ACORN United States is a network of powerful grassroots organizations working to advance social, economic, and racial justice. Our affiliates include A Community Voice, Progressive Maryland, and United Labor Unions Local 100, which together represent workers, families, and communities fighting for a fairer and more equitable society. Through organizing, advocacy, and collective action, we empower everyday people to make real change.


Recent Wins

Nov 5, 2024

No On Question H

Baltimore voters have overwhelmingly rejected Question H, a measure that would have slashed the City Council from 14 to 8 members, threatening community representation. This victory is a testament to the power of grassroots organizing—Progressive Maryland and the Baltimore City Not For Sale (BCNFS) coalition fought tirelessly to ensure residents knew the stakes.

Through door-knocking, phone banking, community presentations, and poll work, our volunteers stood strong against deep-pocketed interests trying to weaken Baltimore’s voice. This is the first ballot measure in over 20 years to be defeated, proving that corporate money is no match for people power.

Nov 6, 2024

Home Rule Charter Amendment Passes

New Orleans voters overwhelmingly passed the Workers’ Bill of Rights with 80% support, marking a major win for Local 100 and labor allies! This victory enshrines the right to fair wages, healthcare, paid leave, and workplace organizing in the city’s Home Rule Charter.

Local 100 has fought for decades to secure real protections for workers, and this win sends a clear message—New Orleans stands with its working people. Now, the fight continues to ensure these rights are upheld and enforced!

Sep 25, 2024

Canal Expansion Prevented

A huge victory for working families in Louisiana—thanks to the relentless organizing of A Community Voice leaders Kristy Carter and Mary Evans, alongside State Rep. Candace Newell, the Florida Ave Freeway and Industrial Canal expansion remain defunded!

These projects would have displaced homeowners and prioritized corporate interests over community needs. But our grassroots coalition fought back—and won. This victory shows the power of people coming together to protect their neighborhoods from destructive development.

United Labor Unions

Key Leader

Toney Orr


f you’re located in Arkansas:


If you’re located in Louisiana:


If you’re located in Texas:



United Labor Unions Local 100 is an independent, community-based labor organization representing low and middle income workers in the South.


  • Little Rock
  • New Orleans
  • Dallas
  • Houston

A Community Voice

A Community Voice

Key Leader

 Beth Butler



A Community Voice (ACV) is a nonprofit community organization and ACORN affiliate representing working families, the elderly, women, and children. ACV empowers its members to address everyday issues impacting their lives, fostering collective action to improve the well-being of individuals and communities alike.


  • New Orleans
  • Lake Charles

Progressive Maryland

Key Leader

 Larry Stafford, Jr.



Progressive Maryland is a statewide nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing racial, social, economic, and environmental justice. With over 120,000 members and supporters, Progressive Maryland drives change through grassroots organizing, public education, and legislative advocacy, working alongside diverse allies to secure meaningful progressive victories across the state.


Updates From The Field
