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Dopo (e assieme) ai diritti civili e dell’abitare, dopo il diritto alla difesa legale equa & solidale e il diritto alla salute, con Diritto al Volo
ACORN Italy si rivolge alla tutela del diritto alla libera circolazione di donne e uomini, di cittadini e consumatori.
Siamo orgogliosi, con ogni nostra nuova campagna, di ampliare lo spettro di quelli che concepiamo come diritti civili da difendere,
ed ecco oggi un nuovo capitolo di questa nostra storia comune.
Obbiettivo primario di questa campagna di ACORN Italy è il diritto al movimento del cittadino/ consumatore e la sua tutela.
In relazione al particolare settore del trasporto aereo è quello di informare le persone/ i viaggiatori sui loro diritti nelle ipotesi in cui si trovino coinvolti in problematiche inerenti la inesatta o la mancata esecuzione di un contratto di trasporto aereo.
Più nello specifico: in occasione di spostamenti aerei, nazionali od internazionali, possono verificarsi dei disservizi, quali, a titolo esemplificativo: cancellazione del volo, ritardata partenza di un volo, ritardata consegna/danneggiamento//smarrimento del bagaglio registrato, overbooking.
In tutti questi casi, la normativa nazionale ed internazionale appresta delle tutele in favore dei viaggiatori, consistenti nella possibilità di richiedere il risarcimento dei danni alla compagnia aerea di turno. Danni che vanno dal semplice fastidio nei casi minori a veri e propri danni economici e morali nei casi più eclatanti. Si pensi al professionista che perda una riunione di lavoro a causa della cancellazione di un volo o alla persona che programmi un volo in vista di una operazione medica e che sia costretto a rimandarla o, ancora, allo smarrimento del bagaglio in cui erano contenuti beni di pregio o semplicemente di valore affettivo.
Non solo. In moltissimi casi i disagi patiti si traducono in quella fattispecie che ormai da anni viene definita “vacanza rovinata”, rispetto alla quale la consolidata giurisprudenza di tutti gli organi giudiziari italiani è incline a riconoscere delle somme di denaro a titolo di risarcimento.
La maggior parte dei cittadini/ consumatori subisce passivamente i disservizi sopra descritti, vuoi per la mancata informazione sui propri diritti, vuoi per la difficoltà di dialogare con un interlocutore (la compagnia aerea) la cui manifestazione impersonale rende difficile individuare la giusta controparte.
Proprio su quest’aspetto interviene ACORN, mettendo a disposizione degli utenti degli esperti del settore del diritto aeronautico e dell’aviazione civile, in grado di dialogare con le compagnie aeree di tutto il mondo al fine di garantire la migliore tutela a chiunque sia stato vittima di disservizi aerei o, comunque, di disfunzioni legate al viaggio tout court
Neighborhood Action Committee
(of Zone 7 Government Flats & Across the Street)
c/o C202 Block C Zone 7
Zwelitsha 5608
Eastern Cape
June 27 2014
RE: Keep the 27 January 2014 Hanker (Accord) ALIVE
EXACTLY six months representatives from the Directorate of Property Management, Amathole Region, Dept of Roads & Public Works (DRPW), Eastern Cape held meeting with the Executive Committee of the Neighborhood Action Committee of Zone 7 Government Flats & Street Across (NAC Zone7) . The outcome was morally binding but unofficial principled agreement we now refer to be neighborly as 27 January 2014 Zwelitsha Hanker Accord:
“Important notice to ALL OCCUPANTS of Zwelitsha Flats Zone 7”
Dear Occupant,
By order
Property Manager,
Amathole Region.
There is a critical break down of communication that undermines the Spirit of the Agenda and Way Ford of January 27, 2007 within our Committee and LOWER echelons of Staff in Property that reflects your January 27 January that the history and culture of corruption we are trying to help to stamp out has RE-EMERGE in last four weeks::.
This based on the following facts or allegations and hope they are not true:
v We have been told by Occupants that have been sent letters of 30 days notice to vacate EC DRPW Zone & flat:
v One of our own is alleged to be telling Occupants and community at large that “iKomiti ifile Mnye kuphela osebenzayo”
v We hope that these allegations are false because one of our Executive Committee members has been unilaterally breaking the spirit and practice of the accord o.
We hope and pray that this is not the same person who publicly acknowledged and apologized for same practice. In spirit of “individual freedom and community democracy” same member was accused in public and acknowledged and apologized while promising NEVER AGAIN. This was in Public Formal General Meeting.
We still reiterate that this ACCORD is not as Legal and Official but moral basis of Bato Pele ethics, morality & values of Ubuntu envisaged as part just the Rainbow Nation that will celebrate Nelson Mandela 67 minutes a month or so from now but also family cohesion, children & elderly welfare and public safety of ALL OCCUPANTS in Accord we define as follows:
v Female or Male adult head of family housed hold or individual who resides not lawfully there because of legitimate homelessness ie Blue Card Holders in RDP list;
v Female or Male head of household tenants with leases but who resisted paying rent in decaying state of flats as they SELF Fixing them;
v Paying tenants who want to pay but some could NOT DO SO because LEASE RECORDS were missing or non existing .
A four week period wherein we did not have WATER in the upper Second and Third floors gave opportunity for TE-emergence of a culture of Corruption by one Committee member as well as facilitations of BREAKDOWN because WE ARE TREAT AS VERMIN.
NB. It is clear that the NEC ZONE 7 Flats has been a tool for PUBLIC officials and Community resident RESTABLISH. During the ZONE 7 Crisis Breakdown began & corruption. The Property Manager could not assist us with assistance as promised.
To who it may concern
Station Commander
Property Management, Amathole Region, Eastern Cape DRPW
Ward 41 Buffalo City Metro Council
ALL other stat e holders
My name is MPR Sifika lawful tenant and community organizer of NEC 7 attached in for. I do not ferar for my life but VERY MUCH concerned about criminal before of “activists & administrators in our organization. So please take not of the WARNING of another Lwandle.
Some residents and administration are benefiting for this. TAKE ACTION
Mongezi Sifika Saturday 27 June 2014.
A group of campaigners marched their way around estate agents in Easton on Friday to protest against “unfair” tenancy fees and rolling monthly contracts.
Members of the newly launched Easton neighbourhood branch of ACORN, a community social justice organisation in Bristol, have been canvassing residents to support the campaign and gained 500 signatures in just over a week.
The BS5 area has twice the average number of privately rented homes in Bristol, and generates more than 25 per cent of all complaints about privately rented homes in the city.
ACORN say that most rentals in the area offer only two to six months security and “rip-off” letting agent fees of up to £500 each time they move, leaving many tenants feeling “intimidated” out of complaining or campaigning by the threat of eviction.
The group is now campaigning for an end to tenancy fees, the implementation of 12 month fixed-term tenancy agreements over rolling tenancies and support of longer fixed-term tenancy agreements wherever possible.
The aim of Friday’s March was to encourage estate agents in the Easton area to work with ACORN to achieve those goals.
Agents were also invited to “explain themselves” to residents at a public meeting on Thursday July 3. More than 100 people have already registered to attend the meeting and two letting agents have already agreed to come.
Read more at http://www.bristolpost.co.uk/Campaigners-visit-Easton-estate-agents-protest/story-21277964-detail/story.html#wg4V2SLBuGjgLHP9.99
Residents say they are “fed up” and have organised themselves to improve tenants’ rights and security, by marching on agents offices this morning
Residents in Easton are due to march on lettings agents in the area this morning to protest against “rip-off tenancy fees and insecure rental contracts”.
Members of the newly launched Easton neighbourhood branch of Acorn say the BS5 area has twice the average number of privately rented homes in Bristol, but generates more than 25% of all complaints about privately rented homes in the city.
They add that with only two to six months of tenancy security and agent fees of up to £500 each time they move, many tenants are intimidated out of complaining or campaigning by the threat of eviction.
Residents are now “fed up” and have organised themselves to improve tenants’ rights and security. They have been canvassing residents to support the campaign and gained 500 signatures for a petition in just over a week to demand the following from estate agents:
An end to tenancy fees, which they say are “extortionate and unjustifiable”;
“In Easton, fees are often £250-500 (some are as high as £900) and some agents charge new fees of around £30 every six months,” Acorn says.
“Not only that, but some letting agents encourage landlords to only sign contracts for 6 months to make it easier to evict tenants. It seems to be a case of ‘cough up or get out’.
“Only having housing security for six months is not a decent way to live. Across Europe, standard tenancies are years years long or even unlimited. It’s better for all of us if we have some stability.
“We want more stable communities; knowing your neighbours increases safety and well being, a less transient population takes more pride and invests more time in the place they live. Houses with longer-term tenants are generally looked after better and are less likely to provide eyesores or fall into dilapidation.”
The petition will be presented to local letting agents at today’s march, starting at Morgan and Sons on Stapleton Road at 11am. Agents will also be invited to explain to residents their policies at a public meeting on Thursday, July 3.
ACORN Bristol had their first action today. We marched to various estate agents to have the members deliver a letter with the campaign demands (no more tenancy fees and rolling monthly contracts) and inviting agents to a meeting on the 3rd of July. ACORN Bristol is definitely buzzing and today three different media groups came out (including the radio that did some interviews with our ACORN members).
Powerpont report from ACORN Honduras.
Report on the work of ACORN Argentina.