Category: ACORN the Union

It is us, ordinary people that truly power society and create the country’s wealth. As a community union, we bring together all kinds of people to fight and win on all the issues that matter to us. United together in our thousands, we can defeat bosses, landlords, and politicians alone. Together, we can win. Join ACORN today!

  • Do you live in shoddy housing that costs a fortune? Time to join the renters’ union

    Do you live in shoddy housing that costs a fortune? Time to join the renters’ union

    Copy of Article from the Guardian available here.

    Photograph: James Arthur Allen for the Guardian

    It is a warm, sunny Saturday lunchtime in the centre of Bristol. Somewhere else in the country a royal wedding is about to take place, but here a group of two dozen demonstrators in red T-shirts are heading into TSB, armed with a list of demands. “Private renting isn’t fun,” they sing, “when you’re paying for a slum. Stop it happening to you, better join the Acorn crew. Housing is a human right, won’t give up without a fight”.

    The organisation behind the good-natured protest is a trade union for renters called Acorn, first set up in Bristol four years ago. Since then, as frustration and anger about the housing market – and particularly the conditions for private renters – has grown, the group has gradually spread around the country, with branches springing up in cities including Brighton and Sheffield. Anny Cullum, an activist and NHS administrator, says that until she got involved in Acorn, “there didn’t seem to be anything similar in the community. The way to ensure you have your right to a proper, decent and dignified way of living is for ordinary people to band together.”

    Acorn frequently works through direct action: members organise protests in their spare time, taking photos on their mobile phones and sharing them on social media with the aim of embarrassing their targets into agreeing to their demands – forcing landlords to repair mouldy properties or stopping evictions they consider unjust. They have targeted TSB because the bank has clauses in its buy-to-let mortgages that forbid landlords from renting to people on benefits, to asylum seekers, and in some circumstances to students. But on the night before the protest, having notified the bank of their intention to demonstrate, TSB relents; an email is sent to Acorn indicating the bank will change its terms and conditions so that buy-to-let mortgage holders can rent to people on benefits.

    “This is a massive win,” Cullum says, using a megaphone to address the assembled protesters. “If we weren’t here today, we wouldn’t be finding out about this, this wouldn’t be happening.” (Although the group is quick to argue that the other prohibitions ought to change too.) For its part, TSB confirms the policy change in an email; the bank says it has been reviewing this “for some time”, but the timing of its concession does not seem coincidental.

    In April, a group of Acorn protesters in Bristol prevented a court-appointed bailiff from evicting Sally Andrews and her three children from a property owned by Ernest Arathoon, a former director of Bristol City. Andrews complained about the property’s disrepair after moving in a year ago – there were problems with the gas and damp. Arathoon said she was behind on her rent, and the property had only fallen into disrepair after she moved in. Acorn argued that the eviction was illegal anyway, because the tenant had not received the documents she should have done when she moved in, including gas safety and energy performance certificates. The landlord said Acorn had got its facts wrong.

    “A lot of us showed up – about 30 of us,” says Ajmal Miah, an Acorn activist and student at the University of the West of England. “There was a community of people standing up for this tenant.”

    Acorn wasn’t initially set up to focus on housing issues. Nick Ballard, one of the group’s founders, was trained as an organiser as part of David Cameron’s Big Society initiative. “We wanted to start a union in the community,” he says, and when he and other founders set up a public meeting to establish what Acorn should focus on, “housing and tenants’ rights were clearly the number one issues”. Bristol council’s own research, published in 2017, shows that private rented housing is becoming more and more common, accounting for 29% of all housing in the city, up from 24% in 2011 and 12% in 2001. At the same time, very little council housing is being built and there is a council waiting list of 11,000.

    There is persistent frustration among Acorn members about private landlords who supply poor quality housing; Ballard recalls an early battle on behalf of a woman who had been living with “extreme levels of damp, fist-sized mushrooms growing on the walls of her bedroom”. Acorn members picketed a letting agency and the landlord’s business. Ultimately, the campaign apparently forced the landlord to pay for thousands of pounds worth of damp proofing at the woman’s house.

    In recent years, rents in Bristol have been soaring, fuelled in part by a buoyant local economy, and also by Londoners, priced out of the capital, moving west. Louie Herbert, an Acorn organiser, says that in the five and a half years he has lived in Bristol, rooms that cost around £250 a month, in the Easton area, are now going for £400-500. This inner city neighbourhood was once multicultural and working class, but Herbert says he has had to move out: “I can’t afford to live in that area any more.”

    Median Rents have gone up by 43% in the city since 2011, according to Valuation Office data as analysed by the BBC, and bidding wars for rental properties are not unusual. “A shared house that is put on for, say, £750 a month can easily end up going for £800,” says Cullum. Some locals are moving on to nearby towns such as Chippenham, where they can afford a property. Few believe they will ever be able to buy a property without help from their parents. Bristol property specialists JLL says a typical two bedroom apartment costs £280,000, having risen £20,000 during 2017 alone.

    Students in the city have their own set of related concerns. Bristol Cut the Rent is a sister group to Acorn, and its members are frustrated by the price and quality of housing in a city with two expanding universities, Bristol and the University of the West of England. Bristol University student numbers were 17,100 in 2004-5; in 2017-18 they were 25,024. Nic Hamer, a second year who studies English, says: “I struggled to pay my rent in my first year and it was £107 per week – pretty much the cheapest you could pay”.

    Hamer says students who can afford it are pushed to live in “big towers in the city centre run by companies like Unite” (which provides a significant proportion of the UK’s student accommodation). The cheapest rooms available are £150 a week, and rents can rise by 4–5% a year. Only the wealthiest students can afford to live in these rooms, which Hamer says is “gentrification in its purest form”. What frustrates her in particular is a belief that universities are incentivised to take on ever more students paying £9,000 a year in tuition fees, while ignoring the wider impact on the local renting economy. “They are using students to bankroll their finances,” she says. “Expansion of the university means they can take more units of nine grand in.”

    After four years of successful campaigning, Acorn is now recognised by the city council as a voice for private renters. There is wide sympathy in the union for the local authority, particularly since the election of Labour’s Marvin Rees as mayor of Bristol in 2016. While there are repeated complaints that there is not enough social housing, there is also an acceptance that the council’s ability to build is constrained by central government. But that didn’t stop Acorn from opposing a clumsy attempt last year to end a council tax exemption for some of the city’s poorest households. “We were only asking councillors to stick to their manifesto,” says Aidan Cassidy, a former Bristol University student who now works for the local energy supplier, Bristol Energy.

    There are two tiers of Acorn backers: there are around 500 paying members in Bristol. There is no specific fee, although people are asked to contribute one hour’s pay per month and the website suggests £8, £10 or £15 as possible sums. On top of that there are around 7,500 supporters: those who sign up for the mailing list and could be willing to turn up if needed. With some external support, it is enough to pay for a handful of organisers, and Acorn hopes to boost its presence around the country.

    Ask Acorn members what frustrates them most about the housing market, and they tend to reply that the system seems increasingly rigged against them. There is too much damp, too much hassle, and economic interests are conspiring to ensure rents keep rising. Sasha Sadjady, a civil servant and one of Acorn’s founder members, says she got involved because renting was “incredibly precarious … places are snapped up in 24 hours. Landlords want to know all sorts of information about you. Then, when you are in the house, you only have six months’ security. Such is the precarity, you are never ever able to feel comfortable in what should be your own home.”

    Sadjady says what annoys her the most about the housing market is a lack of understanding of the underlying economic forces at work – indicating what sort of longer term politics may emerge from a group like Acorn. “Sometimes it annoys me when you say it amounts to problems with certain landlords. There is always an antagonism there, because they are making a profit out of something that should be your right.”

  • Rent for Sex Investigation by Newcastle ACORN

    Click for Video


    Sex-for-rent landlords listen up: before you post that next advert on Craigslist or Gumtree, ask yourself if you’re willing to risk being exposed by ACORN.

    ACORN supports the recognition of sex work as legitimate work, with full protection from the law, unionisation, and the right to say no. The tenant-landlord relationship is a different power dynamic. It is inherently exploitative with no right to say no without risking losing your home. The authorities might not take this seriously, but we very much do.

  • ACORN – A Community Union in Action

    ACORN – A Community Union in Action

    Reprint of Article from Bristol 24/7 by Will Simpson


    Acorn – remember the word. The chances are you’re going to hear it a lot in the future. In less than two years Bristol-based community group, Acorn, have not only helped gain a better deal for the city’s private tenants, but also shown how community politics in the UK might be conducted in the future.

    The idea is simple. Acorn is a community version of a trade union. It began in Bristol when co-organiser Nick Ballard and a colleague worked on Locality, a government-backed community-organisers programme. Any funding the pair raised to start a community organisation, would be match-funded by the government. When they secured the cash in 2013 the Bristol Acorn was planted. “We thought we would do something to tackle economic issues rather than relatively more superficial things,” Ballard explains

    Campaigns covered by Acorn are ultimately up to its members, but it quickly became clear their primary focus is securing a better deal for private tenants. “When we initially talked to people other things were mentioned as being important issues. The cost of living, the high prices of utilities, access to services, but housing is the dominant thing.”

    Acorn is not a new idea. A US version has existed since the early 70s. There are also groups in Canada, Peru and the Dominican Republic. Since the Bristol group began in 2013 other UK versions have emerged in London, Newcastle, Birmingham and Reading.

    “I have to admit I didn’t know much about the US organisation,” says Ballard. “But when we spoke to their founder it sounded like their model worked and that it would beneficial to operate under that name.”

    The Bristol version is set up like a trade union – with neighbourhood rather than workplace branches. Each branch is free to launch its own hyper-local campaign yet if it has city-wide relevance they can co-ordinate with the other groups.

    Eventually, as with other unions, Acorn’s funding will come entirely through membership. “We still have a bit of money from that original grant,” explains Ballard. “But our goal is to be 100% self-sufficient through membership fees, which are around £4 to £5 per month. “It keeps us independent and it doesn’t limit the activities we can do or the campaigns that we run.’ At present Bristol Acorn has around 300 members although they estimate up to 8000 have supported the various campaigns and the demonstrations they’ve organised.

    And those campaigns have produced speedy results. This spring Bristol City Council adopted Acorn’s Ethical Lettings Charter, committing landlords to certain minimum standards – three of the city’s letting agencies have already signed up. Acorn have also won back deposits for members, and forced landlords to make long overdue repairs and install new appliances. “Just last weekend we demonstrated on behalf of three members in dispute with Liv N Let and as a result, for one of those, the overdue repairs have already started.”

    The question is whether Acorn can transform not only individual lives but grass roots politics in the UK. Nick believes the idea has huge potential. “Well, the idea is eventually to be build a national organisation. In the States Acorn started from nothing and grew to half a million members. That’s our long term goal. And the more we grow, the greater the ambition, the better campaigns we can run and the bigger political impact we can have.”

    “For the moment though it’s been great to see that mobilising people and taking direct action can improve a lot of local people’s lives. It really shows that if we unite and stand up for each other we can change things.”

    For more information about Acorn and their latest campaigns go to:

    Photographs by Julian Welsh

  • Campaigners visit Easton estate agents to protest against “unfair” tenancy fees

    Campaigners visit Easton estate agents to protest against “unfair” tenancy fees



    A group of campaigners marched their way around estate agents in Easton on Friday to protest against “unfair” tenancy fees and rolling monthly contracts.

    Members of the newly launched Easton neighbourhood branch of ACORN, a community social justice organisation in Bristol, have been canvassing residents to support the campaign and gained 500 signatures in just over a week.

    The BS5 area has twice the average number of privately rented homes in Bristol, and generates more than 25 per cent of all complaints about privately rented homes in the city.

    ACORN say that most rentals in the area offer only two to six months security and “rip-off” letting agent fees of up to £500 each time they move, leaving many tenants feeling “intimidated” out of complaining or campaigning by the threat of eviction.

    The group is now campaigning for an end to tenancy fees, the implementation of 12 month fixed-term tenancy agreements over rolling tenancies and support of longer fixed-term tenancy agreements wherever possible.

    The aim of Friday’s March was to encourage estate agents in the Easton area to work with ACORN to achieve those goals.

    Agents were also invited to “explain themselves” to residents at a public meeting on Thursday July 3. More than 100 people have already registered to attend the meeting and two letting agents have already agreed to come.


  • Easton Tenants to March Against “Rip-Off” Letting Agents

    Easton tenants to march against ‘rip-off’ letting agents

    Residents say they are “fed up” and have organised themselves to improve tenants’ rights and security, by marching on agents offices this morning

    Residents in Easton are due to march on lettings agents in the area this morning to protest against “rip-off tenancy fees and insecure rental contracts”.

    Members of the newly launched Easton neighbourhood branch of Acorn say the BS5 area has twice the average number of privately rented homes in Bristol, but generates more than 25% of all complaints about privately rented homes in the city.

    They add that with only two to six months of tenancy security and agent fees of up to £500 each time they move, many tenants are intimidated out of complaining or campaigning by the threat of eviction.

    Residents are now “fed up” and have organised themselves to improve tenants’ rights and security. They have been canvassing residents to support the campaign and gained 500 signatures for a petition in just over a week to demand the following from estate agents:

      An end to tenancy fees, which they say are “extortionate and unjustifiable”;

    • The implementation of 12-month, fixed-term tenancy agreements over insecure rolling tenancies, which don’t benefit tenants, landlords or the wider community;
    • Support of longer (three- or five-year) fixed-term tenancy agreements wherever possible.

    “In Easton, fees are often £250-500 (some are as high as £900) and some agents charge new fees of around £30 every six months,” Acorn says.

    “Not only that, but some letting agents encourage landlords to only sign contracts for 6 months to make it easier to evict tenants. It seems to be a case of ‘cough up or get out’.

    “Only having housing security for six months is not a decent way to live. Across Europe, standard tenancies are years years long or even unlimited. It’s better for all of us if we have some stability.

    “We want more stable communities; knowing your neighbours increases safety and well being, a less transient population takes more pride and invests more time in the place they live. Houses with longer-term tenants are generally looked after better and are less likely to provide eyesores or fall into dilapidation.”

    The petition will be presented to local letting agents at today’s march, starting at Morgan and Sons on Stapleton Road at 11am. Agents will also be invited to explain to residents their policies at a public meeting on Thursday, July 3.

  • ACORN Bristol’s First Action

    ACORN Bristol’s First Action

    ACORN Bristol had their first action today. We marched to various estate agents to have the members deliver a letter with the campaign demands (no more tenancy fees and rolling monthly contracts) and inviting agents to a meeting on the 3rd of July. ACORN Bristol is definitely buzzing and today three different media groups came out (including the radio that did some interviews with our ACORN members).





