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Category: KENYA
ACORN Kenya Hosts Member Meeting Ahead of Stakeholders Forum on Eco-Friendly Neighborhoods
ACORN Kenya held a member meeting on August 15th in preparation for the Stakeholders forum on enhancing environmentally friendly neighborhoods in Korogocho, with over 35 members attending, and five new members added!
ACORN Kenya Champions Clean Environment in Korogocho: A Major Win for Public Health.
In June, ACORN Kenya mobilized a major action protecting residents in Korogocho, Nairobi’s largest slum. Korogocho doesn’t have a designated garbage site, creating massive public health issues, including sickness and blocked drains, which has contributed to deadly flooding. ACORN leaders Asha Abdi and Halima Osman led a crowd confronting the Ward Manager’s office, securing a meeting and commitments to support the campaign. Mazingira Safi Ni Haki Yetu! A Clean Environment is Our Right!
ACORN Kenya Advocates for School Nutrition
ACORN Kenya continued their important work advocating for nutrition in schools in Korogocho, despite dealing with complex government red tape, as well as deadly floods in the region.
ACORN Kenya spent February mobilizing key participants
ACORN Kenya spent February mobilizing key participants and gathering information to accelerate their youth education advocacy programs in the settlement of Korogocho. They have submitted a petition to the Kenyan government demanding that they meet their promises to provide free food for over a quarter million students, which would make attending school possible these young people.
ACORN convenes first global Zoom call during COVID-19 pandemic
ACORN International board members, supported by their staff, convened in a first global Zoom call today. ACORN leaders from 15 countries and 20 affiliates joined the call and participated using translators and translation software.
(more…)ACORN Kenya: Organizing in Korogocho During Coronavirus
Report from Sammy Ndirangu, ACORN Kenya organizer.
It’s now nearly two months since the first case of Corona Virus was reported in Kenya. Currently there are 396 persons who have contacted the virus with a death toll of 17 people in the whole country with 144 people fully recovered from the infection. Nairobi has been on the lead of the highest number of infections followed by Mombasa.