Day: June 24, 2020

  • How Asia’s biggest slum contained the coronavirus

    Soutik Biswas June 23rd, 2020 from BBC News

    In one of the world’s most congested shanty towns, social distancing is not a luxury people can afford. And density is a friend of the coronavirus.

    Imagine more than 500,000 people spread over 2.5 grubby sq km, less than a square mile. That’s a population larger than Manchester living in an area smaller than Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens.

  • PM SVANidhi: Will it be a non-starter?

    by Dharmendra Kumar — June 24, 2020 from Counter Currents

    It is said that COVID does not differentiate. Yet, people on the margin have been differently impacted by COVID. Street vendors are one such vulnerable group. With lockdown, streets wore a deserted look. Street livelihood vanished all of a sudden. Street vendors, generally outlawed and operating with meagre capital and various kinds of livelihood insecurities and restrictive and punitive regulatory authorities found it hard to survive through the lockdown.
