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Category: ACORN France
Alliance Citoyenne: Residents of the Durance Valley create their eco-union
On May 5th, nearly 70 residents of the middle Durance Valley territory in Alpes Haute Provence gathered in Oraison to officially establish the eco-union “Riverains Ensemble Durance.”
Dona Sayi, a resident of Les Mées, fears for her and her family’s health: “I moved to Dabisse in 2019, and my house is just a few meters away from apple trees. I am concerned about the potential impact of intensive pesticide spraying on my health and, most importantly, on the health of my two children.”
(more…)Alliance Citoyenne : Tenants Mobilize to Fight Back Against Aubervilliers Public Housing Office (OPH)
Rising expenses and rents, elevator breakdowns, and disregard for their concerns… Tenants of the OPH in Aubervilliers, France continue to rally against the abuses of their landlord. Several neighborhood meetings have taken place at Hélène Cochennec, La Maladrerie, and Emile Dubois. Everywhere, the message is the same: “We’ve had enough, it’s time to take action.”
(more…)Alliance Citoyenne’s Les Hijabeuse : Fight Against the French Football Federation’s Ban on Hijabs
Our affiliate, Alliance Citoyenne’s collective Les Hijabeuses, lodged an appeal in November 2021 challenging the French Football Federation’s prohibition on players wearing the hijab.
Amidst this ongoing battle, regardless of the final judgment from the Council of State, what we have accomplished is HISTORICAL. Women, the very individuals most affected, athletes, and activists, stood up against a powerful institution like the FFF. We have refused to stay silent, unapologetically embracing our identities and reclaiming our rights.
(more…)ACORN International’s global response to the COVID-19 Pandemic – Mumbai to British Columbia
At the outset of the now-ongoing COVID-19 global pandemic, over a dozen chapters, branches, and affiliate organizations of ACORN International issued a global call for the social protection of low-income families and individuals.
(more…)IN THE NEWS: Victory of the Hijabeuses
The New York Times
April 18, 2022
The Female Soccer Players Challenging France’s Hijab Ban By Constant Méheut
Photographs by Monique Jaques
ACORN France08/21
The Citizen Alliance’s Hijabi s’ Union is taking action at the FFF-Fédération Française de Football to fight for for Muslim women wearing scarves. right to play official competition matches wearing sports hijabs.
Union Busting in France: Alliance Citoyenne Report
In 2018, the anti-union repressive tactics of the Gennevilliers Mayor and elected officials finally defeated the ACORN citizens’ alliance in that city. After months of deprivation of communal public rooms, banishment, intimidation of individuals, discrimination in accessing City services public defamation, SLAPP lawsuits, an organizer went into depression and the leaders decided to put the organization on hold. Along with discourses on local democracy and citizen participation, these practices show the reality of local power and its tendency to repress dissident voices.
Following this defeat, Alliance Citoyenne (ACORN France) initiated an observatory of repression of community associations. The goal is to better understand the phenomenon and to show the reality of union busting tactics by public authorities, similar to union busting in the companies. The research was carried out by Alinsky Institute, the ACORN France research and training center, and chaired by researcher Julien Talpin and a team of nationally known social sciences researchers.
A Grenoble, les locataires du bailleur social Actis manifestent car ils ont froid chez eux
Ils ont manifesté car ils en ont assez d’avoir froid. Une cinquantaine de locataires de logements sociaux de Grenoble ont envahi, ce matin, les locaux d’Actis, l’un des bailleurs sociaux de la ville. Ils dénoncent la vétusté de leurs appartements dans le quartier de l’Abbaye.
Des plaids en guise de banderoles, une cinquantaine de locataires a envahi les bureaux d’Actis, le bailleur social grenoblois.Dans le quartier de l’Abbaye, 120 appartements sont concernés. Dans la plupart, la température plafonne à 17 degrés. Alors certains vivent en peignoir et en chaussons fourrés, plusieurs couches de couvertures sur eux lorsqu’ils sont immobiles.
Et ce n’est pas tout, fuites dans le toit, mauvaise isolation, humidité… Les locataires du quartier n’en peuvent plus et demandent des travaux d’urgence.
Reportage Jordan Guéant, Maxime Quéméner, Virginie Muamba :