Category: UK

  • ACORN UK 08/21

    The new Aberystwyth Chapter had a very successful direct action ( pictured above) that resulted in the member receiving their deposit back in full! Congratulations to the Aberystwyth Chapter on their victory!

    The chapter also spoke to about the tenants’ campaign that led them to found ACORN Aberystwyth, how a few landlords have stitched up the local housing market, and why the local community should join their efforts.<<Listen in Here >> 

    The Manchester chapter is looking for a member defense organizer to work in Manchester, focused on recruiting, developing, and supporting members to take action on issues affecting them and the communities they come from. The successful candidate will start work on the 4th of October and will have a focus on organizing direct action housing campaigns and working with women in Manchester.
    Find out more here

    Newcastle launched a campaign to save the Apollo Bingo Hall from being turned into more expensive student accommodation. The chapter raised awareness about the campaign through outreach in Durham where they spoke to many local residents and got their thoughts on the proposed demolition of a much-loved bingo hall, as well as getting people to write a comment on how to object to the plans through the council website.

    Find out more here

    Oxford: Victory 
    Experienced a city-wide VICTORY for their YES TO DSS CAMPAIGN! Yet another demonstration of the power that direct, collective action has to win change for ordinary people in Oxford.

    Oxford City Councillors unanimously passed a cross-party motion to stamp out discrimination against renters in receipt of universal credit or other housing benefits.Check out their latest action >>


    Weeks after ACORN Brighton members marched on The Property Shop to demand these issues are fixed urgently, nothing has been fixed, and contractors continue to turn up unannounced and get nothing done. They were back, telling the public about the conditions Stephen is happy to let his tenants live in, and dozens of people were up for supporting our campaign

    << Read More Here >>

    Birmingham: VICTORY 

    Member Yun Fang was living in a council flat riddled with mushrooms and dampness. Her kids’ health was impacted by the conditions and she was upset, distressed, and at the end of her tether when she became a member of Acorn Birmingham. We are thrilled that she has won her demands for repairs, and finally the council has listened and responded! Her kids can enjoy their safe home now.

    The chapter also hosted a meet with tenants in Nechells Tower blocks last night who were sick of the conditions they were putting up with. Most of the residents were tenants and customers of Birmingham City Council and the Wates Group. They are dealing with issues like chronic mold, unsanitary communal corridors, smelly rubbish chutes, mice and cockroach infestations, and disturbance from contractors who are working on the windows of the towers.

    ACORN Birmingham members were out leafletting today and delivered invites to our resident’s meeting in 290 flats in Nechells.

  • UK Tenant Victory!

    Students win battle with North Oxford Property Services

    Tenants in Oxford celebrated a hard-won battle against a local estate agent after a row over a bedroom.

    The five Oxford University students sharing a house in Cowley were in dispute with North Oxford Property Services (NOPS), which they rented a nearly £3,000-a-month house from in September.

    The students sought the help of tenants’ union Acorn Oxford and, after weeks of negotiations, the estate agents has now agreed to pay Ms Lanceley a £200 compensation.

    In a victorious statement on its website the union wrote: “These housemates received a confusing and worrying order from their property management company, to vacate and padlock Aleisha’s bedroom and refused to explain why.

    “Luckily they are all ACORN members, and the union put the pressure on NOPS and got the situation resolved in our member’s favour.”

  • Organising tenants amidst the pandemic: how direct action still delivers

    From ACORN Manchester:

    Alone we are weak, but together we are strong. Our belief in this maxim is vital amidst a pandemic which has further exposed the injustices at the heart of society. As ACORN, we’ve shown that grassroots organising not only brings results, but by delivering these together as ordinary people, we advance concrete examples of community solidarity to last beyond the pandemic. 

    ACORN’s ‘Member Defence’ teams utilise the collective power of the union to fight alongside fellow members on housing issues, empowering them to take action and win. We do not buy into direct action ‘only as a last resort’ – when already rigged in favour of the rich and powerful, going through the system has both little appeal and often little success. Despite the obvious impediments that Covid-19 guidelines have had on our ability to visit landlords and letting agencies in a big group to demand justice, our teams have displayed impressive creativity with incredible results. So much so, that we now have a prominent pro-bono housing solicitor referring people to us, because it’s clear that we can achieve so much more through people power than the courts. 

    During the UK’s nationwide lockdown, and before our Manchester Member Defence Team was formally established, Sabrina’s household was hit with a rental increase of 24%. The household had been devastated financially as a result of the virus; the ability of the tenants to cover their rent, let alone manage an increase, proved a severe challenge. One housemate reached out to ACORN for support, and signed up the rest of the house as members – the root of all our union power is getting each other’s backs; if we get your back, we expect you to have ours too by becoming a member. Collectively, with direction from ACORN, a campaign strategy was drawn up. In the end, the mere threat of union action is all it took for the rental increase to be dropped in its entirety. 

    This inspired Sabrina to take an active role in the union, getting trained up to join the first cohort of our Member Defence Team (whilst joining our Community Protection Team against evictions and supporting vulnerable people through our food delivery scheme). Sabrina went on to give talks to other fledgling ACORN branches in the UK, such as ACORN Swindon, sharing her insights, and inspiring them to get their own victories. One simple win transformed a non-member into a passionate leader, committed to solidifying the collective power of renters.  

    Early on in the COVID-19 crisis, Sophie lost her job and her Universal Credit payments were not adequate to cover her rent and bills. Sophie, like so many others, started to accrue rent arrears. In June, she contacted ACORN for support. We pride ourselves on empowering our members to take action with the union’s backing, rather than us performing a service for them – this is essential to building a powerful and engaged movement. Accordingly, we worked with Sophie to draw up demands and a strategy to win them. Much of the devised strategy was unnecessary, as once it became clear to the letting agents that Sophie had our backing, they quickly relented to her demands. In the end, all it took was an email from ACORN to secure a £500 arrears reduction and a favourable repayment plan. This relatively easy victory not only made a difference to Sophie, but it strengthened our union; the new team members involved gained experience, and Sophie became another determined member of the team. As long as we continue to ensure that every victory – easy or hard-fought – empowers our members, we can build ACORN into an ever-stronger fighting force. 

    In another case, a member came to ACORN after being furloughed and having their repeated requests for assistance to their letting agency ignored. The tenants had been unable to move into the property for a month at the start of the tenancy, despite paying full rent, due to multiple pest infestations and the general uninhabitable state. ACORN members took bold and cunning action alongside the tenants, leaving a flood of negative reviews online, tanking the agency’s ratings. This forced them to the table, and even brought the landlord out of the woodwork. With these avenues of communication open, and the backing of ACORN members, the tenants were able to unearth a series of lies and omissions from the letting agent to both the landlord and themselves, throughout the tenancy. With their deceit laid bare, the letting agency conceded defeat, agreeing to refund the first month’s rent and offer an on-going 20% rent reduction. And yet again, our winning member has joined our Member Defence Team, building our power to get even more wins, and on an even more ambitious scale. 

    These are just a handful of wins that the four of us writing this article have helped to organise. When we have been able to all go down in-person to a dodgy letting agency together,we’ve managed to stop a member being taken to the small claims court for rent arrears, and win the cancellation of all his rent debt, worth over £1500. 

    ACORN gives members the support and tools they need to stand up for themselves. The growth in membership month on month speaks to how people repay this faith shown in them, allowing ACORN to go from strength to strength in the process. Simply put, there is power in the collective – ACORN intends to remind the masses of this crucial fact. 

    Written by Chris Moore, Ethan Green, Jack Yates & Sabrina McDonnell. You can join ACORN here.

  • ACORN – Nottingham Supports Local Tenants

    From ACORN UK: Nottingham:

    Nottingham City Homes wouldn’t listen to our demands, but BBC East Midlands did! Watch what we had to say on this clip from yesterday evening.

    Today marks the deadline we set NCH to lift our member’s unfair £10,000 charge following our last action. If they fail to do so by the end of today, we will have no choice but to escalate our case further!

    Watch the full video:
  • UK Tenant Organizing: From illegal evictions to union bootcamps, how Covid-19 could change renting

    From iNews UK:

    Before the Covid-19 pandemic, 63 per cent of private renters had no savings and almost half of working renters were just one paycheck away from losing their home. Think of them as the “squeezed middle” Ed Miliband once tried to champion – they were already stretching themselves to cover the most essential cost of all: housing. Now, Shelter estimates that 332,000 private renters who were not in arrears prior to the pandemic are now behind on their rent…

    In the meantime, without the protections they need and with local authority enforcement patchy at best, some renters are turning to tenants’ unions for help plugging the gaps where the state is failing. Acorn is a nationwide community union with 5,000 members across the country and branches in 22 cities. A spokesperson told they have helped to resist 20 Section 21 evictions in total and picketed lettings agencies. They also reported a “huge rise in attempted illegal evictions” and requests for help. Acorn has been holding “eviction resistance bootcamps” across the country over the last two months. Participants are taught about renters’ rights in the event that a county court appoints bailiffs to carry out an eviction.

    “We have seen a huge increase in our membership over the crisis period,” Acorn’s spokesperson added. Tenants unions see themselves as providing grassroots support where legal aid (which was cut significantly back in 2013) and local councils are falling short. They may become more ubiquitous in months to come but, if they do, it will be a symptom of a housing crisis that predated the pandemic and has been exacerbated by it.

  • ACORN UK No Evictions! Day of Action

    On August 22, 2020, ACORN chapters across the United Kingdom held a No Evictions! Day of Action.

    From ACORN UK:

    Hundreds of ACORN members took action in 17 towns & cities across England & Wales saying no to rent debt, eviction & homelessness during the pandemic.

    Members held socially distanced actions outside of courts where eviction proceedings will be heard, visited the offices of landlords and letting agents to deliver ‘notices of eviction resistance’ to let them know that we won’t stand for immoral COVID evictions, and held outdoor Community Protection Training sessions! ACORN demands that the 1 month eviction ban extension announced last week is followed by serious legislation to protect renters from homelessness and rent debt in the fall out of COVID-19.

    We need rent debt accrued as a result of COVID wiped and an immediate end to Section 21 ‘no fault’ evictions.Over the last couple of months hundreds of people have attended Community Protection Training sessions meaning whenever evictions restart, ACORN members will be ready to resist them.

    Watch the full video >>

  • ACORN convenes first global Zoom call during COVID-19 pandemic

    ACORN convenes first global Zoom call during COVID-19 pandemic

    ACORN International board members, supported by their staff, convened in a first global Zoom call today. ACORN leaders from 15 countries and 20 affiliates joined the call and participated using translators and translation software.

  • ACORN UK Organizer Talks Landlord and Tenant Rights with BBC Radio

    ACORN UK’s Anny Cullum joins BBC Radio’s Money Box to discuss what rights tenants and landlords have as the coronavirus crisis continues.
