Category: ACORN Cameroon

  • OnEstEnsemble (ACORN Cameroon) report on union repression at SOSUCAM sugarcane plantations

    OnEstEnsemble (ACORN Cameroon) report on union repression at SOSUCAM sugarcane plantations

    Français ci-dessous

    OnEstEnsemble, ACORN’s Cameroon affiliate, has released a report on union-busting at the SOSUCAM sugarcane plantations.

  • ACORN International’s global response to the COVID-19 Pandemic – Mumbai to British Columbia

    ACORN International’s global response to the COVID-19 Pandemic – Mumbai to British Columbia

    At the outset of the now-ongoing COVID-19 global pandemic, over a dozen chapters, branches, and affiliate organizations of ACORN International issued a global call for the social protection of low-income families and individuals.

  • Victorious Mobilization of Souscam Seasonal Workers

    Victorious Mobilization of Souscam Seasonal Workers

    Faced with the lack of protective equipment, agricultural workers go on strike again

    On April 8, 2022, 300 SOSUCAM planters dropped their tools and stopped work at the Mbandjock plantation to claim PPE. Two days later, 700 workers from the Nkoteng plantation went on strike. Management immediately gives in to their demands under pressure.

    In the end, around 1,200 planters received gloves, coats, boots and leggings!

  • Historic Cutters Strike in SOSUCAM Sugar Cane Plantations

    Historic Cutters Strike in SOSUCAM Sugar Cane Plantations


    On February 23, 2022, nearly 2,000 agricultural laborers (cutters) from the Société sucrière du Cameroun (SOSUCAM) went on strike in Nkoteng to protest against the deterioration of their already precarious working conditions. The police and gendarmerie forces immediately came to disperse the crowd, using tear gas canisters. Shots were also fired and two workers were injured, in the forearm and in the thigh.  After three days on strike, the agricultural laborers at the Mbandjock plantation joined the strike in the face of management’s refusal to dialogue, paralyzing work in all the plantations and factories. From 26 February to 8 March, nearly 8,000 people were suspended from work by the strike.[1]

    The strike was triggered by requests for explanations issued the day before to 180 workers by their supervisors. These workers had used their right to refuse a task, deemed too difficult. The sanction imposed, while the supervisor is supposed to adjust the tasks to the density of canes to cut, was the last straw. Indeed, the conditions of agricultural laborers are much less advantageous than those of permanent workers (lower salary scale, lower premiums, no health coverage, etc.), and their status is very precarious (seasonal contracts), even though the work is technical and physical. An investigation report, attesting to the difficult conditions of workers at Sosucam, a subsidiary of the French group Castel, has just been published. [2]

    Despite a large-scale strike, management did not respond to the workers’ demands: on 24 February, a press release from Sosucam announced discussions with staff representatives and stated that measures would be taken, without specifying their content, and urged the workers to return to work. The workers remained united and the strike gained momentum. New promises were made by management representatives in the following days, but the general manager remained silent and absent. The strikers refused to return to work. They demanded in particular: a significant salary increase (with a base salary of 250,000 CFA francs – €380), step increases with seniority, an increase in the performance bonus, and a reduction in task objectives.

    On 1 March, Sosucam management issued a press release announcing resolutions taken in consultation with union representatives (CSAC, CSTC, USLC, CSIC, CTUC). However, no representatives of the seasonal workers, who represent nearly 90% of the workers, and 100% of the agricultural laborers, are present. The strikers, meeting every day in assemblies gathering several hundred workers, demanded a public meeting with the General Manager. He agreed and finally met with the strikers at the municipal stadium on March 3 but declared that “on issues related to wage increases and the harmonization of performance bonuses, [he] could not take a decision. The strikers refuse. “What really matters is fixed pay. The cutting bonuses, for example, are issued arbitrarily by the supervisors, we get between 1000 and 3000f for that only at the end of the month”, testifies one of the leaders of the strike. So The strike has been renewed.

    On March 6, a new official statement from management was issued, announcing in particular:

    • The cancellation of the 180 requests for explanations issued to agricultural laborers
    • The improvement of the reception of workers in the medical centers
    • The suspension of the new controversial cutting technique among agricultural laborers and the transparency (posting) of tasks and objectives
    • The increase of the cutting premium from 175fcfa to 250fcfa
    • The introduction of an end-of-campaign bonus of 15,000 CFA francs for all employees who have worked throughout the campaign
    • The recruitment of a social mediator by the labor delegate among the agricultural laborers.

    Despite measures deemed insufficient by striking workers, under pressure from traditional chiefs called upon by management, and with police and gendarmerie commando teams patrolling alongside Sosucam agents with megaphones in the neighborhoods, workers gradually returned to work on March 7 and 8. On March 9, the company was operating normally again.

    The mobilization and tenacity of the agricultural laborers made it possible to obtain concrete progress, but they decided to organize themselves solidly in order to significantly improve their working conditions, and that their demands could be carried by legitimate and democratically elected representatives, thanks to the creation of a union of seasonal workers of Sosucam.

    [1] The injured workers were taken to hospital in Yaoundé and the costs covered by Sosucam

    [2] Castel: to the health of Africa – ReAct Transnational, February 2022 –

  • Building the We Are Together Association (#OnEstEnsemble)  to Grasp Victories!

    Building the We Are Together Association (#OnEstEnsemble) to Grasp Victories!

    The OnEstEnsemble association was organized on December 18, 2021, its large citizen assembly of the inhabitants of the neighborhoods where it is located. 50 people from neighborhood associations, local committees: active leaders, supporters, association leaders, neighborhood leaders, and block leaders were represented. The purpose of this assembly was to share with the participant’s information on the progress and results obtained by the Association in 2021 and to define the campaign tracks for 2022. Also, it was intended to reward with scrolls, the leaders who have distinguished themselves the most during the year.

    This meeting allowed the participants to express themselves on the problems of proximity and to formulate concrete proposals in the face of the problems encountered on a daily basis. The appointment has been made for the next citizens’ assembly in 2022.

    We are together

    YouTube Channel: OnEstEnsemble Cameroon – YouTube




    Last Wednesday, November 23, 2021 at 2 p.m., in the Bepanda Yonyong district, the citizen dialogue between the Mayor of the district municipality of Douala 5 and its inhabitants was held.
    The purpose of this consultation was to encourage the taking into account of the real needs of the inhabitants, on the development projects of the town hall, taking into account the reality on the ground and citizen monitoring of the works.
    The Mayor of Douala 5, absent for mission, was represented by his municipal development officer, Mr. NGONGA Raoul Stéphane.
    This citizens’ talk enabled residents to communicate on their priority concerns, particularly on the themes of access to drinking water, education, roads, the environment, public lighting and safety …
    Mr. NGONGA lent himself to the question / answer game and communicated on the development projects of the town hall of Douala 5 for the year 2022.
    The residents left the chat enriched and the appointment has been made for next year with the citizen consultations that will take place in each neighborhood.

    together we are stronger




    In Douala, the absence of water in the neighborhoods irritated the inhabitants who decided to block the main entrance to the Camwater general management (public water distribution company), through a flashmob, choreography to denounce the absence communication from the Director of the company.

    Tuesday morning November 23, 2021 at 9 am, twenty men and women with empty water bottles from the Bepanda petit Wouri, Makepe 1 Missoke and Maturity neighborhoods made a “flashmob”, punctuated by an artistic choreography in front of the management General of Camwater to proclaim their dissatisfaction due to the silence on the level of progress of the project to extend the water network in the neighborhoods.
    Indeed, many households are not connected to the urban water network, and have to travel long distances to obtain water from the boreholes or tanks available. Several of them want to connect to the Camwater network, and pay the bills due each month, but they explain that the main network is very far from their homes.

    It should be remembered in November and December 2019, Mr. BALEBA (Camwater Deido Technical Manager) carried out the footage in 3 of the districts concerned (220, 1200 and 1400 meters of extension respectively for Cacao Barry, Bepanda Petit Wouri and Makepe 1 Missoke) , and indicated having sent his report and the maps to his superiors. Long after several reminders, an official from the regional office noted that the files no longer exist in the Camwater database.

    In February 2021, a delegation of members of the association again challenged the Regional Director. On March 10, 2021, the same route in terms of footage was redone in the districts identified by 02 camwater agents under the supervision of Mr. FASSU (regional technical assistant), contact person designated by the Regional Director to carry out the follow-up. After several reminders, he told us that “the file was directed to the infrastructure management, which never contacted the association to indicate the level of progress of the project”.

    The mobilized residents thus hope to realize the urgency of the situation so that the general manager of Camwater makes commitments by giving the level of progress of the extension project in the neighborhoods and subsequently facilitating the household connection procedure.
    Following this mobilization, the spokespersons of the association were received by the private secretary of DG Camwater accompanied by the Directors, regional and Communication, then a descent to the Makepe 1 Missoke district followed to make it possible to touch the finger the reality on the ground.
    The commitments made in the field are as follows:

    • The water network extension project will begin in 2022 in the districts and a timetable will be established to follow up on consultation with the CEO;
    • The connection procedure will be facilitated in order to allow households to connect at a reasonable cost;
    • Any connections not made will be reestablished within ten days maximum.

    We are together

    YouTube channel: OnEstEnsemble Cameroon – YouTube

  • OnEstEnsemble Flash Mob in  Cameroon

    OnEstEnsemble Flash Mob in Cameroon

    Today in front of Camwater company: 1000 Households were represented in the demand for a network-wide extension on their water services. OnEstEnsemble, an ACORN affiliate in Cameroon organized a flash mob at the local company office and through the community

  • ACCESS TO DRINKING WATER FOR ALL: Rehabilitation of a Free of a Free Public Fountain in Douala

    ACCESS TO DRINKING WATER FOR ALL: Rehabilitation of a Free of a Free Public Fountain in Douala

    In order to provide sustainable solutions in terms of access to drinking water, members of the local branch OnEstEnsemble Bepanda Yonyong called on the Mayor of the district municipality of Douala 5 for the rehabilitation of a terminal. public fountain with 10 taps. After collecting 150 signatures accompanied by correspondence, in July 2021 the district experienced a descent by city hall officials to touch on the realities on the ground. The relevance of the problem was quickly established by the 6th Deputy to whom the file was sent, immediately launching a call to march for the repair of the water point in September 2021 The rehabilitation works are presented at around 4 and a half million FCFA and lasted 56 days. To date, the 10 water taps are operational to the great pleasure of the residents of the neighborhood, who will no longer travel great distances to obtain drinking water.


    Dans le but d’apporter des solutions durables en matière d’accès à l’eau potable , les membres de l’antenne locale OnEstEnsemble  Bepanda Yonyong ont interpellé le Maire de la commune d’arrondissement de Douala 5 pour la réhabilitation d’une borne fontaine publique à 10 robinets. Après une collecte de 150 signatures accompagnée d’une correspondance, le quartier a connu au mois de juillet 2021 une descente des agents de la mairie pour toucher du doigt les réalités sur le terrain. La pertinence du problème a été très vite établie par le 6ème Adjoint vers qui le dossier a été diligenté, lançant à l’immédiat un appel à marcher pour la réfection du point d’eau au mois de septembre 2021

    Les travaux de réhabilitation sont présentés à hauteur d’environ 4 millions et demi de FCFA et ont duré 56 jours.

    A ce jour, les 10 robinets à eau sont fonctionnels au grand plaisir des habitants du quartier, qui ne vont plus parcourir de grandes distances pour s’approvisionner en eau potable. 




  • TRANSPARENCY OF PUBLIC ACTION IN CAMEROON: The municipality of Douala’s consulted the ONEST Association to Propose 2022-2024 Program Budget

    TRANSPARENCY OF PUBLIC ACTION IN CAMEROON: The municipality of Douala’s consulted the ONEST Association to Propose 2022-2024 Program Budget

    As part of the development of the 2022 – 2024 program budget for the district municipality of Douala 5, the OnEstEnsemble association was involved in identifying the needs of the inhabitants of each district.
    4 major themes have been identified to make proposals in this case:

    • Improving the supply of basic social services
    • Promotion of economic development and environmental protection (improve
      the attractiveness of the territory and sustainable development)
    • Promotion of citizenship, culture, sport and youth
    • Governance and local administration
      Several consultations are currently being carried out in the 11 neighborhoods where the association is established. All members have been called upon to identify the problems that undermine the districts of Douala 5. These needs will be submitted to the municipal council in November 2021 dedicated to the development of the budget of the district municipality of Douala 5.
      A monitoring and watch committee has been set up in the neighborhoods to ensure the smooth running of the projects to be carried out by the town hall of Douala5.

    We are together

    YouTube channel: OnEstEnsemble Cameroon – YouTube



    Dans le cadre de l’élaboration du budget programme 2022 – 2024 de la commune d’arrondissement de Douala 5, l’association OnEstEnsemble a été associée à l’identification les besoins des habitants de chaque quartier. 

    4 thématiques majeures ont été identifiées pour faire des propositions en occurrence : 

    – Amélioration de l’offre des services sociaux de base

    – Promotion du développement économique et protection de l’environnement (améliorer

    l’attractivité du territoire et développement durable)

    – Promotion de la citoyenneté, culture, sport et jeunesse

    – Gouvernance et administration locale

    Plusieurs consultations sont actuellement réalisées dans les 11 quartiers où l’association est implantée. Tous les membres ont été mis en contribution pour identifier sur les problèmes qui minent les quartiers de Douala 5.  Ces besoins seront soumis au conseil municipal de Novembre 2021 dédié à l’élaboration du budget de la commune d’arrondissement de Douala 5. 

    Un comité de suivi et de veille a été mis sur pied dans les quartiers pour s’assurer de la bonne marche des projets à réaliser par la mairie de Douala5. 


    Twitter : 


    chaine YouTube : OnEstEnsemble Cameroun – YouTube 
