Category: ACORN Argentina




    CONTACT AT and

    ACORN International is currently running a community education center that provides free after school homework support, English, art, theatre, and dance classes to children and young adults from the low-income southern cone neighborhoods of Buenos Aires, Argentina.   The center is entirely run and funded by ACORN members (families in surrounding neighborhoods) and volunteers. Every day, there are anywhere between 20 and 50 children and 5 to 8 volunteer teachers and helpers at the center. 

    Not only does the center function as a “safe space” where kids can attain useful skills, expand creatively, and work on their schoolwork provided, but it also does something unique that not many other educational programs provide—it provides a space where parents, children, and other neighborhood residents collaborate on projects that benefit the overall community.  ACORN members who are working on ACORN Campaigns—for example our campaign to increase communication and trust between residents living in dangerous areas and local police —bring their children to the ACORN Center, where, amongst other things, they make colorful posters pertaining to the campaign that can be used as visuals in meetings or other actions.   In this way, the children feel like they can contribute to an important project that their parents, and other members of the community, are also involved with. 



    Centro de Comunidad y Proyecto de Desarrollado de La Boca 

    Información Para Nuevos Voluntarios 

    ¿Quiénes Somos?Somos… Club ACORN Argentina, un centro comunitario de La Boca. Ofrecemos clases, proyectos y eventos para niños, jóvenes y adultos de los Barrios de La Boca y Barracas.  Intentamos dar a la comunidad local un lugar seguro y educativo y al mismo tiempo enseñar a nuestros estudiantes el valor de la comunicación, respeto y buena relación con los demás y con ellos mismos.  Las clases son gratuitas con la colaboración de los voluntarios y participantes de Club ACORN. 

     ¿Qué Ofrecemos? Clases de lunes a viernes para niños, incluyendo Apoyo Escolar, Ingles, Arte (Arte Terapia), Teatro, Danza, Nutrición y Gimnasia. También tenemos juegos y proyectos que cambian día a día. Para adultos, ofrecemos clases de Alfabetización y clases de Inglés.  

    ¿Qué tenés que tener para ser Voluntario? Ganas…de aprender, de dar tiempo para ayudar a los demás, de enseñar, de compartir momentos y de colaborar. 

    ¿Cuál es el rol del Voluntario?Hoy más que nunca los voluntarios son la base de casi todas actividades de ACORN, ayudando a realizar con éxito nuestros proyectos y brindando asistencia y contención a las personas que lo necesitan.  

    Horario:Lunes: 14-17Martes: 16-19; clases para adultos 19-21Miércoles: 14-17Jueves: 16-19Viernes: 16-19 

    Dirección:Avenida Regimiento Patricios 566Ubicado en la Boca y conectado con la ciudad con varias líneas de colectivos (39,74,10,93 y 29,24,22) Para Participar:Si te interesa participar conéctate con nosotros por mail:, y confirma una reserva para tu entrevista en la Oficina de ACORN: Moreno 428 – Piso 10B (entre las calles Defensa y Bolívar). Te estamos esperando!!!!




    ACORN International is currently running a community education center that provides free after school homework support in english, art, theater, and dance classes to children and young adults from the low-income southern cone neighborhoods of Buenos Aires, Argentina. The center is entirely run and funded by ACORN members (families in surrounding neighborhoods) and volunteers. Every day, there are anywhere between 20 and 50 children and 5 to 8 volunteer teachers and helpers at the center.

    Not only does the center function as a “safe space” where kids can attain useful skills, expand creatively, and work on their schoolwork provided, but it also does something unique that not many other educational programs provide—it provides a space where parents, children, and other neighborhood residents collaborate on projects that benefit the overall community. ACORN members who are working on ACORN Campaigns—for example our campaign to increase communication and trust between residents living in dangerous areas and local police —bring their children to the ACORN Center, where, amongst other things, they make colorful posters pertaining to the campaign that can be used as visuals in meetings or other actions. In this way, the children feel like they can contribute to an important project that their parents, and other members of the community, are also involved with.

    We need your help to expand this valuable program.

    Please consider volunteering, donating, and making Club ACORN International possible!

    We are already a success in Argentina and we have all of the energy for Dominican Republic, India, Perú and Mexico, but we need your support.

    CONTACT AT and to learn more on ways you can share the experience!




  • Argentina ACORN members unite for a common cause

    ACORN Argentina is improving basic rights in its capital city of Buenos Aires, including the rights to public housing, education, clean air and water by fighting for protection from health hazards caused by traffic pollution and cellular antennas.
