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ACORN Members in Honduras Demonstrate for Protections
ACORN members demonstrated in Tegucigalpa at the US Embassy demanding that some of the funds being given to the Honduran military that have polarized the drug wars in their neighborhoods instead be devoted to providing protection in the communities themselves as well as creating opportunities to allow children and families to stay together in Honduras. Furthermore they demanded that border relief include resettlement relief and support for children and families being reunited.
ACORN members demonstrated in San Pedro Sula at the office of the Honduran First Lady on Thursday to demand that the President of Honduras get the message that lower income communities need protection and not platitudes if we are to keep our children safe from gangs, that rather than cut back on teachers and schools, we need educational and job support, and rather than all of the attention being given to the upper class and business interests, the barrios have to have resources.ACORN Honduras Members and Groups in Honduras Demonstrate for More Neighborhood Security, Jobs, and Services at US Embassy and Office of First Lady
For Immediate Release:
Suyapa Amador
San Pedro Sula 98314578
Erlyn Perez
Tegucigalpa 88827712
Wade Rathke
New Orleans 504-628-8050
ACORN Honduras Members and Groups in Honduras Demonstrate for More Neighborhood Security, Jobs, and Services at US Embassy and Office of First Lady
Reacting to the crises of insecurity in San Pedro Sula and Tegucigalpa on the eve of the President of Honduras visit to the United States to meet with President Obama and other Central American presidents, ACORN members demanded that the government take immediate steps to provide effective and forceful security in lower income neighborhoods. ACORN groups led by several mothers who are ACORN members whose teenage sons were forced to flee the violence and other conditions in the barrios and are now being held in detention in Texas by immigration authorities were clear that their decisions to send their children to the United States was based on having seen no alternatives but to run from their communities, rather than towards something. They demanded that the government reduce the militarization in their communities provoked by this crises and actually provide security for residents from narco-traffickers and the threats of gangs.
ACORN member Luisa Almazan of San Pedro Sula spoke at the demonstration at the First Lady’s office on Thursday morning of her 14-year old son, Ermelindo Perez Almazan, having been forced to flee to the United Stated despite the risks when gang recruiters gave him a choice of joining the gang or being killed. ACORN members and mothers, Candida Hernandez of Villa Nueva Cortes in San Pedro Sula, and Maria Antonia Callejas of Barrio Cabanas, told of the dangers to their sons, 18 and 16 respectively, and the fact that to save their lives they had been forced to pay between $3000 and $5000 USD to help them flee to the United States from the violence and poverty. Now with no resources and deeply in debt in order to secure their children’s release they are being asked to raise more money to transmit documents and get representation.
ACORN members are demonstrating in Tegucigalpa at the US Embassy demanding that some of the funds being given to the Honduran military that have polarized the drug wars in their neighborhoods instead be devoted to providing protection in the communities themselves as well as creating opportunities to allow children and families to stay together in Honduras. Furthermore they demanded that border relief include resettlement relief and support for children and families being reunited.
ACORN members are demonstrating and staging a vigil in San Pedro Sula at the office of the Honduran First Lady on Thursday to demand that the President of Honduras get the message that lower income communities need protection and not platitudes if we are to keep our children safe from gangs, that rather than cut back on teachers and schools, we need educational and job support, and rather than all of the attention being given to the upper class and business interests, the barrios have to have resources.
ACORN Honduras pledged that they would keep standing up until there is change.
San Pedro Sula
When: 9:00 AM — Thursday, July 24, 2014
Where Despacho de la Primera Dama de Honduras en San Pedro Sula, Barrio Guadalupe, prolongacion Avenida Junior, 20 y 21 calle Frente a la ferreteria Direcom
When: 9:00 AM – Thursday, July 24, 2014
Where: Embajada de Estados Unidos en Honduras Boulevard los Proceres.
Who: ACORN Honduras was founded four years ago as an affiliate and with the support of ACORN International (, a global federation of 100,000 low and moderate income family members working in 17 countries including Canada, Italy, India, Kenya, Scotland, England, Argentina, Mexico, Peru, Ecuador, and the United States to build community and labor organizations to build power and win change for lower income workers and communities. ACORN is part of the community organizing tradition and continuous work since its founding in Little Rock, Arkansas in 1970.
Para publicación inmediata:
Suyapa Amador
San Pedro Sula 98314578
Erlyn Perez
Tegucigalpa 88827712
Wade Rathke
New Orleans 504-628-8050
Miembros de ACORN Honduras y grupos en Honduras manifiestan en la embajada de EE.UU. y la oficina de la Primera Dama para demandar más seguridad en los barrio, más trabajos y más servicios
En reacción a la crisis de la inseguridad en San Pedro Sula y Tegucigalpa, y en vísperas de la visita del Presidente de Honduras a los Estados Unidos para reunirse con el presidente Obama y otros presidentes de centroamerica, los miembros de ACORN exigieron al gobierno que tome medidas inmediatas para proveer la seguridad eficaz en los barrios de bajos ingresos. Grupos de ACORN liderados por varias madres que son miembros de ACORN cuyos hijos adolescentes se vieron obligados a huir de la violencia y otras condiciones en los barrios y ahora están siendo detenidos en Texas por las autoridades de inmigración tenían claro que su decisión de enviar a sus hijos a los Estados Unidos se basaba en haber visto ninguna alternativa, sino para huir de sus comunidades, en lugar de hacia algo. Exigieron al gobierno que reduzca la militarización de sus comunidades provocados por esta crisis y, de hecho garantizar la seguridad de los residentes ante los narcotraficantes y las amenazas de las pandillas.
Luisa Almazán, miembro de ACORN de San Pedro Sula, habló en la manifestación en la oficina de la Primera Dama en la mañana del jueves acerca de su hijo de 14 años de edad, Ermelindo Pérez Almazán, después de haber sido obligado a huir a los Estados Unidos a pesar de los riesgos, caundo las pandillas le dieron la opción de unirse a la pandilla o ser matado. Cándida Hernández de Villa Nueva Cortés en San Pedro Sula, y María Antonia Callejas de Barrio Cabanas habló de los peligros a sus hijos, de 18 y 16, respectivamente, y el hecho de que para salvar sus vidas, se había visto obligada a pagar $ 3.000 a $ 5.000 USD para ayudar a sus hijos huir a los Estados Unidos ante la violencia y la pobreza. Ahora, sin recursos y profundamente en deuda con el fin de lograr la liberación de sus hijos que se les pide para recaudar más dinero para transmitir documentos y obtener representación en Texas.
Los miembros de ACORN están manifestando en Tegucigalpa en la embajada de EE.UU. exigiendo que algunos de los fondos que se presta a los militares hondureños que han profundizado las guerras de drogas en sus barrios se dedicará a proporcionar la protección en las propias comunidades, así como la creación de oportunidades para que los niños y familias a permanecer juntos en Honduras.
Además exigieron que el alivio de la frontera incluye alivio de reasentamiento y el apoyo a los niños y que las familias esten reunidas.
Los miembros de ACORN están manifetando y han puesto en escena una vigilia en San Pedro Sula en la oficina de la Primera Dama de Honduras el jueves para exigir que el Presidente de Honduras recibe el mensaje de que las comunidades de bajos ingresos necesitan protección y no lugares comunes, si queremos mantener a nuestros niños seguros de pandillas, que en vez de recortar en maestros y escuelas, necesitamos apoyo educativo y de empleo, y en lugar de toda la atención que se presta a la clase alta y los intereses comerciales, los barrios tienen que tener los recursos.
ACORN Honduras prometió que iban a mantener de pie hasta que haya un cambio.
San Pedro Sula
Cuando: 9:00 AM — Jueves Julio 24, 2014
Donde: Despacho de la Primera Dama de Honduras en San Pedro Sula, Barrio Guadalupe, prolongacion Avenida Junior, 20 y 21 calle Frente a la ferreteria Direcom
Cuando: 9:00 AM – Jueves, Julio 24, 2014
Donde: Embajada de Estados Unidos en Honduras Boulevard los Proceres.
Quien: ACORN Honduras fue fundada hace cuatro años como afiliado y con el apoyo de ACORN International (, una federación global de 100.000 miembros de bajos ingresos de familias que trabajan en 17 países, entre ellos Canadá, Italia, India, Kenia, Escocia , Inglaterra, Argentina, México, Perú, Ecuador y los Estados Unidos para construir organizaciones de trabajadores de la comunidad y para construir poder y ganar el cambio para los trabajadores y las comunidades de bajos ingresos. ACORN es parte de la tradición de la organización comunitaria y el trabajo continuo desde su fundación, en Little Rock, Arkansas en 1970.
Residents and Tenants tired of Public Works betrayal of ACCORD & illicit evictions!
Inquiries: Tatu Mhlaba Nxasana Cell 0739180102 Mongezi S. Nkomo Cell 0791244513
Subject: Residents and Tenants tired of Public Works betrayal of ACCORD & illicit evictions!
Date: Friday July 04, 2014
From: Neighborhood Action Committee of Zone 7 Govt Flats & Across the Street (NAC Zone7)
The Property Management, middle and junior staff, in the Amathole Region, Dept. of Roads & Public Works , Eastern Cape are still illicitly evicting people. We had a January 27, 2014 “Hanker Accord”
This is a uncivil and heinous deed of throwing out families during cold winter people. This is done for a second time in this neighborhood, despite a call by Honorable Cabinet Minister Ms Lindiwe Sisulu, to all government entities to stop unilateral actions and to “cease and desist” the inhumane evictions of residents and tenants out of ANY government owned property .
Today, Friday July 04, 2014, a combined Executive Committee and Task Force team of delegates of NAC Z one 7 delivered a memorandum in Bhisho, at the General Manager, Ms Phucuka Malgas, Property Division, Eastern Cape provincial government. We left also additional background information to have a holistic analysis. This will show why people have lost faith in the Amathole Region Property Management HQ in East London.
Yesterday, Thursday July 03, 2014 an explosive situation was averted when an official from the Amathole Regional Property office, accompanied by SAPS from our local Zwelitsha Police Station, a private security guard crew and a locksmith began evicting occupants from the rooms in one Flat. When confronted by NACZone7 to produce an official letter or court order they had nothing.
The SAPS after consulting with NAC Zone 7 functionaries understood this was abuse of their mandate “to serve and protect” ordinary and poor citizens and residents. Another Lwandle, Western Cape was averted! But it was clear that the “tendering” private security guard had been ordered to evict four tenants. SAPS commander prevailed of the private security and the Property Maintenance staff from East London.
WE humbly gave Ms Phucuka Malgas seven (7) days to respond as our community is boiling with anger!
Both the Executive Committee and Task Force are going to address OUR RESIDENTS and Tenants on a “WAY FORWARD” and the “Neighborhood Jobs for Peace and Justice Campaign! SUNDAY 3pm, July 06 2014. This will be done at regular COMMUNITY FREEDOM SQUARE Zone 7 Flats, Zwelitsha Eastern Cape.
Meeting mondiale annuale di ACORN – 5/6/7 giugno 2014
Si è tenuto in Inghilterra, gli scorsi 5/6/7 giugno presso la nuovissima sede di ACORN Bristol in Inghilterra, l’annuale meeting di ACORN International / Community Organizations International.
La location è stata scelta anche in omaggio alle nuove ACORN England ed ACORN Scotland costituitesi di recente.Presenti i leader delle varie ACORN di ogni parte del mondo, naturalmente compresa anche l’Italia, mentre chi non è potuto essere presente come ACORN India, ACORN Messico, ACORN Kenya, ACORN Argentina ed altri si è collegato in videoconferenza via Skype.
Gli incontri sono stati una preziosa e magnifica occasione per fare il punto sulle varie nostre campagne in ogni parte del pianeta, campagne a volte parallele a volte diverse che insistono su diverse problematiche abitative in relazione alle questioni dei diversi angoli del globo dove operiamo, ma tutte affrontate con uno spirito collettivo di comunità.
Una comunità – e la più grande federazione mondiale per i diritti civili & dell’abitare – di cui essere orgogliosi di far parte.
[ nella foto, il Presidente di ACORN Italy David Tozzo con il fondatore e capo di ACORN International Wade Rathke durante i lavori ]
ACORN in Eastern Cape of South Africa is taking action!
Neighborhood Action Committee
(of Zone 7 Government Flats & Across the Street)
c/o C202 Block C Zone 7
Zwelitsha 5608
Eastern Cape
June 27 2014
RE: Keep the 27 January 2014 Hanker (Accord) ALIVE
EXACTLY six months representatives from the Directorate of Property Management, Amathole Region, Dept of Roads & Public Works (DRPW), Eastern Cape held meeting with the Executive Committee of the Neighborhood Action Committee of Zone 7 Government Flats & Street Across (NAC Zone7) . The outcome was morally binding but unofficial principled agreement we now refer to be neighborly as 27 January 2014 Zwelitsha Hanker Accord:
“Important notice to ALL OCCUPANTS of Zwelitsha Flats Zone 7”
Dear Occupant,
- Please be informed the Department of Roads & Public Works held a meeting with the Neighborhood Action Committee of Zone 7 Flats Monday with a view to work to gather in the management and maintenance of Zwelitsha Zone 7 Flats.
- The Department of Roads & Public Works is of the view that the (NAC 7) Committee represents the interests and welfare of the of tenants as well as well as those of the Zwelitsha Community at large.
- In order to ensure good management of these flats you are encouraged to support the effort of this (NAC7) Committee is making in improving the living conditions in and around the”
By order
Property Manager,
Amathole Region.
There is a critical break down of communication that undermines the Spirit of the Agenda and Way Ford of January 27, 2007 within our Committee and LOWER echelons of Staff in Property that reflects your January 27 January that the history and culture of corruption we are trying to help to stamp out has RE-EMERGE in last four weeks::.
This based on the following facts or allegations and hope they are not true:
v We have been told by Occupants that have been sent letters of 30 days notice to vacate EC DRPW Zone & flat:
v One of our own is alleged to be telling Occupants and community at large that “iKomiti ifile Mnye kuphela osebenzayo”
v We hope that these allegations are false because one of our Executive Committee members has been unilaterally breaking the spirit and practice of the accord o.
We hope and pray that this is not the same person who publicly acknowledged and apologized for same practice. In spirit of “individual freedom and community democracy” same member was accused in public and acknowledged and apologized while promising NEVER AGAIN. This was in Public Formal General Meeting.
We still reiterate that this ACCORD is not as Legal and Official but moral basis of Bato Pele ethics, morality & values of Ubuntu envisaged as part just the Rainbow Nation that will celebrate Nelson Mandela 67 minutes a month or so from now but also family cohesion, children & elderly welfare and public safety of ALL OCCUPANTS in Accord we define as follows:
v Female or Male adult head of family housed hold or individual who resides not lawfully there because of legitimate homelessness ie Blue Card Holders in RDP list;
v Female or Male head of household tenants with leases but who resisted paying rent in decaying state of flats as they SELF Fixing them;
v Paying tenants who want to pay but some could NOT DO SO because LEASE RECORDS were missing or non existing .
A four week period wherein we did not have WATER in the upper Second and Third floors gave opportunity for TE-emergence of a culture of Corruption by one Committee member as well as facilitations of BREAKDOWN because WE ARE TREAT AS VERMIN.
NB. It is clear that the NEC ZONE 7 Flats has been a tool for PUBLIC officials and Community resident RESTABLISH. During the ZONE 7 Crisis Breakdown began & corruption. The Property Manager could not assist us with assistance as promised.
To who it may concern
Station Commander
Property Management, Amathole Region, Eastern Cape DRPW
Ward 41 Buffalo City Metro Council
ALL other stat e holders
My name is MPR Sifika lawful tenant and community organizer of NEC 7 attached in for. I do not ferar for my life but VERY MUCH concerned about criminal before of “activists & administrators in our organization. So please take not of the WARNING of another Lwandle.
Some residents and administration are benefiting for this. TAKE ACTION
Mongezi Sifika Saturday 27 June 2014.
Campaigners visit Easton estate agents to protest against “unfair” tenancy fees
A group of campaigners marched their way around estate agents in Easton on Friday to protest against “unfair” tenancy fees and rolling monthly contracts.
Members of the newly launched Easton neighbourhood branch of ACORN, a community social justice organisation in Bristol, have been canvassing residents to support the campaign and gained 500 signatures in just over a week.
The BS5 area has twice the average number of privately rented homes in Bristol, and generates more than 25 per cent of all complaints about privately rented homes in the city.
ACORN say that most rentals in the area offer only two to six months security and “rip-off” letting agent fees of up to £500 each time they move, leaving many tenants feeling “intimidated” out of complaining or campaigning by the threat of eviction.
The group is now campaigning for an end to tenancy fees, the implementation of 12 month fixed-term tenancy agreements over rolling tenancies and support of longer fixed-term tenancy agreements wherever possible.
The aim of Friday’s March was to encourage estate agents in the Easton area to work with ACORN to achieve those goals.
Agents were also invited to “explain themselves” to residents at a public meeting on Thursday July 3. More than 100 people have already registered to attend the meeting and two letting agents have already agreed to come.
Easton Tenants to March Against “Rip-Off” Letting Agents
Easton tenants to march against ‘rip-off’ letting agents
Residents say they are “fed up” and have organised themselves to improve tenants’ rights and security, by marching on agents offices this morning
Residents in Easton are due to march on lettings agents in the area this morning to protest against “rip-off tenancy fees and insecure rental contracts”.
Members of the newly launched Easton neighbourhood branch of Acorn say the BS5 area has twice the average number of privately rented homes in Bristol, but generates more than 25% of all complaints about privately rented homes in the city.
They add that with only two to six months of tenancy security and agent fees of up to £500 each time they move, many tenants are intimidated out of complaining or campaigning by the threat of eviction.
Residents are now “fed up” and have organised themselves to improve tenants’ rights and security. They have been canvassing residents to support the campaign and gained 500 signatures for a petition in just over a week to demand the following from estate agents:
- The implementation of 12-month, fixed-term tenancy agreements over insecure rolling tenancies, which don’t benefit tenants, landlords or the wider community;
- Support of longer (three- or five-year) fixed-term tenancy agreements wherever possible.
An end to tenancy fees, which they say are “extortionate and unjustifiable”;
“In Easton, fees are often £250-500 (some are as high as £900) and some agents charge new fees of around £30 every six months,” Acorn says.
“Not only that, but some letting agents encourage landlords to only sign contracts for 6 months to make it easier to evict tenants. It seems to be a case of ‘cough up or get out’.
“Only having housing security for six months is not a decent way to live. Across Europe, standard tenancies are years years long or even unlimited. It’s better for all of us if we have some stability.
“We want more stable communities; knowing your neighbours increases safety and well being, a less transient population takes more pride and invests more time in the place they live. Houses with longer-term tenants are generally looked after better and are less likely to provide eyesores or fall into dilapidation.”
The petition will be presented to local letting agents at today’s march, starting at Morgan and Sons on Stapleton Road at 11am. Agents will also be invited to explain to residents their policies at a public meeting on Thursday, July 3.
ACORN Bristol’s First Action
ACORN Bristol had their first action today. We marched to various estate agents to have the members deliver a letter with the campaign demands (no more tenancy fees and rolling monthly contracts) and inviting agents to a meeting on the 3rd of July. ACORN Bristol is definitely buzzing and today three different media groups came out (including the radio that did some interviews with our ACORN members).