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Category: News
Comunidad de Miravalle
Título: ACORN – llevando alegría a la Comunidad de Miravalle
Miembros del equipo: (Escriba los nombres completos de todos los miembros del equipo)
Edwin Segovia (miembro de acorn)
Orfa Camacho
Ellen Segovia (voluntaria)
Alberto Guerra (voluntario)
La Comunidad de Miravalle es un centro poblado ubicado en Apata- Jauja, región Junín que cuenta con 66 pobladores y 40 niños, teniendo como actividad laboral la agricultura y ganadería. Las familias de Miravalle cuentan con una capilla que tiene una infraestructura de alto riesgo, las viviendas están construidas a base de adobe poniendo en grado de inseguridad las vidas de los pobladores, no cuentan con servicios básicos (luz, agua potable, desagüe), los niños de Miravalle caminan 2 horas para asistir a su institución educativa.
Identificar el grado de participación de los niños de Miravalle entre 3 a 13 años mediante técnicas de animación.
Se identificaron 40 niños, quienes participaron de manera activa con las técnicas de animación.
Técnica de animación: Lobo del bosque
Técnica de participación: Espejo (desarrollo individual), aviones (trabajo en equipo).
Por la destacada participación se les entregó un obsequio a cada uno de los niños.
Resultados logrados
Se logró la participación activa de la población, quedando motivados y comprometidos en considerar un trabajo organizado y en equipo.
Se logró también la identificación de la población con ACORN.
Title: ACORN – bringing joy to the community Miravalle
Team members: (Please provide full names of all team members)
Edwin Segovia (ACORN member)
Orfa Camacho
Ellen Segovia (volunteer)
Alberto Guerra (volunteer)Description
Community Miravalle is a town located in Apata-Jauja, Junín region. With 66 residents and 40 children, their livelihood depends on agriculture and livestock. Miravalle families have a chapel with a high-risk infrastructure, and the houses are built of adobe. They lack basic services like electricity, drinking water and a proper sewage system. Miravalle children walk for two hours to attend school every day.
To identify the degree of participation of children from Miravalle aged 3 to 13 using animation techniques.
We identified 40 children who participated actively with animation techniques.
Animation technique: Game: The Wolf.
Technical Participation: Mirror (individual development), aircraft (teamwork).
For their outstanding participation each child was given a gift.Results achieved
We achieved the active participation of the population, being now motivated and committed to consider to work together as an organized team.
We also succeeded in having the population identify themselves with ACORN’s work.Difundiendo información en Lima- Spreading the word in Lima
Líderes y miembros de ACORN Peru difunden la palabra en Lima por el alto costo de las remesas.
ACORN Peru leaders and members spread the word in Lima about the high cost of remittances.
Informe sobre Remesas – Peru Remittance Report
En Lima, Perú estamos siguiendo la Campaña de Remesas con acciones abiertas a la población en general, para insertar miembros a la organización de diferentes ámbitos y localidades, ya que en las Comunidades donde trabajamos actualmente difícilmente podemos encontrar miembros que reciban envíos de remesas del extranjero. Las familias que la componen, por su bajo nivel de ingresos, no pueden acceder o aspirar a salir fuera del país y menos a trabajar fuera de él, por no contar con visas y recursos para poder pagar sus boletos al extranjero.
Es por eso que Nuestras Acciones consisten en salir a las calles y volantear para invitar a las personas a ser parte de ACORN Peru y unirnos para conseguir el objetivo Principal:
Las Actividades realizadas,
Entrega de Cartas a las entidades Bancarias; de las que estamos esperando respuestas
Volanteo alrededor de los bancos para identificar y motivar a aquellas personas que se identifiquen con la Campaña, para que se afilien a ACORN Peru.
(En los volantes, están los números telefónicos de ACORN. Próximamente esperamos contar con una cuenta electrónica exclusiva para la afiliación de estos miembros, a su vez que podríamos contar que ellos debiten. Según mi apreciación estas personas si contarían con una cuenta o tarjeta bancaria para sostener esta Campaña, a diferencia del miembro Común de ACORN en Perú.
Fotos para que se hagan una idea de cómo estamos desarrollando esta Campaña.
In Lima, Peru. We are following the campaign of remittances, with actions open to the general population, to insert members into the organization of different areas and localities, as in the communities where we currently can hardly find members receiving shipments and remittances from abroad. Since the families that make up for its low income level does not aspire to reach or leave the country and less to work out of it, for not having visas and resources to pay for their tickets abroad. That is why our actions are to take to the streets and leaflets to invite people to be part of ACORN and unite to achieve the main objective. Sensitize FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS IN THE COLLECTION OF REMITTANCES FAIR.
Based Activities, Delivery of letters to banks, of which we are waiting for answers Leafleting around the bank to identify and motivate those who identify with the campaign, to join ACORN.
(In the leaflets, are the phone numbers of ACORN, Soon we hope to have an exclusive email account for the affiliation of these members, in turn we could count them and debited), According to my assessment of these people if they would have a account or credit card to support this campaign, unlike the common member of ACORN in Peru.Deputy photos to give you an idea of how we are developing this
Campaign.Community Organizations International Gains Safer Streets in Lima
ACORN members in Lima, Perú often live in constant insecurity in the street and even in their own houses. In an attempt to protect the residents the city has put gates and bars in the streets, creating blockades. This is often counter-productive, however, as then emergency vehicles cannot pass, and at times it hampers victims’ escapes. As well, residents have had to pay for not only the installation of the blockades, but also pay private security guards that are of the same National Police force that should be protecting them. Security in Lima is a matter of money where those that have it can access security and those that do not have to face greater danger due to their lack of resources.
The members of ACORN initiated a campaign in the communities of San Juan of Lurigancho (Motupe) and Palomino to push the Police to assume the role of public safety servant they are supposed to fulfill and these are some recent achievements:
In Palomino an ACORN held meeting with Major Lujan, who is responsible for the Precinct, gave these results:
• increased police patrols
• better response times to the emergency line, which was slow in the past
• better monitoring in the grade schools and high schools of the area Motupe. Here the problems are greater, as it is a young town with many needs, after an action the members negotiated with Major Malaspina with the following results:
• policing of the Educational Center, due to the fact that thugs attacked youths as they left at the end of the school day
• police patrols that included community members during the nights
• officers working in known areas of drug sales
At a meeting of over 350 people Lima ACORN’s demands were signed by Colonel Aguilar, the chief of security of the national police for the seventh zone, and the Commissioner of Palomino.
In Lima, Perú ACORN continues actions to achieve a true level of security, and to reform laws that support crime and that currently do not permit the police to do their work.
Earthquake damages ACORN Peru
.A severe earthquake, measuring 7.5 on the Richter scale, struck southern Peru at 6:41 p.m., Wednesday, Aug. 15. Officials are currently reporting almost 500 deaths and more than 1,000 injured as a result.
Most of the damage occurred approximately 74 miles from Lima, in the cities of Pisco, Chicha, and Ica, where 70 percent of the buildings were destroyed.
The effects of the earthquake were also felt in Lima – where ACORN Peru has its office – and in the communities where ACORN is organizing chapters. Lima is experiencing power outages and damaged roads and buildings. Health Minister Carlos Vallejos has also declared hospitals in a state of emergency.
The homes in the informal district of San Juan de Lurigancho are the most vulnerable to earthquakes due to their structural instability. ACORN communities in this area have suffered from falling rocks and weakened housing foundations.
ACORN Peru members and staff continue to work through these difficult times and search for the best means to support those affected by this disaster.
Please take time now to make an online donation to help ACORN Peru.
ACORN Peru’s mission is to empower low- to moderate-income communities by building a multi-ethnic, multi-regional and multi-issue organization, uniting all Peruvians around their common interests.
The founding office of Community Organizations International, ACORN Peru was born in 2004 in Lima. After 4 years, ACORN Peru now has over 3,000 members actively campaigning for equality and human rights.
Our major successes include:
A campaign against privatization of Peru’s national water system in partnership with the Peruvian Water Worker’s Union (FENTAP) which helped keep the water systems public in a dozen states in the country.
In keeping with our commitment to ensure water access to the poor, ACORN Peru has also worked to bring potable water to the 1-million strong squatters settlement of San Juan de Lurigancho. By negotiating with housing authorities, as well as with the public water company SEDAPAL, we were able to guarantee water access to a section of the population. SEDAPAL has agreed to install stand pipes at appropriate locations, reduce the price of installation and per-family charges, and significantly expand the coverage.
Access to water is directly linked to housing. In this regard, we have worked in collaboration with COPOFRI, a subdivision of Peru’s housing authority. The work with COPOFRI has included educating people of the possibility of gaining formal ownership of their houses. Formal ownership is a key step for household water connections. Water connections have traditionally been denied to people who do not own homes, and also who are hesitant to pay for sewage and pipes because their housing situation is unstable.
Through our collaboration with COPOFRI, ACORN Peru has been helping its members with the complicated administrative process of attaining legal housing tenure. ACORN Peru has also addressed issues of housing through its campaign for fair taxes. Corruption within Peru’s Tax Administration Services caused seizure of several low-income families’ homes. Due to the pressure from ACORN Peru members the Tax Administration Services have created more equitable payment plans and prevented further home seizures.
Finally, ACORN Peru members are campaigning for an independent government for the district of San Juan de Luringacho, a megaslum of 1 million low-income people living on the outskirts of Lima. If San Juan de Lurigancho becomes its own district, all of the tax money that residents contribute will be reinvested in their community, rather than going straight to Lima, and they will be given more control over the way the money is spent. ACORN Peru is campaigning for the full provincialization of SJL and working hard to inform residents about the new rights they will have should the law pass.
In the future, ACORN Peru will continue mobilize communities in Lima and San Juan de Lurigancho to fight for basic needs like housing, clean water and sanitation. ACORN Peru will also continue its work for access to health care, social justice, and security.