Category: ACORN Scotland

  • Organizer Trainings Kicks off ACORN in Scotland

    Organizer Trainings Kicks off ACORN in Scotland

    Housing activists and organizers in Edinburgh, Scotland participate in an ACORN training by Chief Organizer Wade Rathke on May 11th, 2013


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  • Volunteer: Making Summer Special

    Melanie Craxton of the University of Edinburgh (Scotland) and Rochester, New York, does not believe in letting a moment go to waste, so she wanted to make her summer count for something. She had spent time as an intern with the Grameen Bank in Bangladesh in the past, and could see from the Remittance Justice Campaign that there were similarities as well as an interest by ACORN International in tackling the complexities of microfinance for our membership, evaluating the field, and even building tools to allow our members in the slums to be better “loan consumers.” In an exciting development to both Melanie and ACORN International, we are exchanging three months of a hot and humid New Orleans summer in 2011 for her skills and help in producing our research on microfinance which we will roll out in the fall of this year.
