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Justicitiz-ACORN, Liberia : Kwamuneh Organization’s Successful Drainage Project
Our Liberia affiliate, Justicitiz, forced multinational corporation Socfin Group to repair drainage they had destroyed months ago in Massaquoi town. How did they do it? Using the ACORN model! They held a “Fix our Drainage System and Anti Green-washing” protest. During the protest, armed police dispersed and chased after Justicitizs’ members. A few days later, Socfin workers repaired the drainage system, making the village safe from flooding again. Direct action gets the goods!
(more…)OnEstEnsemble (ACORN Cameroon) report on union repression at SOSUCAM sugarcane plantations
Français ci-dessous
OnEstEnsemble, ACORN’s Cameroon affiliate, has released a report on union-busting at the SOSUCAM sugarcane plantations.
(more…)ACORN International’s global response to the COVID-19 Pandemic – Mumbai to British Columbia
At the outset of the now-ongoing COVID-19 global pandemic, over a dozen chapters, branches, and affiliate organizations of ACORN International issued a global call for the social protection of low-income families and individuals.
(more…)New Report – The Voter Purge Project Looks at Trends in Battleground States ahead of November General Election
The Voter Purge Project Identifies Major Issues, Key Trends in Battleground States
(more…)New Documentary on the work of ACORN in India
Produced by ACORN Foundation India September 2022
Hanumanti Ramchandra Chalwadi has worked in the waste recycling sector in Dharavi, Mumbai, for over 40 years. She started out as a waste collector and separated recyclables from the city’s garbage. Later, she set up and ran her own waste sorting business for many years, which has a cumulative worth of Rs. 1 crore (0.12 million USD). A single mother, she raised her children on her own, and in this short documentary, she talks about her life and the challenges of being a woman waste entrepreneur.
Reforestation in Choloma, Honduras
En la zona de los Laures Choloma Cortes Las imagenes se refieren a la zona de los Laureles en Choloma.. donde Ellos tienen una salida de agua natural que consumen para todo uso…Que deberia estar protegida con arboles para conservarla se esta haciendo estudios de poblacion para poder extender y llevar tuberias hasta sus casas pero aun no se ha hecho. Esta zona tiene un aproximado de 43 kilometros para un pulmon de aire natural en la que pueden sembrar aguacates, naranjas, limones, guayabas, lichas, etc., y puede la comunidad crear un pequeño comercio de esos frutos. Y en la zona del pozo de agua unos 15 kilometros aproximadamente.
The images refer to the area of Los Laureles in Choloma where there is a natural water outlet that they consume for all uses…which should be protected with trees to conserve it, population studies are being carried out to be able to extend and bring pipes to their houses but it has not yet been done. This zone has approximately 43 kilometers for a lung of natural air in which they can plant avocados, oranges, lemons, guavas, lychas, etc., and the community can create a small trade in these fruits. And in the area of the water well about 15 kilometers approximately.
ACORN Leeds updates
In Leeds, ACORN welcomed the newest local group, with the launch of ACORN Armley local group.
Also in Leeds, there were many trainings, stalls, and door knocking sessions through April 2022. Additionally, members spoke at a Social Housing Action Campaign rally, Communication Workers Union conference, and National Education Union conference.
Victorious Mobilization of Souscam Seasonal Workers
Faced with the lack of protective equipment, agricultural workers go on strike again
On April 8, 2022, 300 SOSUCAM planters dropped their tools and stopped work at the Mbandjock plantation to claim PPE. Two days later, 700 workers from the Nkoteng plantation went on strike. Management immediately gives in to their demands under pressure.
In the end, around 1,200 planters received gloves, coats, boots and leggings!
(more…)IN THE NEWS: Victory of the Hijabeuses
The New York Times
April 18, 2022
The Female Soccer Players Challenging France’s Hijab Ban By Constant Méheut
Photographs by Monique Jaques