

    Español e Inglés/ Spanish and English


    ENERO-MARZO 2011

    De: Orfa Camacho

    Para: Wade Director General Acorn International, INC

    Fecha: 06/03/2011

    Por medio de la presente cumplo con informarle sobre el trabajo que se viene realizando en ACORN INTERNATIONAL, INC – PERÚ, desde Enero a Abril del 2011.

    ACORN viene trabajando en las áreas temáticas de organización de Comunidades, Educación, Salud, Defensa del agua y cuidado del Medio Ambiente en la comunidad del Distrito de San Juan de Lurigancho.

    Salud.- trabajamos con el apoyo del Programa Nacional de Asistencia Alimentaria PRONAA (Programa del Estado que se encarga de elevar la calidad de vida mediante la adecuada nutrición a los diferentes espacios de escasos recursos económicos) conjuntamente con el centro de salud Cruz de Motupe. Nosotros trabajamos como facilitadores en la identificación de niños menores de 3 años de edad que padecen de desnutrición para inscribirlos al PIN “Programa Integral de Nutrición”, comprometiendo a las madres de familia a realizar un control mensual de salud a sus hijos, y por cada control asistido reciben una canasta alimentaria. Como también realizamos el respectivo seguimiento a los controles. Hasta el momento 20 niños han recuperado su peso, dando la posibilidad que otros puedan ingresar al programa.

    Realizamos campañas de Salud preventiva en las comunidades de San Juan de Lurigancho con el apoyo voluntario de médicos especialistas en diversos temas de salud y donaciones de medicamentos.

    Educación.- Se Logró un acuerdo con el Centro Educativo 10 de marzo para trabajar conjuntamente en el proyecto de Radio Comunal, transmitiendo el cuidado del Medio Ambiente y Defensa del Agua, con el apoyo de instituciones locales, quienes nos brindan los implementos necesarios y la capacitación de los locutores en los temas del cuidado del medio ambiente.

    Salubridad.- Identificamos, motivamos a los líderes de las comunidades ante las instituciones para la construcción de muros de contención en zonas de riesgo y acceso a los servicios de saneamiento de las familias. Por ejemplo EMAPE y Construyendo Perú (financiamiento de los gobiernos locales y Central), Hoy 06 de Abril del presente se concluyó la obra de muros de contención; en los que resaltamos la participación de las mujeres de la Comunidad.

    Responsabilidad Social.- Identificamos a personas con discapacidad (personas hipoacúsicas o con discapacidad física), tenemos como gran apoyo al Congreso de la República del Perú que se encarga de facilitarnos implementos de necesidad, tales como (audífonos, sillas de ruedas).



    1. 1. Continuar trabajando por el Desarrollo Integral y Bienestar Social de los Niños de Familias con Escasos Ingresos Económicos. Se continuará trabajando por la Salud Integral y la Alimentación Adecuada de los niños menores de 10 años de edad provenientes de familias con escasos ingresos económicos. Con este objetivo se espera contribuir a la: “Erradicación de la Pobreza Extrema y el Hambre” y a la “Reducción de la Mortalidad Infantil”

    1. 2. Continuar Organizando a las Comunidades para Acceder a los Servicios de Saneamiento, la Construcción de vías de acceso a las comunidades y una infraestructura de seguridad. se continuará organizando a las comunidades para la atención de sus demandas y el cumplimiento de los acuerdos ante las Autoridades e Instituciones Correspondientes. Con este objetivo se pretende contribuir al sexto Objetivo del Milenio. Garantizar la Sostenibilidad del Medio Ambiente”.

    1. 3. Lograr la Concientización y la Participación de las comunidades en el Cuidado del Medio Ambiente: Se trabajará por la preservación de los Recursos Naturales y la reducción de la Contaminación Ambiental con ello se contribuirá al sexto Objetivo del Milenio. Garantizar la Sostenibilidad del Medio Ambiente”.

    1. 4. Continuar con la Promoción de la salud preventiva entre las familias como un Derecho y un Deber.– se seguirá organizando y concientizando a las familias para la participación en los diferentes programas de salud que brinda el Estado y otras instituciones, especialmente en los programas de salud relacionados con la Salud Materna y del Niño. Con ello se contribuirá a la. “Reducción de la Mortalidad Infantil y el Mejoramiento de la Salud Materna”.


    1. 1. Defensa de los Derechos: Realizamos acciones que involucran la defensa de los derechos de las personas y familias; brindándoles asesoramiento y acompañamiento para hacer respetar sus derechos con ello se busca la representación de las comunidades a través de sus líderes previa organización ante las instituciones correspondientes para la atención de sus necesidades y demandas como ciudadanos.
    1. 2. Salud: En este campo se busca el acceso a la salud de las familias con bajos y escasos ingresos económicos a través de la concientización e inserción a los programas de Salud del Estado y otras instituciones; se vela por la salud materna, la salud integral y la alimentación adecuada de los niños, por la salud de los adolescentes, adultos y el adulto mayor.

    1. 3. Educación: Se trabaja por la educación como un derecho y un deber de las personas sin distinción alguna; especialmente el de las niñas y los niños porque se les brinde una adecuada educación. También trabajamos por la Educación Social de las familias y comunidades en forma organizada brindándoles información y conocimientos sobre temas de interés social. 

    1. 4. Defensa del Agua y el Medio Ambiente: Realizamos acciones en defensa del Agua; que implica la concientización sobre el uso adecuado y acciones contra la privatización del agua; trabajamos por el cuidado del Medio Ambiente concientizando a las familias. 


    1. 1. Continuar nuestra labor Organizativa en la Comunidad.
    2. 2. Realizar campañas de Salud Preventiva.
    3. 3. Afiliar niños de 6 meses a 3 años de edad al Seguro Integral de Salud (SIS).
    4. 4. Identificar niños de 6 meses a 3 años de edad al Programa Integral de Nutrición (PIN).
    5. 5. Implementar campañas de desayunos saludables
    6. 6. Asesorar y acompañar a los líderes de la comunidad en las gestiones para la construcción de pistas, muros de contención, escaleras, y veredas en las comunidades.
    7. 7. Capacitar a la población sobre la preservación del Medio Ambiente.
    8. 8. Plantación de árboles en la comunidad y en zonas de áreas verdes.
    9. 9. Implementar cursos de capacitación y concientización para la defensa del Agua.

    10. Continuar con la Campaña “Tiempo pasado para la Justicia de Remesas”.

    11. Retomar la Campaña por la Provincialización de San Juan de Lurigancho.

    12. Continuar en busca de Financiamiento para la Consolidación del Proyecto de Desarrollo de la Comunidad de MIRAVALLE-JUNIN-PERU.

    Comunidades del AA.HH Cruz de Motupe San Juan de Lurigancho/Lima.

    1. 1. 10 de Marzo
    2. 2. Los Cipreses
    3. 3. Los Unidos
    4. 4. Unidos Altos
    5. 5. Laderas de Motupe
    6. 6. Los heraldos de Motupe
    7. 7. Grupo 6 de Motupe
    8. 8. Héroes el Cenepa
    9. 9. Nuevo Amanecer II

    10. José Olaya

    11. Buena Vista

    12. Grupo 7- Motupe

    13. Las Vegas

    14. Miravalle-Junin-Perù


    From: Orfa Camacho
    To: Wade Rathke Chief Organizer Acorn International, Inc.
    Date: 06/03/2011

    By hereby I’d like to inform about the work being done in ACORN INTERNATIONAL, INC – PERU, from January to April 2011.

    ACORN Peru has been working in the areas of community organizing, education, health, water and in defense of the environment in the community of the District of San Juan de Lurigancho.

    Health .- We work with the support of the National Food Assistance Program PRONAA (Federal Program in charge of raising the quality of life through proper nutrition to various low income areas) in conjunction with the health center Motupe Cross. We work as facilitators in the identification of children under 3 years of age suffering from malnutrition. We aim to register them in the PIN “Comprehensive Nutrition Program”, for which the mothers commit to take their children for a monthly health, and for every assisted control they receive a food basket. We also do the necessary follow-up controls. So far, 20 children have regained their normal weight, giving the possibility for others to join the program.
    Preventive health campaigns are conducted in the communities of San Juan de Lurigancho with the help of volunteer medical specialists in various health issues and drug donations.

    Education .- An agreement was reached with the Educational Center 10 de Marzo to work together with the Community Radio project, raising awareness on environmental issues and water protection, with the support of local institutions that provide us with the necessary equipment and training of speakers on the themes of environmental friendly practices.

    Salubrity .- We identify and motivate community leaders before the institutions for the construction of retaining walls in high-risk areas and access to sanitation services for families. For example, EMAPE and Building Peru (with funding from the local and Federal governments). On April 6, the retaining walls were finished, in which we highlight the participation of women from the Community.

    Social Responsibility.- We identify persons with disabilities (hearing impaired or physically disabled). We have support from the Congress of the Republic of Peru, which is responsible for providing us with necessary tools, such as hearing aids, wheelchairs.



    1. Continue working for the Integral Development and Social Welfare of the Children of families with limited income. We will continue working for comprehensive health and adequate food for children under 10 years old from families with limited income. With this objective we expect to contribute to the “Eradication of Extreme Poverty and Hunger” and the “Reduction of Infant Mortality.”

    2. Continue Organizing Communities to Access Sanitation Services, Construction of access roads to communities, and infrastructure security. We will continue organizing communities to bring attention to their demands and the fulfillment of the agreements with the authorities and institutions concerned. With this objective we expect to contribute to the sixth Millennium Development Goal “Ensure Environmental Sustainability.”

    3. Achieve Awareness and Community Involvement in Environmental Issues: We work for the preservation of Natural Resources and Environmental Pollution Reduction which will contribute to the sixth Millennium Development Goal “Ensure Environmental Sustainability.”

    4. Continue the promotion of preventative health care among families as a right and a duty. We will continue organizing and raising awareness for families to participate in the various health programs offered by the State and other institutions, especially in health programs related to Maternal and Child Health. It will contribute to “Reducing Child Mortality and Improving Maternal Health.”


    1. Defense of Rights: We carry out actions involving the rights of individuals and families by providing counseling and assistance to enforce their rights; the aim is to, prior organization, get representation for the community through their leaders before the institutions concerned to respond to their needs and their demands as citizens.

    2. Health: This field is seeking to give low income families access to health care through awareness and integration to the Health programs of the State and other institutions. We seek to ensure maternal health, holistic health and adequate food for children, health of adolescents, adults and the elderly.
    3. Education: Work with education as a right and duty of persons without distinction, especially for girls and boys because they provide an adequate education. We also work for social education of families and communities through organizations that provide information and knowledge on social issues.

    4. Defense of Water and the Environment: We carry out actions in defense of water, which implies raising awareness on its proper use and taking action against water privatization, as well as working for the protection of the environment.


    1. Continue our work in Community Organizing.
    2. Carry out preventive health campaigns.
    3. Register children from 6 months to 3 years old at the Seguro Integral de Salud (SIS).
    4. Identify and register children from 6 months to 3 years old at the Comprehensive Nutrition Program (PIN).
    5. Implement ‘healthy breakfast’ campaigns.
    6. Advise and assist the community leaders in efforts to build trails, retaining walls, stairs and sidewalks in communities.
    7. Empower people about environmental preservation.
    8. Planting trees in the community and in areas of landscaping.
    9. Implement training and awareness for the defense of water.
    10. Continue to Campaign for Justice last time Remittances. “
    11. Resume Campaign Provincialization of San Juan de Lurigancho.
    12. Continue to find Funding for Development Project Strengthening the Community of MIRAVALLE-JUNIN-PERU.

    AA.HH communities Motupe Cross San Juan de Lurigancho / Lima.

    1. March 10
    2. The Cypress
    3. The United
    4. Altos United
    5. Motupe Foothills
    6. Heralds of Motupe
    7. Group 6 Motupe
    8. Heroes Cenepa
    9. New Dawn II
    10. Jose Olaya
    11. Buena Vista
    12. Group 7 – Motupe
    13. Las Vegas
    14. Miravalle-Junin-Peru

  • ACORN Kenya Member Profile: Florence Akinyi

    I live in the village of Kisumu Ndogo in the Korogocho slum in Nairobi.  I am on the board of our local chapter. I joined ACORN Kenya in June 2009.  I heard about a meeting about education and went to the meeting.  After the meeting I talked to one of the organizers and joined because the education campaign was going to help the entire community. With our education campaign we are fighting so that our community can access the government bursaries that are suppose to support poor parents that can’t afford  school fees.  My 11 year old son use to attend an informal schools, we had to pay 300SH for school fees plus 10sh a day for food, plus 70 shillings for each exam they write, plus books.  I didn’t receive and bursary from the government.  Through ACORN I realized that I needed to have my son in the formal schools so he can access higher education.  But the fees in the formal schools are even higher.  ACORN helped me apply for the bursary to cover the fees. I was able to apply because ACORN members fault and won a new structure of dispersing the application forms from the bursary committee. The bursary committee now has people right in korogocho that distribute the forms.   The fees for the formal school include 500sh for admission, plus 500sh for a desk, plus 750sh a year for food, plus books.  I am waiting for the bursary right now.  With ACORN we need to grow as an organization and need more members so that we can be even stronger!

  • Save Khimki Forest: Stand with Russia’s Human Rights and Environmental Activists

    Russian activists and journalists have survived beatings, arrests and intimidation during our campaign to save one of Moscow’s last old-growth forests from destruction. Our movement to reroute the toll highway that would cut through Khimki Forest has become Russia’s most inspiring and largest activist movements in a long time.

    It is about more than just a forest.

    We are fighting a legacy of corruption and bribery among government officials, law enforcement and industry that has allowed this project to move forward. Last year, after thousands of citizens protested in Moscow’s center, we won a huge victory when President Dmitry Medvedev temporarily halted construction. One of our lead organizers, Yevgenia Chirikova, is a mother of two who lives in Khimki and who has bravely spearheaded this campaign since 2007 at direct risk to her family’s safety.

    Now construction is set to begin again.

    As soon as this month, the French multinational construction company Vinci is authorized to begin the first phase of the highway.

    This is the best chance for us to stop the project before construction crews arrive. We are turning to you to increase our international support.

    Since the Russian government has failed us, we are targeting Vinci, which could make a huge profit from this project. It is the only Western company involved in the construction.

    We are asking Vinci to end its involvement in the Moscow to St. Petersburg highway until an alternative route that spares Khimki Forest is selected.

    We are also organizing an international week of action from April 24th to April 30th. We hope cities around the world will participate in demonstrations in solidarity. One action you can take to stand up for the environment and human rights in Russia is to support this petition. 

    Please sign now. You may also leave a personal message when you sign

  • Comunidad de Miravalle

    Título: ACORN – llevando alegría a la Comunidad de Miravalle 

    Miembros del equipo: (Escriba los nombres completos de todos los miembros del equipo)

    Edwin Segovia (miembro de acorn)

    Orfa Camacho

    Ellen Segovia (voluntaria)

    Alberto Guerra (voluntario)


    La Comunidad de Miravalle es un centro poblado ubicado en Apata- Jauja, región Junín que cuenta con 66 pobladores y 40 niños, teniendo como actividad laboral la agricultura y ganadería. Las familias de Miravalle cuentan con una capilla que tiene una infraestructura de alto riesgo, las viviendas están construidas a base de adobe poniendo en grado de inseguridad las vidas de los pobladores, no cuentan con servicios básicos (luz, agua potable, desagüe), los niños de Miravalle caminan 2 horas para asistir a su institución educativa.



    Identificar el grado de participación de los niños de Miravalle entre 3 a 13 años mediante técnicas de animación.




    Se identificaron 40 niños, quienes participaron de manera activa con las técnicas de animación.

    Técnica de animación: Lobo del bosque

    Técnica de participación: Espejo (desarrollo individual), aviones (trabajo en equipo).

    Por la destacada participación se les entregó un obsequio a cada uno de los niños.

    Resultados logrados

    Se logró la participación activa de la población, quedando motivados y comprometidos en considerar un trabajo organizado y en equipo.

    Se logró también la identificación de la población con ACORN.

    Title: ACORN – bringing joy to the community Miravalle
    Team members: (Please provide full names of all team members)
    Edwin Segovia (ACORN member)
    Orfa Camacho
    Ellen Segovia (volunteer)
    Alberto Guerra (volunteer)


    Community Miravalle is a town located in Apata-Jauja, Junín region. With 66 residents and 40 children, their livelihood depends on agriculture and livestock. Miravalle families have a chapel with a high-risk infrastructure, and the houses are built of adobe. They lack basic services like electricity, drinking water and a proper sewage system. Miravalle children walk for two hours to attend school every day.


    To identify the degree of participation of children from Miravalle aged 3 to 13 using animation techniques.


    We identified 40 children who participated actively with animation techniques.
    Animation technique: Game: The Wolf.
    Technical Participation: Mirror (individual development), aircraft (teamwork).
    For their outstanding participation each child was given a gift.

    Results achieved

    We achieved the active participation of the population, being now motivated and committed to consider to work together as an organized team.
    We also succeeded in having the population identify themselves with ACORN’s work. 

  • Wastepickers

    There are many jobs for wastepickers of all ages. 

  • Rickshaw pullers and ACORN

    Rickshaw pullers and ACORN

    Many members of ACORN in the ITO community are rickshaw pullers.

  • Homeless centre for the displaced ITO Community

    Homeless centre for the displaced ITO Community

    The centre is running in partnership with a local non-profit agency and the cooperation of the Delhi Municipal Corporation. 
    45,000 people are still dispossessed since those games and ACORN is organizing these families here and in the surrounding neighborhood.

  • Volunteer with ACORN International

    As a grassroots membership organization working in low-and-moderate income communities around the world, particularly in the mega-slums of many of our cities, each of our organizers is native to their country. Given our commitment to sustainability based on dues payments and local fundraising and our grassroots leadership and activity, staff is kept at a minimum. Nonetheless in every one of our cities our organizing capacity is immeasurably enhanced by the generous gifts of time of volunteers offering to help in an assortment of ways and in many cases from interns exchanging their time with ACORN International for the educational experience and school community service or other credits.

    In short, if you want to help, we will find a way for you to do so!

    We would love to share some of the stories and experiences of our volunteers and what we fondly call our Intern Army to give you a sense of who they have been and what they have done – and of course what we would love to have you do too! Interested? Take a look and then contact Wade Rathke and let’s make change with your help!

