
  • Anti-Corruption Activists Call Shunglu Committee a Farce

    From the Times of India:

    Activists seek setting up of SIT on Games

    TNN, Oct 30, 2010, 04.44am IST

    NEW DELHI: Civil society activists under the banner of ” India against corruption” accused the Prime Minister of “misleading” the nation by setting up the Shunglu Committee to probe corruption charges in the recently concluded Commonwealth Games. Activists, led by Magsaysay award winner Arvind Kejriwal and former IPS officer Kiran Bedi, demanded formation of a Special Investigation Team (SIT), and called the Shunglu committee a farce.

    Claiming that the committee did not have powers to either summon or investigate corruption, Kejriwal said there was sufficient evidence to lodge an FIR.

    “When agencies like the Central Vigilance Commission ( CVC) and the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) find it difficult to get their orders implemented, how would the Shunglu Committee get its orders implemented?” he asked.

    The activists urged concerned citizens to join them in filing an FIR at the Parliament Street police station on November 12 against corruption in the Commonwealth Games. Other activists, who are supporting this campaign, include Prashant Bhushan, Swami Ramdev, Madhu Trehan and S C Agrawal.

    The Shunglu Committee was appointed by the PM to look into the allegations of corruption in the Commonwealth Games, which was held between October 3 and 14. It has been asked to submit its report within three months.

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  • No Money for Mosquito Spraying after CWG

    Funds go up in smoke, MCD gets Rs 35 crore for fogging

    From the Times of India –TNN, Oct 26, 2010, 12.53am IST

    NEW DELHI: If dengue and malaria have come back with a vengeance, you can blame the Commonwealth Games for it. Having ensured a relatively dengue-free Games — there was only one case from the Games Village — MCD, it seems now wants Delhiites to pay the price for it.

    According to health minister Kiran Walia, the civic agency has told the government that after the intensive fogging in and around the Games Village before and during the Commonwealth Games, it has no resources left to do fogging for the rest of the year. There has been no fogging since the end of the Games. The situation has come to such a pass that in an emergency meeting on Monday, the state government had to sanction an additional Rs 35 crore for fogging purposes to the civic agency.

    MCD originally had a budget of Rs 11 crore for fogging and later the Delhi government gave it an extra grant of Rs 22 crore for the purpose of intensifying the exercise around the Village and Games venues. This was in addition to the Rs 5 crore the MCD had from last year that was given to it for the Games. “I personally supervised fogging then so as to prevent any national embarrassment but now they have said that they have run out of kerosene, etc, and the money. That is a cause for great concern and I am trying to see if there can be some extra money sanctioned for this purpose,” health minister Kiran Walia said.

    MCD had been doing fogging twice a day in the Games Village, she added. “We had covered a radius of 1-1.5km around the Village too so that there was no scope for breeding at all,” said the minister. Areas like Pandavnagar and Shakkarpur had seen the kind of presence of MCD fogging staff as it had never ever seen.

    MCD sources say the “on-demand” fogging during the Games was a drain on resources but had been done because it was a “unique situation”. “But it is not possible to sustain that kind of tempo for that long a time without impacting our overall means. That is exactly what has happened now,” said a MCD official.

    Finance minister A K Walia said, “I was told that the medicine that they are using now for fogging is three times more expensive than the earlier one. Moreover, the Games have been a drain, so we have sanctioned additional money and we have asked them to resume fogging as soon as possible.”


  • Recycling and Respect

    The article below is from and the original piece can be found at:

    Empowered: Sheetal (second from left) with her mother Lakshmi (centre) and grandmother Hanumanthi. Abhijit Bhatlekar/Mint

    Few neighbourhoods in Mumbai have attracted global attention the way Dharavi has. But all the intense, often glamorized focus on the area can misrepresent it. It is justly described as a hub of enterprise, evidence that even the most disadvantaged of urban populations can thrive in spite of adversity.

    But celebrating that can-do spirit and the common humanity that visitors and tourists love to identify with, can sometimes obscure Dharavi’s realities.

    It can be one of the most hostile working environments in the city, and perhaps no population confronts its risks more directly than its waste collectors, commonly called ragpickers, the base of Dharavi’s growing recycling industry.

    “I used to pick and sort plastic all day, too,” says Lakshmi Kamble, 30. “My life was about that. I wanted to be a doctor when I was a child, but we couldn’t afford it. And my whole life, as I grew up in Dharavi, got married, became a mother, got divorced, and moved back here with my daughter—I had no identity of my own.” She was sorting plastic the day she first heard of ACORN India’s Dharavi Project. “I thought to myself, what good would this do me? What was the point of being part of such a project?”


    ACORN India, affiliated with ACORN International, is a registered charitable trust currently working in Mumbai, Delhi and Bangalore, focused, in their own words, on four Rs.: “Reduce, Recycle, Reuse and Respect”. The Dharavi Project, which began operations in August 2008, is a participative resource for the communities which form part of the area’s recycling industry. At its heart is a collective that aims to give ragpickers the tools and training to improve their working conditions. Handling toxic materials and the rotten by-products of Mumbai’s industries poses significant health hazards to those who collect and sort them on punishing schedules, seven days a week. The project also aims to give the community the credit they deserve as essential workers in a city whose waste output keeps pace with its rate of growth. They are also faced with a near-total lack of respect and social security, bereft, as Lakshmi says, of any identity beyond that of the unclean and the hopeless.


    According to ACORN India, 40% of this unacknowledged workforce consists of women and children: a population that can face exceptional risks and exceptional pressures from their families. Take Lakshmi’s daughter Sheetal, for instance: She used to be teased by others at the local municipal school for having a mother who picked up garbage. Lakshmi says she has heard the same about her own mother—like her, a native of Dharavi and a plastic collector.

    “When I came to ACORN, I got my own bearings first,” she says. “I asked myself questions about the work I had been doing all my life. Is it good or bad? I told myself that as unclean or dirty as the job might be, I am doing a good thing. I am taking a load off the BMC (Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation). Why should I feel ashamed of what I am doing? I explained this to my daughter: Tell those who tease her, so what if my mother does this? She doesn’t have to depend on anyone else to feed me. It put my daughter in the right frame of mind too.”

    Today, Sheetal, 11, spends her time outside school in the variety of activities the Dharavi Project organizes for the children of its members. Some of those children—not Sheetal—are ragpickers themselves, compelled by hunger and family pressure to earn money. Through music, sport, dance and art, the Dharavi Project aims to give the community’s children some much-needed recreational space, and allow them to think about alternatives to their future. It has just ended a successful music workshop, and is running a football programme for the children right now.

    Watching Sheetal run around on the grass with other girls, Lakshmi says: “The children don’t always come here knowing right from wrong. Some of them felt they only had to earn money, by good means or bad. Some of them committed crimes. But today I feel like these children are learning to create an identity for themselves. If they play games together, then maybe tomorrow they will have what it takes to form teams, to take part in competitions, to stand up to the world outside. They will learn that hard work will actually make a difference in their lives.”

    Lakshmi’s mother Hanumanthi too attends the Dharavi Project’s programmes on the big days. “I’m too busy to go along to all their activities,” she says gruffly, but smiles as she recalls Sheetal’s participation in dramas, dance and singing. She is the head of the family as far as Lakshmi is concerned—out of their extended circle of kith and kin, she is the first of the three Kamble women who form the family that Lakshmi values. “My mother is my inspiration,” Lakshmi says. “The values I pass on to the others who come to ACORN India, especially the children, are the ones she gave me.”

    Lakshmi is one of the Dharavi Project’s committee members today, organizing the community in rights-based work, training the collectors with whom she works side by side during the day, and ensuring that the other children in the project get the support and guidance they require from their own parents. “We have a chance to give these children the things we have never had,” she explains. It is not easy being a member: She typically divides her day between work, taking care of Sheetal, housekeeping, and ACORN India’s office, where she started to volunteer in March 2009 out of a sense of purpose, and which has become a passion and unpaid vocation.

    “My mother was annoyed by what she considered a waste of time at first,” Lakshmi admits. “But now she has come around to the idea. She realizes that even if I earn less money because of the time I give to ACORN, people will know who she is one day: because of her daughter and the work she does.

  • “High Level Committee” to Investigate Commonwealth Games

    Below is a press release from the Indian Government outlining the establishment of a “High Level Committee” to investigate issues relating to the Commonwealth Games.


    Press Information Bureau 
    Government of India
    Prime Minister’s Office

    25-October-2010 19:48 IST

    Terms of Reference of High Level Committee to Look into the Organisation and Conduct of the Commonwealth Games – 2010

    Government has approved the constitution of a High Level Committee (HLC) headed by Shri V.K. Shunglu, the former Comptroller & Auditor General of India, to look into the organization and conduct of the Commonwealth Games – Delhi 2010 and also to draw lessons from it. The second member of the Committee will be Shri Shantanu Consul (IAS:KTK:74), Secretary, Department of Personnel & Training, upon his retirement on 31st October, 2010.

    Government has also approved the terms of reference for the Committee as under:

    i) The role and responsibilities of the signatories to the Host City Contract and the overall implications of the obligations entered into through the Host City Contract;

    ii) The planning and execution of development projects related to the Games and contracts for service delivery, with reference to time, cost and quality;

    iii) The issues relating to the effectiveness of the organizational structure and governance for organization, preparation and conduct of the Games at all levels, including the Organising Committee and its Key Functional Areas;

    iv) Examination of weaknesses in management, alleged misappropriation, irregularities, wasteful expenditure and wrongdoing in the conduct of the Games, and, recommending action on the same;

    v) The issues relating to financing the Games, including estimates of revenue and expenditure;

    vi) The issues concerning coordination amongst various agencies involved in the development of infrastructure and conduct of the Games;

    vii) The role of international/national advisors/consultants/officials of the Organising Committee in the conduct of the Games;

    viii) The overall impact of the Games including legacy for city infrastructure, sports infrastructure and sports development;

    ix) The lessons learnt for the future, on each of the above, including establishment of a mechanism for laying down timeframes and effective monitoring, creation of a legally sustainable framework for hosting similar international sporting events, appropriate financial management and internal audit, media interaction and communication;

    x) Any other areas considered relevant by the Committee.

    The HLC will submit its report within three months. It will decide its own procedures and mode of enquiry. All Ministries and Departments of the Central and State Governments, as well as agencies and organizations under their administrative control, have been directed to extend their full cooperation and assistance to the HLC in completing its assignment within this time. The Ministry of Sports will extend administrative and logistic support to the Committee. It will function from its office in Vigyan Bhawan.

    The Comptroller & Auditor General of India (C&AG), Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) and other agencies will independently carry out their audit and investigations, in accordance with their respective mandates. All complaints referred to various agencies will be looked into and action taken immediately by the agency concerned. The HLC will recommend action on any matter that comes to its notice involving alleged misappropriation, irregularities, wasteful expenditure or wrongdoing, and, they will take immediate action as warranted under the law.

    The HLC will also consider any complaint from any member of the public, duly supported by documents, with respect to its remit i.e. organization and conduct of the Commonwealth Games – Delhi 2010. The HLC will inform the members of the public regarding its availability to receive such complaints, in due course.


  • India begin probe into ‘corruption’ at Commonwealth Games

    A group of Indian ministers is meeting later to begin investigating claims of corruption at the Commonwealth Games.

    Led by Urban Development Minister Jaipal Reddy, they will look into the awarding of contracts and how the work was supervised.

    Meanwhile, India’s media reports the Central Vigilance Commission, a graft watchdog, is checking 22 Games-related works and purchases for irregularities.

    The run-up to the event in Delhi was dogged by construction delays.

    After the troubled start, Commonwealth Games head Mike Fennell praised the event as the competition drew to a close last week.

    But Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said an investigation was needed into an event which became a global story for all the wrong reasons.

    The ministers will be helped by former Auditor General VK Shunglu as they scrutinise all aspects of the event’s organisation and planning.

    Meanwhile, government agencies have been given until 31 October to submit replies to the Central Vigilance Commission’s investigation.

    Investigators are due to visit the Games’ organising committee on Monday to audit its accounts.

    On Sunday, the head of the committee, Suresh Kalmadi, lashed out at Delhi’s chief minister after she said the suspicion of corruption hung over his department.

    “It is not right to deflect and point fingers at others when she must indulge in self-reflection on corruption in her own departments,” Mr Kalmadi said in a statement.

    Before the Games began, he wrote a letter to MPs defending himself from allegations of corruption. He has not been charged with anything.

  • Delhi Commonwealth Games contractors tax raids

    More than 200 tax investigators in India have searched the offices of a number of contractors used in the run-up to the Commonwealth Games.

    The raids in Delhi came as the main opposition party, the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), demanded a parliamentary investigation.

    The Games, which ended last week in Delhi, were marred by spiralling costs and allegations of corruption.

    The BJP says it has evidence of wrongdoing at government level.

    ‘Very big scam’

    Income tax officials swooped on the offices of contract companies in and around Delhi on Tuesday, seizing documents relevant to any work associated with the Games.

    Among the addresses raided was the residence of a businessman and prominent BJP activist, according to Indian media.

    The BBC’s Chris Morris in Delhi says that now the Games are over, the political fight is beginning in earnest.

    The Congress party-led government has already set up an inquiry, led by its urban development minister, into the event, promising anyone found guilty will be punished.

    The BJP says millions of dollars were siphoned off from the Games budget, which ballooned to $6bn (£3.8bn), from an original estimate of $450m.

    The opposition party alleges corruption in the building of sports facilities in particular.

    BJP President Nitin Gadkari told reporters in Delhi that the Games had been a “very big scam”.

  • Project Dharavi: Waste Matters for Green Workers

    Project Dharavi: Waste Matters for Green Workers

    Dharavi, Asia’s largest slum, is a haven of dry waste- huge mounds of plastic bags, papers, scraps…It is also a home to several migrant workers, ragpickers and destitute, and is probably the world’s largest recycling quarters where almost 80% of the dry waste generated in the city is segregated for recycling into reusable products.

    Amidst a pile of discarded mobile phones, chargers, tangled wires, computer spare parts and other electronic waste lives young Shafiq. Dharavi is his home and he has been sifting through these piles since childhood. “My job is to separate every part of the electronic gadget that is dumped here. The plastic and the metal generated from the electronic items is further segregated and then sold to the kabadiwallas. By selling e-waste, I earn a decent amount of money from which I can feed my family.”

    Like Shafiq, there is Mangala, diligently scanning each plastic waste dumped at the Dharavi swamp. Sitting in one corner, she sieves the dust, dirt and mud from the plastic items. “I have lost count…I have spent years in this business. This waste gives us a livelihood. If I work from 9 to 6 every day, I can fill my stomach easily.”

    Laxmi and several others form the recycling clan of Dharavi, and they are all part of Acorn Foundation (India), Mumbai, a registered charity trust affiliated to ACORN International/ Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now.

    Hundreds of children, women and men collect dry waste from the streets, beaches and garbage dumps every day. They bring the waste to Dharavi, where it is sorted, segregated and then sold by the kilo to scrap dealers at various godowns. This waste can get them anywhere between 10 rupees per kilo for e-waste, to 12 rupees per kilo for plastic bottles, or 20 rupees per kilo per metals like copper from circuit boards.

    This unorganized labour of Dharavi is an invaluable asset to the city. “If it were not for these ragpickers who recover, recycle and ensure reuse of the waste, Mumbai would have been reduced to a dump yard with serious issues,” says Vinod Shetty, Director of Acorn Foundation (India), Mumbai.

    The dry waste like plastic, glass, cloth and paper are segregated and sent to the recycling units in Dharavi, where they are made into reusable products. The plastic waste is converted into pellets; these pellets are further processed and made into folders and buckets. The paper and cardboard is turned into pulp which is used to make folders and furniture. The metal generated from the e-waste is used for industrial purposes.

    The society seems to have a “don’t care” attitude towards waste. “Handling waste is probably the dirtiest thing but we forget that we generate that waste. The problem is with our attitude, we don’t take waste as our problem but instead we put it under the carpet or expect others to clean our mess.”

    With a nominal fee of 60 rupees, the organization has engaged 400 working members from Dharavi Project. In return, the members can also learn music, art, and photography. Acorn provides informal schooling to the ragpickers’ children, organizes health camps, arranges ration cards, conducts workshops on waste segregation and holds cultural programmes. “At Acorn, we address them as ‘green workers’ and not as ragpickers”

    Acorn has also involved school children in waste segregation. It conducts programmes for students on how to reduce and manage waste at home. It screens visuals and documentaries at various schools. Acorn also runs this campaign with CMCA (Children’s Movement for Civic Awareness) and Lions Club of Juhu.

    “We work with Dhirubhai Ambani School, the American School, the RBK School and even schools at Navy Nagar in Colaba. We have temps who go around the city and collect dry waste from the schools. It is a contribution by school children to the livelihood of the ragpickers. This is an ideal model where the child learns about segregation of waste, about the environment and, of course, the green workers, ” says Vinod. “The school children also get to tour the recycling industry of Dharavi to understand the concept of waste management better. We would also like to involve college students in our project in the future.”

    Acorn study has found that more than 50% of the ragpickers earn less than 50-60 rupees a day. These ragpickers are vulnerable to health related issues and even exploitation. Vinod aspires to represent the plight of ragpickers to the government. He aims to set up a statutory board through which the government could introduce insurance schemes, distribute equipment like gloves, masks and other scavenging materials, and provide space in every municipal ward to segregate waste.

    “Our next agenda is to clean the beaches of Mumbai. We want to involve citizens and communities from well-to-do societies. Our members are ready to assist these groups in managing waste,” concludes Vinod.

  • Hindustan Times: Now Jats Threaten Commonwealth Games

    The Commonwealth Games starting Oct 3 now faces a new threat: Jats from Haryana. Upset that the Haryana government is not promising them quotas in jobs and educational institutions, a Jat leader Thursday threatened to block Delhi’s borders Oct 3 when the Games begin.  The Jats are seeking

    reservation in government jobs and educational institutions and also a status as other backward class (OBC).

    “So far we have not got any satisfactory reply from the Haryana government. We have decided to intensify our peaceful campaign. We will seal Delhi’s borders Oct 3,” Yash Pal Malik, president of the All India Jat Aarakshan Sangarsh Samiti, said here.

    Malik said they can also march towards Delhi.

    On Sep 13 and 14, Hisar district in Haryana saw widespread violence by Jats over the same demand.

    “We will not allow any commodity of daily use to reach Delhi. Only then the central government will start paying heed to our demands. From today, we have started ‘guerilla action’ under which we will suddenly stop any train and block any road without prior intimation,” stated Malik.

    He added: “On Sep 27, when the Queen’s Baton Relay enters Haryana, we will show black flags. But we will make sure that nobody indulges in any violence.”

    Original article:
