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US Premier

Margaret Mead Festival, American History of Natural Museum

Sunday October 20th, 3:30 Pm

Kaufman Theatre


Directed by: Lalita Krishna
2012 | 74 minutes | Canada, India

Mallamall, which literally translated means “bountiful goods,” offers a fascinating look at the struggle playing out on the battlefield of global capitalism. India is in the throes of a retail revolution as a burgeoning middle class looks for more Western goods and services. Modern malls have arrived to meet the demand, radically shifting the shopping culture and threatening the livelihood of traditional merchants. The landscape of retail is transforming from vibrant open-air markets with jewel-colored saris, aromatic spices, and feisty personalities to homogeneous, clean, and meticulously branded chain stores. One set of Indians is jumping on the modern mall bandwagon, enjoying new luxuries and heading up local efforts to further international investment. Another set vehemently protests the forces of globalization, fighting for the rights of thousands of bazaar owners and small farmers, as well as for a centuries-old way of life

Co-presented by Incredible India

Watch the trailer:

Workers Manifesto at Forum of Informal Urban Poor Workers

Forum of Informal Urban poor Workers (FIUPW) and PRIA jointly organized a workers assembly on 10th Oct at Constitution Club, Delhi. A workers manifesto was presented to all political parties keeping in view the forthcoming elections in Delhi.

Mr. Prashant Bhushan, Senior Advocate, Supreme Court of India and leader of Aam Admi Party, Mr. Dhirendra Sharma, State Secretary, CPI, Mr. Anand Sahu, leader, BJP and Mr. Anurag Saxena, Secretariat Member, CPM attended the assembly and responded to the workers manifesto. Dharmendra Kumar chaired the session.

Manifesto 032


Manifesto 049


Manifesto 054

Workers Manifesto at Forum of Informal Urban Poor Workers

Forum of Informal Urban poor Workers (FIUPW) and PRIA jointly organized a workers assembly on 10th Oct at Constitution Club, Delhi. A workers manifesto was presented to all political parties keeping in view the forthcoming elections in Delhi.
Mr. Prashant Bhushan, Senior Advocate, Supreme Court of India and leader of Aam Admi Party, Mr. Dhirendra Sharma, State Secretary, CPI, Mr. Anand Sahu, leader, BJP and Mr. Anurag Saxena, Secretariat Member, CPM attended the assembly and responded to the workers manifesto. Dharmendra Kumar chaired the session.
Manifesto 032
Manifesto 054
Manifesto 049

Photos of Global Exhibition on Inclusive Cities

Exhibition 036 Exhibition 065 Exhibition 058

Photos of Global Exhibition on Inclusive Cities

Exhibition 036

Exhibition 058

Exhibition 065

Report from Ecuador ACORN September 2013

Recibe un fraterno y sincero saludo, esperando que al recibo de ésta te encuentres disfrutando

de éxitos tanto en tu vida personal como laboral.

A continuación paso a detallar mis actividades durante el mes de septiembre:

El domingo 01 de septiembre a las 7:30 tuvimos una minga más, hubieron 21 personas, la prioridad fue el arreglo de la calle principal, el trabajo se dividió en 3 grupos para hacerlo más rápido y sí sucedió así porque terminamos a las 11:30 am (en otras ocasiones se terminaba a la 1:00 pm), hubo colaboración de los presentes aunque no estuvieron todos, pero ya me estoy acostumbrado a que siempre sucede así, se recogió una cuota de $1.oo para comprar 2 quintales de cemento que sirvieron para pegar algunas piedras y que duren un tiempo más en su sitio (resalto esto porque es la primera vez que veo que contribuyen económicamente para algo); También se limpió una alcantarilla que siempre se llena de basura, entre otras cosas.

El 06 de septiembre visitamos en su oficina al Sr. Francisco Prado para continuar con la elaboración de la documentación de la Legalización de la Directiva del barrio, trabajamos de 2:30 a 5:30 pm. quedamos para continuar otro día previa llamada telefónica.

El 08 de septiembre empezaron los trabajos para la ubicación del contenedor de basura en el barrio, trabajaron aproximádamente 3 días, luego el trabajo fue abandonado.

eL 11 de septiembre a las 10:30 am junto con un grupo de personas del barrio (más mujeres, solo un hombre) visitamos las oficinas del PSA para hablar con la Sra. Lucía Burgos que lamentablemente no la encontramos, nos atendió otra personas que nos recibió un poco mal (me sentí desilusionada, pero ya me pasó), sí logramos sacar la información que queríamos porque se nos había comentado que el Municipio comienza su planificación a partir del mes de octubre para el siguiente año, y que si no se entregaba la obra del Dispositivo de basura quedaría para el siguiente año, esto fue aclarado ya que se nos dijo que el PSA trabaja con crédito Internacional y que la obra ya está adjudicada, la misma que está a cargo del Ingeniero Fernando Constante.

Cabe señalar que hubo inconvenientes en la colocación del dispositivo de basura, la obra fue abandonada porque se encontró una tubería de agua o un ojo de agua, estos son los aspectos que previo a los trabajos no se pueden predecir, seguimos en contacto con la Especialista Social del PSA por cualquier novedad. Ahora la EMAPS el 23 de septiembre ya hizo la inspección y se está esperando el Informe para saber la desición.

El 27 de septiembre nos volvimos a reunir con el Sr. Prado para continuar con la documentación de la Legalización de la Directiva, por fin terminanos, solo queda por hacer firmar a las personas involucradas; este mes no pudimos tener nuestra reunión mensual por cuanto algunas personas de la directiva tuvieron que viajar, visité en su negocio al Sr. Luis Taday y quedamos que la realizaríamos el domingo 6 de octubre, aprovecharé este tiempo para hacer firmar los documentos de la legalización de la directiva.

También el 20 de septiembre tuve una conversación de trabajo contigo Marcos, y también lo he hecho con Yadira por 2 ocasiones por medio del facebook, para este jueves a los 10:30 am de Ecuador pensamos contactarnos por skype (si me gustaría conocerla).

Mas o menos estas son las actividades entre otras que he desarrollado; así mismo en el tiempo que me ha quedado he realizado los toques de puertas, he llegado a 60 pero solo 10 mostraron interés.

* Estoy adjuntando fotos de la minga, de la visita al PSA, y de los trabajos de la colocación del Dispositivo de basura, me parece que están un poco desordenadas, disculpen por favor.

No quiere finalizar este informe, sin antes agradecer por la atención que sepan dar al presente.

Un abrazo,

Marlene Castro










People Building Better Cities: Participation and Inclusive Urbanization

spa 4 oct 001

People Building Better Cities: Participation and Inclusive Urbanization – is an exhibition and exchange platform for communities, urban professionals, universities, non-governmental organizations, and policy makers on the challenges of inclusive urbanization and climate change.

In Delhi, the exhibition will be shown in English and Hindi from October 4 – 18, 2013. The English exhibition will open at School of Planning & Architecture (SPA), with a panel discussion themed “Rethinking Urban Informality: Ideas for an Inclusive City”. The Hindi exhibition will be mobile and is being hosted in six different locations across Delhi by members of the Forum of Informal Urban Poor Workers (FIUPW) with community-led local programs at each venue.

October 4, Friday: EXHIBITION OPENING in English
School of Planning & Architecture

SPA, New Committee Room, 4-Block-B, Indraprastha Estate, New Delhi

9:30-10:00 Doors open
10:00-10:30 Exhibition opening & interactive walkthrough
10:30-11:00 Tea Break
11:00-13:00 Panel Discussion with Q&A
‘People Building Better Cities: Rethinking Urban Informality – Ideas for an Inclusive City’
13:00 onwards Lunch and exhibition display

Prof. Chetan Vaidya, Director, SPA

Prof. Neelima Risbud, Head, Housing, SPA
Prof. Jagan Shah, Director, NIUA (TBC)
Mr. Manoj Rai, Director, PRIA
Mr. Dharmendra Kumar, Secretary, Janpahal (TBC)
Ms. Isabelle-Jasmin Roth, Managing Director, Avantgarde India (TBC)
The Hindi exhibition will remain open from 11:00 to 17:00 at the dates and locations provided below

October 7, Monday and 8, Tuesday
Janpahal Shelter for Homeless with Janpahal and India FDI Watch

Directions: Nehru Enclave-Akshardham Flyover, Shakarpur. Nearest metros – Akshardham, Laxmi Nagar and Yamuna Bank
Inquiries: Mr. Dharmendra Kumar, Secretary, Janpahal & Director, India FDI Watch

October 9, Wednesday and 10, Thursday
Baljeet Nagar with HAQ
Inquiries: Mr. Abdul Shakeel, Coordinator, HAQ

October 11, Friday and 12, Saturday
Seemapuri with All India Kabadi Mazdoor Mahasangh

October 14, Monday and 15, Tuesday
Rohini with All India Rickshaw Pullers Association

Oct 17, Thursday, and 18, Friday
B-5 Vasant Kunj with Jhuggi Jhopri Ekta Manch


A series of themed chat sessions at each venue, with local stakeholders and community members will be held between 11:00 – 13:00, on the following dates. Refreshments will be arranged by the hosting community.

October 8, Tuesday
‘Urban informality and the homeless’

Mr. Dharmendra Kumar, Secretary, Janpahal

Key Speakers
Dr. Amod Kumar, Chief Functionary, State appointed Mother NGO for Homeless
Ms. Ambika Pandit, Journalist, TNN (TBC)
Mr. H.S. Rawat, Co-Convener, Hawkers Joint Action Committee


Society for Participatory Research in Asia (PRIA)
National Institute for Urban Affairs
School of Planning & Architecture, Delhi
India FDI Watch
All India Kabadi Mazdoor Mahasangh
All India Rickshaw Pullers Association
Jhuggi Jhopri Ekta Manch

People Building Better Cities – Exhibition at Delhi

Panel Discussion organized by the Global Studio, PRIA, School of Planning and Architecture on 4th Oct to Launch the Touring Exhibition on Inclusive Cities.

Panel Discussion organized by the Global Studio, PRIA, School of Planning and Architecture on 4th Oct to Launch the Touring Exhibition on Inclusive Cities.

People Building Better Cities: Participation and Inclusive Urbanization – is an exhibition and exchange platform for communities, urban professionals, universities, non-governmental organizations, and policy makers on the challenges of inclusive urbanization and climate change.

In Delhi, the exhibition will be shown in English and Hindi from October 4 – 18, 2013. The English exhibition will open at School of Planning & Architecture (SPA), with a panel discussion themed “Rethinking Urban Informality: Ideas for an Inclusive City”. The Hindi exhibition will be mobile and is being hosted in six different locations across Delhi by members of the Forum of Informal Urban Poor Workers (FIUPW) with community-led local programs at each venue. 

October 4, Friday: EXHIBITION OPENING in English
School of Planning & Architecture

SPA, New Committee Room, 4-Block-B, Indraprastha Estate, New Delhi

9:30-10:00 Doors open
10:00-10:30 Exhibition opening & interactive walkthrough
10:30-11:00 Tea Break
11:00-13:00 Panel Discussion with Q&A
‘People Building Better Cities: Rethinking Urban Informality – Ideas for an Inclusive City’ 
13:00 onwards Lunch and exhibition display

Prof. Chetan Vaidya, Director, SPA

Prof. Neelima Risbud, Head, Housing, SPA
Prof. Jagan Shah, Director, NIUA (TBC)
Mr. Manoj Rai, Director, PRIA
Mr. Dharmendra Kumar, Secretary, Janpahal (TBC)
Ms. Isabelle-Jasmin Roth, Managing Director, Avantgarde India (TBC)
The Hindi exhibition will remain open from 11:00 to 17:00 at the dates and locations provided below

October 7, Monday and 8, Tuesday
Janpahal Shelter for Homeless with Janpahal and India FDI Watch

Directions: Nehru Enclave-Akshardham Flyover, Shakarpur. Nearest metros – Akshardham, Laxmi Nagar and Yamuna Bank
Inquiries: Mr. Dharmendra Kumar, Secretary, Janpahal & Director, India FDI Watch ,

October 9, Wednesday and 10, Thursday
Baljeet Nagar with HAQ 
Inquiries: Mr. Abdul Shakeel, Coordinator, HAQ

October 11, Friday and 12, Saturday
Seemapuri with All India Kabadi Mazdoor Mahasangh 

October 14, Monday and 15, Tuesday
Rohini with All India Rickshaw Pullers Association

Oct 17, Thursday, and 18, Friday
B-5 Vasant Kunj with Jhuggi Jhopri Ekta Manch  


A series of themed chat sessions at each venue, with local stakeholders and community members will be held between 11:00 – 13:00, on the following dates. Refreshments will be arranged by the hosting community.

October 8, Tuesday 
‘Urban informality and the homeless’

Mr. Dharmendra Kumar, Secretary, Janpahal

Key Speakers
Dr. Amod Kumar, Chief Functionary, State appointed Mother NGO for Homeless
Ms. Ambika Pandit, Journalist, TNN (TBC)
Mr. H.S. Rawat, Co-Convener, Hawkers Joint Action Committee


Society for Participatory Research in Asia (PRIA)
National Institute for Urban Affairs
School of Planning & Architecture, Delhi
India FDI Watch
All India Kabadi Mazdoor Mahasangh
All India Rickshaw Pullers Association
Jhuggi Jhopri Ekta Manch

Hawkers Give Thanks

Hawkers thanking Ms. Girija Vyas, the Minister for Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation, Govt. of India for enacting central law to regulate and protect street vendors.


Hawkers at the Minister’s Door
Hawkers thanking the Minister for Street Vendors

Hawkers Give Thanks

Hawkers thanking Ms. Girija Vyas, the Minister for Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation, Govt. of India for enacting central law to regulate and protect street vendors.

Hawkers thanking the Minister for Street Vendors Act 7 Sept Hawkers at Mnister Residence 7 Sept
