, Secretary, Janpahal (TBC)
Ms. Isabelle-Jasmin Roth, Managing Director, Avantgarde India (TBC)
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The Hindi exhibition will remain open from 11:00 to 17:00 at the dates and locations provided belowOctober 7, Monday and 8, Tuesday
Janpahal Shelter for Homeless with Janpahal and India FDI WatchDirections: Nehru Enclave-Akshardham Flyover, Shakarpur. Nearest metros – Akshardham, Laxmi Nagar and Yamuna Bank
Inquiries: Mr. Dharmendra Kumar, Secretary, Janpahal & Director, India FDI Watch , October 9, Wednesday and 10, Thursday
Baljeet Nagar with HAQ
Inquiries: Mr. Abdul Shakeel, Coordinator, HAQ, October 11, Friday and 12, Saturday
Seemapuri with All India Kabadi Mazdoor MahasanghOctober 14, Monday and 15, Tuesday
Rohini with All India Rickshaw Pullers AssociationOct 17, Thursday, and 18, Friday
B-5 Vasant Kunj with Jhuggi Jhopri Ekta Manch______________________________
______________________________ ______ ‘COMMUNITY ADDAS’
A series of themed chat sessions at each venue, with local stakeholders and community members will be held between 11:00 – 13:00, on the following dates. Refreshments will be arranged by the hosting community.October 8, Tuesday
‘Urban informality and the homeless’Chair
Mr. Dharmendra Kumar, Secretary, JanpahalKey Speakers
Dr. Amod Kumar, Chief Functionary, State appointed Mother NGO for Homeless
Ms. Ambika Pandit, Journalist, TNN (TBC)
Mr. H.S. Rawat, Co-Convener, Hawkers Joint Action Committee______________________________
______________________________ _______ EXHIBITION PARTNERS
Society for Participatory Research in Asia (PRIA)
National Institute for Urban Affairs
School of Planning & Architecture, Delhi
India FDI Watch
All India Kabadi Mazdoor Mahasangh
All India Rickshaw Pullers Association
Jhuggi Jhopri Ekta ManchHawkers Give Thanks
Hawkers thanking Ms. Girija Vyas, the Minister for Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation, Govt. of India for enacting central law to regulate and protect street vendors.
Hawkers at the Minister’s DoorHawkers thanking the Minister for Street VendorsStreet Vendors (Protection of Livelihood and Regulation of Street Vending) Bill, 2012 passed by Lok Sabha
The Lok Sabha today passed the Street Vendors (Protection of Livelihood and Regulation of Street Vending) Bill, 2012 . The Bill provides for protection of livelihoods rights, social security of street vendors, regulation of urban street vending in the country and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.
Moving the Bill for consideration and Passing in the house today, Dr. Girija Vyas, Minister of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation, said “Street vendors constitute an integral part of our urban economy. Street vending is not only a source of self-employment to the poor in cities and towns but also a means to provide ‘affordable’ as well as ‘convenient’ services to a majority of the urban population, especially the common man. Street vendors are often those who are unable to get regular jobs in the remunerative formal sector on account of their low level of education and skills. They try to solve their livelihoods issues through their own meagre financial resources and sweat equity.
Given the pace of urbanization and the opportunities presented through the development of urban areas, the growth of street vendors’ population is likely to have an upward trend. She said ” It is vital that these vendors are enabled to pursue their livelihoods in a congenial and harassment free atmosphere. Inclusive growth strategy adopted by the 11th and 12th Five Year Plans calls for a facilitating mechanism for street vending to aid economic growth and inclusion simultaneously.”
Main features of the Street Vendors (Protection of Livelihood and Regulation of Street Vending) Bill, 2012 are as follows:
The Provisions of the Bill are aimed at creating a conducive atmosphere where street vendors, are able to carry out their business in a fair and transparent manner, without the fear of harassment and eviction.
(i) The Bill provides for constitution of a Town Vending Authority in each Local Authority, which is the fulcrum of the Bill, for implementing the provisions of the Bill.
(ii) In order to ensure participatory decision making for aspects relating to street vending activities like determination of natural market, identification of vending zones, preparation of street vending plan, survey of street vendors etc. the TVC is required to have representation of officials and non-officials and street vendors, including women vendors with due representation from SC, ST, OBC, Minorities and persons with disabilities. It has been provided that 40% members of the TVC will be from amongst street vendors to be selected through election, of which one-third shall be women.
(iii) To avoid arbitrariness of authorities, the Bill provides for a survey of all existing street vendors, and subsequent survey at-least once in every five years, and issue of certificate of vending to all the street vendors identified in the survey, with preference to SC, ST, OBC, women, persons with disabilities, minorities etc.
(iv) All existing street vendors, identified in the survey, will be accommodated in the vending zones subject to a norm conforming to 2.5% of the population of the ward or zone or town or city.
(v) Where the number of street vendors identified are more than the holding capacity of the vending zone, the Town Vending Committee (TVC) is required to carry out a draw of lots for issuing the certificate of vending for that vending zone and the remaining persons will be accommodated in any adjoining vending zone to avoid relocation.
(vi) Those street vendors who have been issued a certificate of vending/license etc. before the commencement of this Act, they will be deemed to be a street vendor for that category and for the period for which he/she has been issued such certificate of vending/license.
(vii) It has been provided that no street vendor will be evicted until the survey has been completed and certificate of vending issued to the street vendors.
(viii) It has also been provided that in case a street vendor, to whom a certificate of vending is issued, dies or suffers from any permanent disability or is ill, one of his family member i.e. spouse or dependent child can vend in his place, till the validity of the certificate of vending.
(ix) Thus the mechanism is to provide universal coverage, by protecting the street vendors from harassment and promoting their livelihoods.
(x) Procedure for relocation, eviction and confiscation of goods has been specified and made street vendor friendly. It is proposed to provide for recommendation of the TVC, as a necessary condition for relocation being carried out by the local authority.
(xi) Relocation of street vendors should be exercised as a last resort. Accordingly, a set of principles to be followed for ‘relocation’ is proposed to be provided for in the second Schedule of the Bill, which states that (i) relocation should be avoided as far as possible, unless there is clear and urgent need for the land in question; (ii) affected vendors or their representatives shall be involved in planning and implementation of the rehabilitation project; (iii) affected vendors shall be relocated so as to improve their livelihoods and standards of living or at least to restore them, in real terms to pre-evicted levels (iv) natural markets where street vendors have conducted business for over fifty years shall be declared as heritage markets, and the street vendors in such markets shall not be relocated.
(xii) The Local authority is required to make out a plan once in every 5 years, on the recommendation of TVC, to promote a supportive environment and adequate space for urban street vendors to carry out their vocation. It specifically provides that declaration of no-vending zone shall be carried subject to the specified principles namely; any existing natural market, or an existing market as identified under the survey shall not be declared as a no-vending zone; declaration of no-vending zone shall be done in a manner which displaces the minimum percentage of street vendors; no zone will be declared as a no-vending zone till such time as the survey has not been carried out and the plan for street vending has not been formulated. Thus the Bill provides for enough safeguards to protect street vendors interests.
(xiii) The thrust of the Bill is on “natural market”, which has been defined under the Bill. The entire planning exercise has to ensure that the provision of space or area for street vending is reasonable and consistent with existing natural markets.Thus, natural locations where there is a constant congregation of buyers and sellers will be protected under the Bill.
(xiv) There is a provision for establishment of an independent dispute redressal mechanism under the chairmanship of retired judicial officers to maintain impartiality towards grievance redressal of street vendors.
(xv) The Bill provides for time period for release of seized goods, for both perishable and non-perishable goods. In case of non-perishable goods, the local authority is required to release the goods within two working days and incase of perishable goods, the goods shall be released the same day, of the claim being made.
(xvi) The Bill also provides for promotional measures to be undertaken by the Government, towards availability of credit, insurance and other welfare schemes of social security, capacity building programmes, research, education and training programme etc. for street vendors.
(xvii) Section 29 of the Bill provides for protection of street vendors from harassment by police and other authorities and provides for an overriding clause to ensure they carry on their business without the fear of harassment by the authorities under any other law.
(xviii) The Bill specifically provides that the Rules under the Bill have to be notified within one year of its commencement, and Scheme has to be notified within six months of its commencement to prevent delay in implementation.
The Bill is aimed at creating a conducive atmosphere for street vendors to do their business in dignity and is likely to help in giving livelihood protection to about 1 crore families.
Background :
Considering the significant contribution made by street vendors to the urban society, and to enable them to earn a decent livelihood through creation of conditions for decent work, without causing obstruction to the public and to reflect the spirit of the Constitution of India on the right of citizens to equal protection before the law as well as their right to practice any profession, occupation, trade or business, the Government of India revised the National Policy on Urban Street Vendors, 2004 and brought out the National Policy on Urban Street Vendors, 2009.
The revised Policy was circulated to all States/UTs for implementation after, the approval of the Union Cabinet on 23th February, 2009. The revised Policy underscored the need for a legislative framework to enable street vendors to pursue an honest living without harassment. Accordingly, a Model Street Vendors (Protection of Livelihood and Regulation of Street Vending) Bill, 2009 was prepared by the Government of India. The Model Bill was also approved by the Union Cabinet on 23th February 2009 and was circulated to all States for taking a cue while legislating on the subject.
The Ministry of Housing & Urban Poverty Alleviation has been receiving continuous representations from individual street vendors and their organizations to bring a central legislation, which would be applicable to all the states and UTs. Therefore, for giving a national recognition to the contribution of street vendors and to ensure uniformity in the legal framework for street vending across States, a Central law on street vending is considered essential.
Regional level consultations were organized on the subject of implementation of National Policy on Street Vendors and legislative framework for street vending in Patna on 4th-5th March, 2011, Mumbai on 24th September, 2011, and Delhi on 18.11.2011 which were attended by representatives from State Governments, Urban Local Bodies, NGOs, Civil Society, International Organizations, Experts, Members of Street Vendors Associations etc.
A National Consultation was also held in New Delhi on 23rd December 2011 to seek the views / comments of various stakeholders, including representatives of Street Vendors’ organizations and street vendors themselves on the salient features of the proposed legislation in order to evolve an effective and practical central law for the protection of livelihood rights and social security of street vendors. The suggestions and recommendations received covered a wide variety of measures relating to providing a conducive framework for street vending.
Accordingly, a new legislation namely ‘Street Vendors (Protection of Livelihood and Regulation of Street Vending) Bill, 2012’ was drafted under entries 20 (economic and social planning), 23 (social security and social insurance; employment and unemployment), and 24 (welfare of labour including conditions of work, provident funds, employers liability, workmen’s compensation, invalidity and old age pensions and maternity benefits) of List III of the Constitution. The Bill provides for protection of livelihoods rights, social security of street vendors, regulation of urban street vending in the country and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.
The draft Bill, was circulated to States/UTs on 29.02.2012 for comments. It was also discussed and deliberated during a National Consultation of Housing/Urban Development Ministers of States and UTs on the 28th of April, 2012, which was attended by 22 States, and received wide acceptance and support.
The Street Vendors (Protection of Livelihood and Regulation of Street Vending) Bill, 2012, as approved by the Cabinet in its meeting held on 17th August 2012, was introduced in the Lok Sabha on 6th September 2012.
The Bill was referred to the Standing Committee on Urban Development on the 10th September 2012. The said Standing Committee presented its 23rd Report on the Street Vendors (Protection of Livelihood and Regulation of Street Vending) Bill, 2012 to the Lok Sabha and laid on the table of Rajya Sabha on 13th March 2013.
The Standing Committee has made in all 26 recommendations. The recommendations made by the Standing Committee were considered by my Ministry and it was proposed to accept 17 recommendations fully, 3 recommendations in part or with modifications, and 6 recommendations are not proposed to be accepted.
(Release ID :99161)
Bill to Protect Street Vendors Introduced in Lok Sabha
NEW DELHI: A Bill to protect the rights of urban street vendors- including against harassment by the police and other authorities- as well as to regulate street vending activities was today moved for discussion and passage in the Lok Sabha.
Moving for discussion and passage the Street Vendors (Protection of Livelihood and Regulation of Street Vending) Bill, 2012, in the Lok Sabha, Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation Minister Girija Vyas said it seeks to protect the rights of urban street vendors from harassment by the police, municipal authorities and others.
The Bill, which has already been cleared by the Standing Committee, is also aimed at regulating street vending activities.
“At present around 2 per cent of the population is involved in street vending activity and this figure is likely to reach 2.5 per cent in a few years,” she said, adding the proposed legislation will allow them to earn their livelihood without fear.
The Bill provides for security and protection of livelihood to all street vendors having a vending certificate to be issued by the Town Vending Committee.
Vyas said police and other authorities cannot remove a street vendor who has the certificate. She said those markets, which have been functional for more than 50 years, will be considered natural markets and vendors located there will be protected. The minister said states and the Centre will have to work together to make the Act a success.
Shailendra Kumar (SP) said street vendors mostly belong to OBC and the minority community and also involves unorganised labour. He said in Mumbai there are around five lakh street vendors yet only around 18,000 of them have been given licenses. He demanded the new law should ensure that vendors are allowed to set up shops in or near main markets.
Shailendra Kumar further said the Bill seeks to reduce the fine on street vendors from Rs 1,000 at present to Rs 250 but it would be good if it is reduced further. He lamented that banks do not provide loans to street vendors and they end up being exploited by money lenders.
He said government should see to it that there is no child labour in street vending business.
Supporting the Bill, Jayaprakash Hegde (Cong) said railway vendors, who have been excluded from the Bill, should be brought under it.
He expressed concern over the unhygienic food served by street vendors and said this needs to be looked into.
Anant Geete ( Shiv Sena) said he supports the Bill which seeks to provide security and protection to the street vendors.
The debate will continue in the Lok Sabha tomorrow.
The National Urban Livelihoods Mission to Support Street Vendors and Homeless
The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs has approved the National Urban Livelihoods Mission (NULM) with an allocation of approximately Rs. 6,405 crore.
The Mission of NULM is to reduce poverty and vulnerability of the urban poor households by enabling them to access gainful self-employment and skilled wage employment opportunities, resulting in an appreciable improvement in their livelihoods on a sustainable basis, through building strong grassroots level institutions of the poor. The mission would also aim at providing shelter equipped with essential services to the urban homeless in a phased manner. In addition, the Mission would also address livelihood concerns of the urban street vendors also by facilitating access to suitable spaces, institutional credit, social security and skills to the urban street vendors for accessing emerging market opportunities.
NULM will rest on the foundation of community mobilization and women empowerment. NULM envisages universal mobilisation of urban poor households into thrift and credit-based Self-Help Groups (SHGs) and their federations/collectives. These groups will serve as a” support system for the poor, to meet their financial and social need. Under the Mission, City Livelihood Centres (CLCs) will be established in Mission cities to provide a platform whereby the urban poor can market their services and access information on self-employment, skill training and other benefits.
The Support to Urban Street Vendors (USV) component will cover a socio-economic survey of street vendors, development of pro-vending urban planning and vendors’ markets, credit enablement of vendors, skill development and micro-enterprise development and convergence under various schemes of the Government.
NULM would aim at providing shelter for the urban homeless equipped with essential services. The shelters should be permanent all-weather 24 x 7 shelters for the urban homeless. For every one lakh urban population, provisions will be made for permanent community shelters for a minimum of one hundred persons. Depending upon local conditions each shelter could cater to between 50 and 100 persons.
The NULM will be implemented in two phases: Phase I (2013-2017) and Phase II (2017-2022). In Phase I, NULM will target all cities with a population of one lakh or more and district headquarter towns with a population of less than one lakh as per Census of India 2011. However, other towns may be allowed in exceptional cases on the request of the States. Funding will be shared between the Centre and the States in the ratio of 75:25.
Report from Ecuador ACORN August 2013
La reunión mensual la realizamos el domingo 4 de agosto del 2013 hubieron 24 personas, siempre hay de 1 a 2 personas nuevas, pero así mismo también faltan. Por resolución de la Asamblea se decidió enviar dos oficios el primero a la Antropóloga Jenny Jaramillo que es la Administradora de la zona centro solicitándole una bolquetada de piedra para el arreglo de la calle principal, en donde los moradores se comprometían a dar la mano de obra, ésta se envió con fecha 1 de agosto, fuimos al Municipio a saber la respuesta y me respondieron que si se va a dar esta ayuda pero que hay que esperar porque se está tratando de sacar este material de otros barrios ya que el Pinar Bajo dentro de la planificación no tiene este beneficio.
El segundo oficio fue enviado al PSA (Programa de Saneamiento Ambiental) con fecha 20 de agosto, para solicitar que el dispositivo de basura se lo coloque unos 20 ó 25 arriba de la calle Pinar, porque se consideró que los vecinos de las calles aledañas son los mas beneficiados al poner sus desperdicios allí y de esta manera se perdería la funcionalidad del proyecto (al Pinar no sube el carro recolector de basura a los otros barrios aledaños si). La respuesta me la enviaron a mi correo el 23 de agosto manifestando la imposibilidad de colocar el dispositivo en otro sitio que no sea el previsto; dada esta respuesta fui personalmente a las oficinas del PSA me entrevisté con la Lic. Lucía Burgos ESPECIALISTA SOCIAL PSA y me ratificó una vez más la decisión tomada, aproveché la oportunidad para preguntar la fecha que se colocará el dispositivo y me supo decir que a más tardar en el mes de noviembre ya que el proyecto está aprobado pero están a la espera que el contratista presente la muestra y poder decidir. Caba señalar que la Lic. Lucía estuvo en el barrio el 13 de agosto reconociendo el lugar de colocación.
Se había solicitado en esta reunión traer los documentos para saber en que situación estan los trámites de regularización fueron pocos los que llevaron, pero en este mes también me he dedicado a hacer un Inventario de este proceso y hasta la presente 15 lotes ya están con sentencia, y 10 no, de los otros no se sabe nada, ya que no están involucrados en las reuniones o no se les encuentra en sus casas por el trabajo.
Se trató también el asunto de Legalización de Directiva en el MIES (Ministerio de Inclusión Económica y Social) aclaro que las directivas de barrio acá son de hecho, pero como se tiene el problema de la Regularización hay que legalizarla para continuar con las tres etapas que anteriormente mencioné en otros informes. Aquí se vertieron varios criterios de los moradores sobre la manera de hacerlo pero esto entorpeció el trámite ya que estaban equivocados, incluso del Sr. Francisco Prado de buena voluntad me ayudó a hacer algunos papeleos, pero al ser presentado en el MIES ésta no estaba de acuerdo a los requerimientos que se necesitaban (no estaba actualizado el Sr. Prado), así que continúo en eso, pero esta semana espero dar por solucionado este trámite ya que ahora si puedo decir que tengo mas conocimiento al respecto.
También en la reunión se decidió hacer 1 minga y 1 reunión mensual, la minga no se la hizo a pesar de que insistí porque dicen que no salen todos; la reunión la estamos hablando para realizarla a mediados del mes de septiembre.
Estoy tratando de ingresar a otro barrio Miraflores Alto, ya tengo unos pocos contactos, inclusive hable con la Presidenta del barrio, hay poca gente que me recibe otros no, voy a seguir insistiendo, y a ver como me va¡¡
Esto es lo que puedo informar en cuanto a las actividades que he desarrollado en el mes de agosto.
Me despido esperando que satisfaga las espectativas de Acorn International.
Winning Neighborhood Improvments in Quito
Updates on the regulation of lots. Communication from July 10th, 2013 and communication from July 17th, 2013.
Review of the policy on Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Multi-Branded Retail Trading
Cabinet Decision
The Union Cabinet today approved the proposal for amendment in the existing FDI policy in Multi-Brand Retail Trading (MBRT) in para (iii), (iv) and (vi) of ‘Circular 1 of 2013 – Consolidated FDI Policy.
a) Amendment in para (iii) of ‘Circular 1 of 2013- Consolidated FDI Policy’ to read as follows:
“At least 50% of total FDI brought in the first tranche of US$ 100 million, shall be invested in ‘backend infrastructure’ within three years, where ‘back-end infrastructure’ will include capital expenditure on all activities, excluding that on front-end units. For instance, back-end infrastructure will include investment made towards processing, manufacturing, distribution, design improvement, quality control, packaging, logistics, storage, ware-house, agriculture market produce infrastructure etc. Expenditure on land cost and rentals, if any, will not be counted for purposes of backend infrastructure. Subsequent investment in the back-end infrastructure would be made by the MBRT retailer as needed, depending upon his business requirements”.
b) Amendment in para ‘Circular 1 of 2013 – Consolidated FDI Policy’ to read as follows:
“At least 30% of the value of procurement of manufactured/ processed products purchased shall be sourced from Indian micro, small and medium industries which have a total investment in plant & machinery not exceeding US $ 2.00 million. This valuation refers to the value at the time of installation, without providing for depreciation. The ‘small industry’ status would be reckoned only at the time of first engagement with the retailer and such industry shall continue to qualify as a ‘small industry’ for this purpose even if it outgrows the said investment of US$ 2.00 million, during the course of its relationship with the said retailer. Sourcing from agricultural co-operatives and farmers co¬operatives would also be considered in this category. The procurement requirement would have to be met, in the first instance, as an average of five years’ total value of the manufactured/ processed products purchased, beginning 1st April of the year during which the first tranche of FDI is received. Thereafter, it would have to be met on an annual basis”.
c) Amendment in para of ‘Circular 1 of 2013 – Consolidated FDI Policy’ to read as follows:
“Retail sales outlets may be set up only in cities with a population of more than 10 lakh as per the 2011 Census or any other cities as per the decision of the respective State Governments, and may also cover an area of 10 kms around the municipal/urban agglomeration limits of such cities; retail locations will be restricted to conforming areas as per the Master/Zonal Plans of the concerned cities and provision will be made for requisite facilities such as transport connectivity and parking”.
The amendment in the extant FDI policy relating to Multi-Brand Retail Trading in respect of ‘small industry’ will bring in a balance between the business exigencies of the MBRT entity and intent of the policy which is to extend the benefits of the FDI policy in multi-brand retail trading to a larger constituency of small industries. The amendment in the provision regarding ‘back-end infrastructure’ will give more clarity to the policy. The amendment to the provision regarding location of retail outlets will bring in parity in the policy as it is proposed to extend such dispensation to all States.
Dharmendra Kumar’s Article on Indian Poverty
Article published July 18th, 2013 in Hindi daily Prabhat Khabar on the National Sample Survey Organization recent survey reporting 15% decline in Indian Poverty between 2004-2005 to 2011-2012.
Report from Ecuador ACORN June 2013
Les saludo esperando que al recibo de ésta se encuentren bien.
En este mes realizamos en el barrio nuestra segunda reunión el domingo 03-06-2013, como ya informé hubieron alrededor de 20 personas, contamos con la presencia del Sr. Francisco Prado que es el Coordinador del departamento de Gestión Participativa, él dio una breve explicación sobre lo que se debe hacer para regularizar el barrio (las 3 etapas), así mismo se eligió la nueva directiva que fue posesionada por el funcionario del Municipio.
De lo que se resolvió hacer en esta reunión a la verdad se ha cumplido poco porque no hubo colaboración de toda los moradores en cuanto a enviar los documentos (copias de cédula y certificado de votación) para la actualización de la Directiva en el MIES (Ministerio de Inclusión Económica y Social) y así mismo tienen que hacer una Declaración juramentada que el abogado les cobra $120.oo por cuanto ésta debió haberse elegido( la directiva) en el mes de enero, y hasta la presente ya están atrasados.
A mediados del mes fui al Municipio para conversar con el Sr. Francisco Prado, me fue bien, pero fue muy enfático en informarme que si no se regulan primero los lotes el Municipio como tal no podrá invertir o hacer alguna obra en algún barrio (ya que para ellos si no están legalizados lo consideran como privado) así que depende exclusivamente de los moradores en que se apuren haciendo las gestiones pertinentes.
Por tal motivo he seguido hablando con los moradores del barrio Pinar Bajo casa por casa para animarles, para que cambien de actitud, para que hagan conciencia que depende de ellos el cambio en su barrio y por lo tanto el progreso de sus familias.
El jueves 27 de junio intenté conversar nuevamente con el Sr. Prado para lo del Recolector de basura que hablamos por Skipe, pero estuvo muy ocupado en reuniones y comisiones, quedamos para esta semana a partir del miércoles por la tarde hablar sobre este asunto.
Así mismo estoy invitando personalmente a los moradores para los próxima reunión que la tendremos este domingo 7 de julio a las 08H00 en donde esperamos tener mas gente (a esas personas que aún no han querido unirse al resto), me ha resultado difícil ya que son complicadas estas personas porque tienen muchos resentimientos pasados y división de ideales.
En cuanto a los contactos he continuado haciéndolos: he tocado unas 80 puertas y he logrado unos 40, me he reunido con el Sr. Luis Taday, una vez por semana, también lo hacemos por medio del correo electrónico, él me pide que le siga ayudando porque sabe que la gente es difícil, yo le digo que siempre hay que perseverar a pesar de las dificultades (esto también me ayuda a mí).
Bueno es lo que puedo informar, espero que sea preciso y objetivo, y le seguiré echando ganas.
Ps. adjunto fotos de la segunda reunión.
1. Es el Sr. Prado
2. Parte de la nueva directiva
3. La gente dispersa escuchando
Marlene Castro
San Pedro Sula- Honduras
Estimados señores:
Me complace mucho dirigirme a uds. y a la vez presentarles este pequeño Informe de las actividades que he emprendido desde acá la mitad del mundo Ecuador.
Por el mes de febrero empecé buscando barrios según los perfiles establecidos por ACORN, me agradaron 3 barrios que estaban situados al norte, centro y sur de Quito, finalmente escogí el Barrio El Pinar- Toctiuco al centro norte de Quito.
Luego, al empezar a tocar puertas pude definir sus tres necesidades prioritarias que son:
1.- Legalización de sus lotes
2.- Legalización del barrio
3.- Adoquinado de calle principal, entre otras.
La gente del barrio es sencilla, por lo general trabajan de lunes a sábado y son empleadas domésticas, guardias, amas de casa, estudiantes et, etc. pero así mismo no son unidos y durante 30 años no han podido solucionar le legalización de sus tierras porque cada cual lo ha hecho individualmente y no colectivamente, y esto ha permitido que no haya progreso y que personas inescrupulosas los engañen.
He contactado con mucha gente, algunos me han recibido bien, unos pocos no, he tenido algunos progresos como haber logrado la 1era reunión el 28 de abril en la cual asistieron 18 personas (firmaron ) y unas 7 personas que solo se dedicaron a escuchar, fue un tiempo de explicar lo que es ACORN, de hablar de igualdad, unión, cambios de actitud, solidaridad, de romper el hielo, todo lo que hice tuvo acogida unos poquísimos no lo aceptaron. Si logré que en su mayoría los moradores tomen la decisión de unirse y trabajar por el progreso de sus familias y del barrio, así mismo empecé a trabajar en otro barrio Miraflores Alto queda cerca del otro y que también tienen la necesidad de legalizar sus lotes; y desde allí sigo tratando de organizar no he dejando de hacer contactos, y continúo ahora planificando la 2da reunión que está programada para este 2 de junio de 2013. En este tiempo algunos moradores se han manifestado atentos a mi persona y dispuestos también a colaborar.
Yo nombré un Representante ACORN (Sr. Luis Daday) y los que asistieron a la 1era reunión lo confirmaron, con él estoy coordinando todos los asuntos relacionados con la reunión venidera en donde pensamos crear un Plan de Acción.
Entre los inconvenientes que se me han presentado tenemos:
1.- No tener una credencial de respaldo, autorizada
2.- Me preguntan si tenemos Personería Jurídica
3.- Quieren saber si a mas de la organización ACORN ofrece otras cosas.
Bueno, esto es cuanto puedo informar resumidamente, la verdad ha sido una experiencia enriquecedora, he aprendido mucho y sé que seguiré aprendiendo.
Me despido agradeciéndoles por la atención dada, y les deseo muchos éxitos en la labor que hacemos.
Marlene Castro
San Pedro Sula, Honduras
Dear Sirs:
I am very pleased to direct me to you. introduce yet this little report on the activities I have undertaken since half the world here Ecuador.
For the month of February I started looking neighborhoods according to profiles established by ACORN sucked 3 districts that were located north, center and south of Quito, finally chose the Barrio El Pinar-Toctiuco north central Quito.
Then, to start knocking on doors could define three priority needs are:
1. – Legalization of their lots
Two. – Legalization of the neighborhood
Three. – Cobblestone Main Street, among others.
The people of the neighborhood is simple, usually work from Monday to Saturday and are domestic workers, guards, housewives, students, et, etc. but likewise are not united and for 30 years I have been unsuccessful legalization of their lands because everyone has done individually and not collectively, and this has allowed no progress and that unscrupulous people fool you.
I have contacted many people, some have welcomed me, a few not, I’ve had some progress and have achieved the 1st meeting on April 28 in which 18 people attended (signed) and about 7 people who were devoted only to listen, was a time to explain what is ACORN, to speak of equality, union, changes in attitude, solidarity, break the ice, all I did was host a very few did not accept. If I managed to get most of the inhabitants make the decision to join and work for the progress of their families and the neighborhood, also started working in another neighborhood Miraflores Alto is near the other and also have the need to legalize their lots; and from there I’m trying to organize I have left to make contacts, and continue now planning the 2nd meeting scheduled for this June 2, 2013. At this time some residents have expressed attentive to me and also willing to collaborate.
I named ACORN Representative (Mr. Luis Daday) and those who attended the 1st meeting was confirmed, with him I am coordinating all matters related to the upcoming meeting where we create an action plan.
Among the problems that I have presented are:
1. – Not having a backup credential, authorized
Two. – I wonder if we have legal status
Three. – Want to know if more of ACORN offers other things.
Well, this is all I can briefly tell the truth has been an enriching experience, I learned a lot and I know I will keep learning.
I send thank them for the care given, and wish them every success in the work we do.
Marlene Castro