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Herongate Tenants Win Battle for Repairs
Ottawa ACORN wins long fight to get repairs in the Herongate area. See full article.
The Socio Economic Impact of US based Remittances in Nezahualcoyotl
This article is based on data collected from live interviews conducted in Nezahualcoyotl, State of Mexico, between May and July 2012.
These are the findings of a research study made possible by a partnership between the organization ACORN International and the sponsor Clinton School of Public Service.
The author and researcher is a graduate candidate for the Master’s degree of Public Service at the Clinton School, and joined ACORN International for his International Public Service research Project.
This article contains passages from the author’s original report “The Socio-economic impact of US based remittances in Nezahualcoyotl”, and was compiled for publication at Social Policy Magazine.
Click here to read The Socio Economic Impact of US Based Remittances in Nezahualcoyotl.
Cafe’ Diverso in Honduras
Tegucigalpa M.D.C 29 de Julio del 2012.
Un día muy especial para ACORN INTERNACIONAL HONDURAS nuestra primera prueba del café gourmet orgánico en Honduras, “CAFÉ DIVERSO”, La despensa del café de tu región, donde hemos hecho una recolección delicada de los mejores granos de café de distintas partes del país, tal como lo indica su nombre, queremos darte lo mejor del café de altura, hoy hemos seleccionado el centro de Tegucigalpa para dar a conocer a nuestros y nuestras clientes esta idea innovadora del consumo de café orgánico en Honduras, dando a conocer la calidad y el esfuerzo de diferentes Cooperativas, así mismo dar la apertura de un nuevo mundo de sabores diversos a nuestra población. Las y los probadores dieron un visto bueno a las diferentes regiones sea por su densidad, por su color, por su olor, y claro está el sabor, tuvimos la oportunidad de adquirir distintas pruebas como el café con canela, café con pimienta, café con cacao, los cuales fueron un éxito ya que su aceptación fue muy buena, algunos y algunas de nuestros probadores nos expresaron que “no habían saboreado antes estas mezclas de café”, pero que ahora estarán pendientes en adquirirlos.
Estamos muy entusiasmados y entusiasmadas por la apertura de:
“CAFÉ DIVERSO” La despensa del café de tu región.
A very special day for ACORN INTERNATIONAL HONDURAS our first test of gourmet organic coffee in Honduras, “COFFEE MIXED“, The Pantry‘s coffee region, where we have made a fine collection of the best coffee beans from around the country, such as indicated by its name, we give you the best coffee high, today we have selected the center of Tegucigalpa to present to our and our customers this innovative idea of the consumption of organic coffee in Honduras, making known the quality and effort different cooperatives, likewise to the opening of a new world of different flavors to our population. The testers and gave a nod to the different regions is by its density, its color, smell, taste and of course we had the opportunity to acquire various tests such as coffee with cinnamon, coffee, pepper, coffee cocoa, which were a success because its acceptance was very good, some and some of our testers said that we “had not tasted before these blends of coffee,” but now will be looking to purchase them. We are thrilled and excited by the opening of:
“DIFFERENT COFFEE” The coffee pantry for the region.Manifesto for Remittances in Neza & Press from Mexico
ACORN Mexico issues a Manifesto for Remittances in Nezahualcóyotl. This work is the result of a workshop with community residents and interviews with community residents of Neza that were conducted between May 29th and June 20th. This workshop had the participation of Professor Juarez from the Universidad Obrera, Professor Diaz Rodriguez, a former elected member for the areas of culture and education in Neza, as well as Nadia Nehls, from the Federal Senate and Angelica Gay from Human Rights.
Manifesto was a research project by Nuno Solano de Almeida (Lisbon, Portugal) from the Clinton School of Public Health. Almeida completed his graduate studies in Portugal, Italy and Belgium, including a post-graduate degree in International Relations. His previous experience in the U.S. includes fundraising with Johns Hopkins University and advocacy on racial justice in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Almeida’s passions include development and international cooperation.
Click here to read the Manifesto.
See the links below for exciting press coverage of the issue of remittances in Mexico.
ACORN Canada 2012 Board Meeting and Annual General Meeting
At the ACORN Canada 2012 Board Meeting and Annual General Meeting for ACORN Canada held over the weekend, the entire ACORN Canada board and all cities came together to report on the past year and make new plans.
ACORN Canada Board Member Ginelise Edouard from Ottawa, ACORN International President & ACORN Canada President Kay Bisnath from Toronto, and ACORN Canada Head Organizer Judy Duncan (seated from left to right).
ACORN Canada Board Member Evan Coole from Cape Breton, ACORN Canada Board Member Dave Tate from New Westminster, and Sharon Shireve from Greater Toronto (seated from left to right).
ACORN Canada Board Member Ginelise Edouard reports on work in Ottawa.
ACORN Canada Board Member Evan Coole reports on work in Cape Breton, sitting between ACORN Board Member Marva Burnett from Toronto and ACORN Canada Board Member Dave Tate from New Westminster.
ACORN Canada Communications Coordinator James Wardlaw discusses communications strategies while sitting next to ACORN International President and ACORN Canada President Kay Bisnath.
ACORN Canada Board Members (standing from left to right) Peter Gardner from Surrey, Evan Coole Cape Breton, Dave Tate from New Westminster, Ginelise Edouard from Ottawa, Marva Burnett from Toronto, Rohan Jagroo from Toronto, and Pascal Apuwa from Calgary. ACORN Canada Board Members (sitting from left to right) Preeti Misra from Vancouver, Winifred Fleson from Toronto, Sharon Shireve Greater Toronto, Eddy Lantz from Toronto, and Kay Bisnath from Toronto.
ACORN Board Member Marva Burnett.
ACORN Canada Board Member Sharon Shireve from Greater Toronto.
ACORN Canada Board Member Winifred Fleson from Toronto.