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Dharmendra Kumar article in Hindi Daily on the Junk Food Industry

Junk Food

Alliance Citoyenne

Alliance Citoyenne is our latest affilate.  They are hard at work in France.

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Street Vendors Board Demanded

Dharmendra Kumar led a delegation of street vendors leaders to the Hon’ble Minister of Labour & Employment, Govt. of NCT of Delhi demanding creation of a Street Vendors Board, Provision of social security to all existing street vendors and registration of street vendors associations as trade unions.

Meeting Hon'ble Labour Minister, Delhi

Dharmendra Kumar article in Hindi Daily on the Junk Food Industry

Junk Food

Street Vendors meet the Chief Minister of Delhi

30 May, 2015: A delegation of street vendors leaders led by Dharmendra Kumar met Mr. Arvind Kejriwal, the Chief Minister (C.M.) of NCT. of Delhi.

A range of issues were discussed during the meeting. Hon’ble CM was requested to revisit the Street Vendors (protection of Livelihood and Regulation of vending) rules, 2014 to make sure that the Town Vending Committee has representatives of street vendors democratically elected by all existing informal street vendors and not just by the already licensed ones.

The delegation welcomed the Delhi govt. notification issued on 19th Feb 2015 directing authorities not to disturb existing street vendors/hawkers. It was also requested to create framework to allow new vendors.

The delegation thanked Mr. Kejriwal for his govt. stand to not allow foreign direct investment (FDI) in multibrand retail under territorial jurisdiction of Delhi. Last but not the least, the delegation presented a report to the Hon’ble CM based on a survey conducted among street vendors from across Delhi. The study finds that street vendors continue to be harassed by various authorities especially the municipality and police. According to the findings of the study, street vendors of Delhi are annually paying around Indian National Rupees (INR) 844 crores (almost 140 million US$) to personnel of municipality and police.






Street Vendors meet the Chief Minister of Delhi

30 May, 2015:  A delegation of street vendors leaders led by Dharmendra Kumar met Mr. Arvind Kejriwal, the Chief Minister (C.M.) of NCT. of Delhi.
A range of issues were discussed during the meeting. Hon’ble CM was requested to revisit the Street Vendors (protection of Livelihood and Regulation of vending) rules, 2014 to make sure that the Town Vending Committee has representatives of street vendors democratically elected by all existing informal street vendors and not just by the already licensed ones.
The delegation welcomed the Delhi govt. notification issued on 19th Feb 2015 directing authorities not to disturb existing street vendors/hawkers. It was also requested to create framework to allow new vendors.
The delegation thanked Mr. Kejriwal for his govt. stand to not allow foreign direct investment (FDI) in multibrand retail under territorial jurisdiction of Delhi. Last but not the least, the delegation presented a report to the Hon’ble CM based on a survey conducted among street vendors from across Delhi. The study finds that street vendors continue to be harassed by various authorities especially the municipality and police.  According to the findings of the study, street vendors of Delhi are annually paying around Indian National Rupees (INR) 844 crores (almost 140 million US$) to personnel of municipality and police.

Meeting Delhi CM 4 Meeting Delhi CM 2 Meeting Delhi CM 1

Article from Hola Noticias

Seguir la lucha” aconseja líder comunitario mundial


Charlotte, NC.- Wade Rathke, reconocido líder comunitario mundial, visitó la Ciudad Reina el 23 de abril para compartir sus experiencias e incentivar a los activistas a continuar luchando con la optimización de los recursos a su alcance.

Hace algunos años esta comunidad hispana de Charlotte no era tan fuerte como lo es ahora, que aglomera a personas de toda Latinoamérica y que desde sus países vienen acostumbrados a luchar por sus derechos, por lo que no veo razón para que aquí, en Estados Unidos, bajen los brazos”, dijo Rathke, director ejecutivo de la organización internacional ACORN.

Tiempo perdido

De acuerdo a Rathke, la lucha migratoria perdió un gran avance cuando dejó a un lado la presión a la actual Administración durante el primer mandato. De haberse mantenido constante en la lucha por la reforma posiblemente se habría logrado, dijo el líder, tal como sucedió cuando los ‘Dreamers’ presionaron al presidente y consiguieron la concesión de la Acción Ejecutiva para los llegados en la Infancia (DACA).

“Perdimos un tiempo valioso dándole a Obama el espacio para que resolviera sus prioridades y hay una gran polarización en nuestro país ahora que no debería existir, nuestros inmigrantes están pasando crisis tanto aquí como en sus países y luchas como adquirir permisos de conducir se vuelven interminables si no se mantiene una presión permanente”, recalcó el activista, por lo recordó a los hispanos que no hay que bajar la guardia.

Just Defy! vs Coin Operated Raised £731 for Acorn Communities!

Fun-Raver was held on April 2nd in London.

Article on Farmers’ Issues in Hindi Daily

sahara article

Article on Farmers’ Issues in Hindi Daily

ACORN India article about farmers’ issues is featured in the Hindi Daily.
