Category: Remittance Justice

  • Canada’s CBC Covers Remittance Justice Campaign

    A new radio clip on the campaign to regulate remittances in Canada and around the world. To listen, follow the link below and scroll down to the story titled “Wire Transfer Fees” on June 20th.


  • Interview with Pascal Vuvu, a member of ACORN Canada

    by Kate Ayalogu

    Pascal Vuvu is a Nairobi, Kenyan citizen who migrated to Canada on June 12th, 2006. He has been using remittance services ever since he moved to Canada, taking care of his loved ones back home and sending funds to his Orphaned cousins in Uganda. On average Depending on how much Pascal saves from working, he sends approximately $100.00 CD abroad using services such as Western Union and Money Mart through Canada Post. He is charged $16.00 by Western Union for every $50.00 to $100.00 he sends, not including exchange rates. The cheaper alternative is to use Money Mart, which charges him $10.00 to send $50.00 to $100.00 abroad; however since banks are only found in Urban areas, Pascal must factor in travel expenses (transportation costs) in order for his family to attain the accesses they need to receive the funds.

     According to Pascal, “it’s too expensive for me to send money to my mum because that will mean I have to send money to one of the relatives in Nairobi who will have to travel about 400 kilometers home.” He continues saying that his cousin will have to spend more than what he has spent sending money home.

     “Fare from Nairobi to my rural home area is Kshs. 3000.00 two ways, and sending $50.00 dollars is equivalent to Kshs. 3000.00. For someone to travel or take money to my mum I have to pay for their fare as well which makes it more expensive” He adds that relying on another to pass on these funds to his mother is risky due to theft.

     Pascal could be saving anywhere from $11.00 to $20.00 from remittances were the fees cheaper. This could mean a savings of up to $100.00 a year, if not more, which would contribute to his mother’s, orphaned cousins’, and his safety and security.

     Money regulation is very important for us since we assist in stimulating the economy back home. The money we send assist with either medical services or temporary employment – Pascal Vuvu

  • Remittance Justice graphic

    This powerful Remittance Justice graphic was done by Uriel Brodsky. 

  • Informe sobre Remesas – Peru Remittance Report

    En Lima, Perú estamos siguiendo la Campaña de Remesas con acciones abiertas a la población en general, para insertar miembros a la organización de diferentes ámbitos y localidades, ya que en las Comunidades donde trabajamos actualmente difícilmente podemos encontrar miembros que reciban envíos de remesas del extranjero. Las familias que la componen, por su bajo nivel de ingresos, no pueden acceder o aspirar a salir fuera del país y menos a trabajar fuera de él, por no contar con visas y recursos para poder pagar sus boletos al extranjero.

    Es por eso que Nuestras Acciones consisten en salir a las calles y volantear para invitar a las personas a ser parte de ACORN Peru y unirnos para conseguir el objetivo Principal: 


    Las Actividades realizadas,

    Entrega de Cartas a las entidades Bancarias; de las que estamos esperando respuestas

    Volanteo alrededor de los bancos para identificar y motivar a aquellas personas que se identifiquen con la Campaña, para que se afilien a ACORN Peru.

    (En los volantes, están los números telefónicos de ACORN. Próximamente esperamos contar con una cuenta electrónica exclusiva para la afiliación de estos miembros, a su vez que podríamos contar que ellos debiten. Según mi apreciación estas personas si contarían con una cuenta o tarjeta bancaria para sostener esta Campaña, a diferencia del miembro Común de ACORN en Perú.



    Fotos para que se hagan una idea de cómo estamos desarrollando esta Campaña.


    In Lima, Peru. We are following the campaign of remittances, with actions open to the general population, to insert members into the organization of different areas and localities, as in the communities where we currently can hardly find members receiving shipments and remittances from abroad. Since the families that make up for its low income level does not aspire to reach or leave the country and less to work out of it, for not having visas and resources to pay for their tickets abroad.  That is why our actions are to take to the streets and leaflets to invite people to be part of ACORN and unite to achieve the main objective. Sensitize FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS IN THE COLLECTION OF REMITTANCES FAIR.
    Based Activities,  Delivery of letters to banks, of which we are waiting for answers Leafleting around the bank to identify and motivate those who identify with the campaign, to join ACORN.
    (In the leaflets, are the phone numbers of ACORN, Soon we hope to have an exclusive email account for the affiliation of these members, in turn we could count them and debited), According to my assessment of these people if they would have a account or credit card to support this campaign, unlike the common member of ACORN in Peru.

    Deputy photos to give you an idea of how we are developing this

  • Support Letter from CUPW

    Support letter from CUPW- the Canadian Union of Postal Workers- and it’s President joining our call for remittance regulation at the Provincial and Federal level in Canada. 
